Chapter 858 Are you still jealous of your previous life?

The exclamation on Qin Yufeng's face froze.

It's okay for him to praise himself in his previous life, but when he heard Ji Wushuang say that he was better in his previous life than he is now, he felt a little bit wrong.


He opened the memorial with his slender fingers, and said to himself, obviously he is also very powerful in this life, he can read the memorial, he can handle state affairs, and he can...

Taking a sneak peek at Ji Wushuang's belly, he thought to himself that he and Shuangshuang could still give birth to such a smart glutinous rice ball.

No matter how powerful he was in the previous life, did he allow Shuangshuang to conceive and have a child?
Hehe, in the previous life he couldn't ask for Shuangshuang, and even killed Shuangshuang, but in this life he won't, he has already got Shuangshuang's heart, and he will work hard to save Shuangshuang and Tangyuan from this time and space. They will repeat the same mistakes and let both of them die again.

Feeling the spiritual power in his body, he thought to himself, it was a little late for him to stimulate his spiritual power. If he could stimulate his spiritual power since he was a child, he might be even stronger now than he was in his previous life!

How could Ji Wushuang fail to see Qin Yufeng's narrow-minded and jealous look?

She raised her eyebrows and said nothing, but laughed at him in her heart.

She leisurely walked to the desk, lowered her head and lightly kicked the piles of memorials under her feet, "Are these memorials sent from all over Dazhao? Why are there so many?"

Qin Yufeng looked up at her, "There shouldn't be so many. In the past, the memorials sent from all over the country should be selected by the cabinet ministers in batches according to the process. Only matters that the emperor decides will be presented to the imperial court. But isn’t it true that recently all the ministers have been banned by me in the hall and can’t do anything. No one picked out the unimportant ones for me, so I had to read them all by myself. "

Ji Wushuang laughed at him, "Are you too tired to panic? Few of the ministers are worthy of your trust? Can't you let some of them out to do things for you first?"

Qin Yufeng shook his head and said helplessly, "There are a few people who are absolutely trustworthy, but they are all military generals, such as General He, General Shen and others. They told me, and now I let them lead troops to fight and they have nothing to say , kill whoever you want to kill, but if you want them to sit down and watch the memorial, they would rather be locked up in the hall and sleep."

As he spoke, he ordered some of the memorials, "As for the selection of other people... You see, some of these memorials will be sent back after being reviewed. Now that the situation is unstable, I'm afraid that some of the people I selected will not give up. For those who want to be emperors, if they do something in the memorial and send news to contact the various ministries, wouldn’t that cause some trouble for nothing?”

Ji Wushuang kindly made a suggestion, "Why don't you find a few more people and let them cross-review? After reading the memorials assigned to them, they will exchange and read each other's memorials with the opposite person. Hands and feet can be found."

Qin Yufeng sighed, "Those civil servants are thieves. In the past, Emperor Zichen sat on a high place every day when he went to court, and they could wink at each other to pass on news. I can't trust them. I'm afraid they will make trouble. I'd rather work hard by myself." sky."

Ji Wushuang spread her hands.

Since this guy doesn't trust anyone, there's nothing he can do.

He can do more work.

Qin Yufeng handed Ji Wushuang a memorial, "I can absolutely trust you, how about—"

(End of this chapter)

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