Chapter 2065 Brainwashing Fox

Looking at Mao Yiqing's suspicious little eyes, a certain one patiently said: "Cub, listen to me first. The most basic job of the shit shovel officer we are looking for is to prepare food, clothing, housing and transportation for us. It has to be really well prepared. Oh, and that includes shoveling shit."

"Think about it, no matter where we go, someone will help us prepare everything, and he loves you, likes you, is obsessed with helping us with our fur, and serves us comfortably, how good it is?"

Ready for basic necessities?Mao Yiqing thought of how he had always hunted hard in his previous life, and suddenly felt that it would be nice to have someone prepare food for him.

Seeing that Xiao Zai Zai listened, a certain one went on and on: "Of course, these are just the most basic responsibilities. The more important thing is to help us deal with all our troubles. In short, we have to do everything!"

"For example, my excrement shoveler is the one who was bitten by you that day. Look, even if I suddenly want to eat in the middle of the night, he is willing to make it for me right away." A certain dog sweetened his heart while talking , and then said: "And my shit-shoveling officer is very kind to me. He is never willing to attack me. He is almost obedient. If there is something to do, the shit-shoveling officer will go to the shit-shoveling officer. Being an officer is very important to us. If you find a shit-shoveling officer, you will be happy forever.”

Kitty Maomao thought about An Baobao's words, and then asked inexplicably, "But the shit-shoveling officer seems to be very tired, why are those people willing to be our shit-shoveling officer?"

Although Mao Yiqing doesn't understand accidents, she understands one truth: there is no such thing as a free lunch.

It is impossible for others to treat you well for no reason, not to mention that this shit-shoveling officer is not your relative and is not hired by you, why should he do this?

"Stupid cubs." A certain one said with a smile: "You have to believe that we have a special charm for our own shit shovelers. They also have a purpose for being nice to us. For example, they want to lick our fur, Squeeze our claws, there is a price to pay."

After speaking, a certain one said: "Especially you, you have to remember that you are a cold cat owner. Generally, people who like cats have a physique of abuse, so you can ignore your shit shovel officer as much as possible. It's good to reward him with a claw once in a while, like this."

An Baobao turned into a fox prototype, stretching out a claw towards the front with a cold face, and the words "stupid servant don't hurry up and thank you" were written all over his face.Seeing this, Mao Yiqing moved his claws, tentatively making the same expression and movement.

The black-haired cat stretches out its paws to you with a cold and arrogant face, giving you a chance to knead!Oh my god, no matter how I look at it, I think Tsundere is so cute!
"Yes, that's it!" The fat fox said excitedly with his belly upright, "You are so talented!"

"However, it's not enough just to buy people's hearts. You have to remember the most important point: You must make your shit-shoveling officer feel that your attitude towards him is different from other people. He is special in your world." Fox Tuanzi excitedly raised his paw and gestured: "Because happiness is all about comparison. For example, you ignore your shit-shoveling officer, but you will still eat what he prepares, and occasionally give him a little sweetness without scratching." He. But if your attitude towards others is more indifferent, you will never allow strangers to touch them, and you will not eat their food. Anyone who dares to approach them will be fierce. In this way, your shit shoveler will feel happy .”

"Hahaha, this way he will feel that you love him. In fact, we are all pretending." A certain cat was teaching the innocent kitty step by step.

(End of this chapter)

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