Goddess, she's gone

Chapter 582 The Child in Prison

Chapter 582 The Child in Prison
The whole cell was dark and damp, and the environment in the corridor was even worse than the corridor we just passed, which was unpleasant.

Finally, Yin Mang's eyes slowly fell on a figure in the corner of the cell.

It should be personal.

That's all Yin Mang could say.

Because what she saw, the person living in this cage was, to be precise, a child, skinny.

There seemed to be no flesh and blood in the other party's body, just skin wrapped in a layer of bones.

So thin that his face was terrifying.

It looks like a ferocious ghost.

At this moment, the child opened his eyes wide.

Stare at the fluorescent lights overhead.

The light is bright, but it takes about a few seconds for a normal person to get used to it.

The child had obviously been confined in a dark environment for many years.

Only occasionally can you see the light.

The light that was acceptable to normal people caused tears to flow from his eyes.

The child let his eyes continue to shed tears, but silently looked at the bright light above his head.

A thin and deformed face.

Not only that, but there are also various traces of dirt on the face.

I'm afraid that the beggars on the street are three points cleaner than him.

Yin Mang was still standing by the door, and the tall and strong figure of the man with the scar had already walked up to the child.

He squatted down expressionlessly, and said lightly, "Old rules, you cooperate with me, next time I come in, I can bring something you want."

The child stared at the fluorescent lamp quietly for a long time, until the tears stopped flowing from his eyes, he slowly lowered his head.

Seeing that the child was silent, the man with the scar suddenly spoke.

"Since you don't mention it, then store it with me first."

Yin Mang was still standing by the door in a daze, she looked at the silent child.

But I couldn't tell whether the child was a boy or a girl.

The man with the scar took out a sharp dagger from his waist, raised his hand violently, and stabbed it precisely into the child's chest.

He is obviously a practitioner, and he is very accurate in recognizing acupoints.

Precisely inserted the dagger into the heart.

Yin Mang frowned.

Seeing the scarred man expressionlessly collecting the blood flowing from the child, she realized it belatedly.

This should be a... research facility.

In her world, there are also those crazy people who study all kinds of magic.

Some are bold enough to even stretch their claws at the gods and demons.

This child is obviously research material.

She was used to seeing all kinds of things in the world, and she didn't know how much worse than this.

But looking at the child who was stabbed abruptly, his face was still expressionless.

A gloomy mood appeared in the woman's heart.

But she still didn't speak.

Just stood quietly by the door.

Watching the man with the scar finish collecting the samples.

He drew his knife mercilessly.

The wounds on the child began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the blink of an eye, the hideous wound on the child's chest healed again.

The man with the scar stood up and shook the bottle, which was half full of dark red blood.

He walked away without any delay, and went to Yin Mang's side to turn off the lights.

"Come on!"

Seeing that Yin Mang was still standing there, the scarred man grabbed her by the arm and dragged her out of this cell.

After quickly closing the five gates and walking back to the intersection of the three intersections, the man with the scar was visibly relieved.

"It's great that he didn't go crazy today."

Yin Mang could clearly feel that when the man with the scar mentioned the word crazy.

Fear and fear poured out uncontrollably from his entire face.

Even his lips trembled twice.

(End of this chapter)

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