Goddess, she's gone

Chapter 607 White 1!

Chapter 607 Bai Yi!

On the blue sea, several ships loomed in the form of hulls.

Bright beams of light shone from the sea surface, and as the distance approached, the three lifeboats appeared more and more clearly on the sea surface.


The long cry came from afar from the sea, and there seemed to be a strange custom in the sound.

Bai Er listened carefully, and a surprised expression flashed across his cold and handsome face.

He was startled, and after confirming again, he said in a low voice: "It's Bai Yi."

The lifeboat gradually approached, and the lights that were turned on really told everyone on the island.

Someone... came to rescue them.

Until Bai Yi took the lead in leading the people to jump off the side of the boat and waved at everyone, many people didn't react.

Fang Haichen rubbed his eyes and made sure that a group of people came from the beach.

On the surface of the sea, three lifeboats were parked.

"Unexpectedly, can someone really find this place?"

Fang Haichen muttered to himself.

Yin Mang raised his eyes lightly, a faint light was reflected between the black and white pupils.

The radiance was as light as water, blending with the clarity of autumn bamboo.

Bai Yi led five or six people, and rushed to Ying Muzhi, Yin Mang and the others, with beads of sweat still dripping from his forehead.

From a distance just now, Bai Yi saw a shadowy figure.

But at this moment, when he really saw the person, Bai Yi was truly relieved.

These days, Ying Muzhi and Bai Er are completely missing, and no trace can be found on the communicator.

Bai Yi stayed alone in the imperial capital, guarding the Ying family, and had to ensure that the news that Ying Muzhi had become a vegetable would not be suspected by anyone.

Bai Yi felt that this short period of seven days.

It seems like a century has passed.

He would rather be on the list of missing persons than stay in the imperial capital and deal with all kinds of messes.

Bai Yi warmly gave his ice brother a warm and joyful hug.

Tears almost filled his eyes with excitement, and the hands holding Bai Er's shoulders were trembling, "I finally found you!"

"The situation in the imperial capital is very complicated."

While speaking, Bai Yi turned his gaze to Yin Mang uncontrollably.

The morning sun shines over the island and ocean.

All the surrounding scenery is rendered with bright oil painting colors.


The girl stood leisurely in the center of the light, lazily raised her eyelids, and her clear and watery gaze swept over Bai Yi's face.

His eyes are clear and bright, black and white are distinct.

Among them, dizzy with a very special emotion.

She pursed her lips lightly.

"Why, after a long absence, I suddenly found that you fell in love with me?"

Yin Mang put his hands behind his back, his eyebrows were curved, and he smiled into a cute crescent moon.

However, Bai Yi felt a coolness rising from the soles of his feet in the girl's warm smile like a spring breeze.

The biting cold hit the back of his neck.

Shocked, all the hairs on Bai Yi's body exploded.

At the critical moment, Bai Er pulled Bai Yi away, "How do you know we're here?"

The situation on this island is really weird, Bai Er has been living on a deserted island before.

No matter how desperate you are, you can always find a way.

However, even they themselves can't be sure whether this island is still in the sea where humans can see it.

There is no way to ask for help.

As for... Waiting for someone from outside to come over, this idea was immediately discarded.

(End of this chapter)

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