Chapter 857
East seabed.

In the deep sea, the dark blue water is slowly flowing.

A palace-like complex that sits on the ocean floor.

The school of fish swims slowly, but when they get close to the large palace, it seems as if they have touched some invisible barrier, and the school of fish is ejected in an instant.

After being bounced away several times, the swimming fish turned around lightly and bypassed the palace complex.

"My Lady of Saintess."

"That Yin Mang already knew that his father was kidnapped by us."

"Right now, I'm guessing I'm desperately looking for someone."

The person who reported could not conceal the sarcasm and malice in his voice. After he finished speaking, he couldn't help laughing twice.

"Miss Saintess' plan is so ingenious and ingenious, no one would have thought that you would find their hiding place."

"This group of idiots definitely don't know that the Holy Maiden put a positioning mark on that group of people many years ago."

"It's ridiculous that they can't escape our control even if they move even a little bit, and they want to hide people under our noses."

The saint, dressed in white, stood expressionlessly in front of the palace gate.

She looked at the school of fish swimming slowly past outside the barrier, and said coldly.

"Is Yin Qingxuan awake?"

"Already awake, my lord saint."

The man who reported was slightly stiff.

Quickly bowed his head, not daring to look at the face of the saint,
Lowering his voice, he reported cautiously.

"It's just that, my lord, the soul control spell doesn't seem to work on Yin Qingxuan..."

Their omnipotent soul control spell failed on Yin Qingxuan.

"What did you say?!"


"Who presided over the Soul Control Curse?"

Just now, the saintess who was still condensed suddenly turned her head, and a violent look flashed in her eyes.

But soon, he covered the emotion in his eyes again.

He calmed down quickly, and said in a voice that was as impermanent as before, but extremely cold: "The Soul Control Curse has gone wrong."

"Or is there something wrong with that man's three souls and seven souls?"

The soul control spell is the strongest spell developed by their fallen immortals over the years.

Even if a cultivator falls under this spell, it is not easy to break free.

Therefore, Yin Qingxuan has supernatural powers.

But he was just an ordinary person, how could he escape the shackles of the spell?

The coercion emanating from the saintess caused waves of water to ripple.

The few men who bowed and stood in front of her were dripping with cold sweat and had goose bumps all over their bodies.


Once the saintess gets angry, their lives can be...

"My lord, please calm down."

"Elder Ziyu said that there is something weird about this man, maybe someone made defense preparations on him in advance. The spell didn't work because it didn't attach to him at all."

"...Prepare for defense!"

The saint narrowed her eyes lightly, as if thinking of something.

"This Yin Mang has some means and skills."

"Unexpectedly, it can block our soul control spell."

"Take me to have a look."

She went to cast this soul-controlling curse herself, but she didn't believe it, Yin Qingxuan couldn't be restrained.

Yin Qingxuan is an extremely important part of her plan, and nothing can go wrong.

This man must be in his hands.

The girl seemed to think of something, and there was endless fanaticism in those eyes.

She has prepared for so many years.

She gave everything just to overcome the tribulation and ascend to Taoism and become an immortal.

Never go wrong at the last moment.

(End of this chapter)

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