Lucky Chef

Chapter 401

Chapter 401

Luo Jin didn't go to the wine shop today, and didn't go to the private herbal restaurant, but went directly to the Miao Tea Pavilion. She had to find Yu Rufeng.

Yu Rufeng was naturally in the teahouse, and Luo Jin caught them one by one.

Ming Yu Rufeng was on the second floor, so he went straight up, and the first thing he said when he saw Yu Rufeng was, "Why didn't you tell me his identity?"

Yu Rufeng naturally knew that he was referring to Shao Luo, "A gentleman doesn't gossip about people behind their backs."

"I'll go to your gentleman."

Probably because Luo Jin had never heard of Luo Jin being so swearing, Yu Rufeng was taken aback.

Luo Jin didn't care about him, and was still talking angrily, but while he was talking too much, he spread paper on his hand, took a pen, and started to write.

Although Shao Luo is still driving her now, Luo Jin knows through the fireball that there are at least two people behind her.

The only one who can help her is Yu Rufeng, she has to make a show for those who are watching.

Yu Rufeng read the words written by Luo Jin, his eyes were suddenly lit up with a glint of light, and he suddenly became radiant.

He didn't speak, but took the pen and drew a picture.

The people downstairs were all busy, and they could only hear the shopkeeper's wife blaming Young Master Yu non-stop. They couldn't see what was going on, and felt that their shopkeeper's wife was going too far.

Even Liu Yan felt that his wife was going too far.

Madam is really like what she said to her in the car, like a firecracker on fire, it’s fine to blame Mr. Yu without thinking, but also pick up old things, from the beginning of recognizing Yu Rufeng, until the end Now, in short, it is distorting the facts and making Yu Rufeng worthless and useless.

Poor Mr. Yu occasionally explained a few words in a low voice, and Madam could always find a point of attack.

It's like a firecracker being lit!

Liu Yan didn't dare to go upstairs and stayed at the entrance of the corridor.

Mingyan and Hongxiu's eyes turned red.

But he didn't dare to go up, he could only secretly rejoice, fortunately, it was early and there were no guests in the tea pavilion, otherwise, where would the young master Yu's face go.

Upstairs, Luo Jin looked and looked at the map drawn by Yu Rufeng, and after finally making sure to memorize it, he tore up the map and winked at Yu Rufeng, who smiled with a smile on his face Indulging in pampering and tolerance, he nodded slightly.

Luo Jin also nodded, and said sorry silently with her lips moving.With a waist, he lifted the tea table, and said angrily, "Yu Rufeng, I didn't expect you to be such a person. From now on, we are no longer friends, and you don't come to me anymore!"

Yu Rufeng was very cooperative, and explained with aggrieved voice, "Luo Jin, I..."

"What are you, go away! I will never see you again!"

While speaking, Luo Jin casually took a cup and smashed it to the ground.

With a crackling sound, Yu Rufeng turned around and quickly went downstairs.

All the people downstairs looked over, and saw that Yu Rufeng's warm smile that had remained unchanged for thousands of years was gone, and his face was condensed, as if he was very angry, and he left the tea pavilion without saying anything.

When Luo Jin came down again, a few people who didn't know why surrounded him, and Hongxiu was about to cry, "Madam, you are too much! How can you say that about Young Master Yu..."

Mingyan stood aside but did not speak.

Liu Yan went to bring a cup of tea to Luo Jin, and Luo Jin drank it in one gulp, "My mouth is dry after shouting for a long time." As if she didn't hear Hong Xiu's words, she continued to complain, "Are you still friends? Are there any friends like him?" ?”

Looking at the crowd of people who came over, "Why are you here to see? What should I do!"

Seeing that Luo Jin's expression was not good, Hongxiu didn't dare to say anything, and hid away with tears in his eyes. You look at me, I look at you, and you should do whatever you want.

In the Miao Tea Pavilion, there are only six people working in total. Mingyan Hongxiu makes tea, Agen waits in the hall, and three women, two boil water and wash tea sets, and one does chores in the front hall. In the days when Luo Jin is not around, this counts as The only one who collects the money is the waiter Agen.

He stayed in the Miao Tea Pavilion for a while, and reconciled with A Gen. By noon, all the guests had arrived.

He helped greet the guests, and gave some instructions, and at two or three o'clock in the afternoon, he took Liu Yan and left.

When I went back, I didn’t go up the mountain first, but went for a stroll in the winery, listened to the report, got some ideas, and made some arrangements, then went to the small courtyard of Luo’s family at the east end of the village to see Luo Sanniang has gone.

One is not good, if he was really tied into Beijing by that guy, it will not be easy to see him in the future.


When Shao Shishi saw his wife entered the small courtyard of the Luo family, he went straight up the mountain.

Excitedly reported to my grandfather Lin what happened in Miaocha Pavilion today, it was very satisfying.

Said that Madam said that the Jade Buddha was worthless, and the Jade Buddha left in disgrace, and the two broke up from then on.

Shao Luo waved Shao Shishi down, but told Ning Da, "I'm afraid it's not that simple, keep an eye on Madam, and send two more people to protect the old lady at the foot of the mountain."

The only person who can hold that stupid girl is her mother, Luo Sanniang.

In the small courtyard of Luo Jin's house, Luo Jin and Luo Sanniang had an unpleasant conversation.

Sure enough, as Luo Jin expected, she just started, showing that she didn't want to live with Shao Luo, and Luo Sanniang was going to die.

Luo Jin also insinuated that Shao Luo's family is very rich, and there is a fiancée who has already made an engagement just waiting for him to go back to the door, and now he wants to take her back to her hometown to marry someone else... and so on, although not all the truth, But apart from not mentioning his identity, what he said was almost the same.

Luo Sanniang was only stunned for a second, and she was much more determined than her. She only said that she was married by Shao Luoba in a sedan chair. He didn't mean to blame Shao Luo at all.

Also said that one woman does not matter two husbands...

What did you say, after passing through the door, follow your husband in everything, and you must not violate it. Luo Jin was really defeated by her.


Besides, Luo Jiaojiao, after she rescued Shen Qin and returned to Shen Qin, her mood began to improve.

As soon as he got out of the empty house that day, he asked for leave, went to the city to buy a new set of cotton clothes, and sent them to Shen Qin.

Shen Qin actually didn't dislike the rough clothes, with a smile on his face, he took it and put it on.

Leaning on the grass, the charm of the whole body is not damaged by the rough country cotton-padded clothes, but adds another charm, which is still the seductive flowers blooming in the mountains in March.

The winking eyes that flew and the thank you in a deep voice broke Luo Jiaojiao's heart instantly.

Every morning and evening after that, Luo Jiaojiao would avoid people and go to the empty room at the head of the village to deliver food to Shen Qin.

That old Litou used to be a salesman. In order to do business in other villages, so that he could get in and out easily. Although it was the first house in the village, the house was a few steps away from the village community, so no one passed by and no one was suspicious.

Shen Qin said that he had nothing to do and wanted to practice calligraphy, and she brought him a pen and paper.

Wang found out that Luo Jiaojiao had been running outside all the time recently, and she was a little murmured in her heart, but seeing that her daughter's complexion was much better now, and she no longer moved and shed tears, she didn't think about it any further.

Anyway, she's going to get married next year, let her live a comfortable life as she wishes, her own children know it, and they won't do shameful things.

A few days later, Shen Qin's cronies escorting the car on the way back to Beijing had already made an appointment with Shen Qin to release carrier pigeons every few days to report the itinerary.

On that day, the carrier pigeon found Shen Qin, and Shen Qin had already prepared to write down the news here, and asked the carrier pigeon to bring the letter to that confidant, instructing him to forward the letter to King Qi.

The smile on the corner of Wu Renchu's mouth was not a charm, but a bloodthirsty ecstasy.

Within three days, King Qi would receive news that the secret army here was picked by Ning Shaonuo, and when he was angry, he would send troops to surround and kill them.

Even if you can't kill him, hurt him, and cause him trouble, it will relieve him a lot!

(End of this chapter)

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