Lucky Chef

Chapter 784

Chapter 784
I have to say that Princess Nanjin was very clever. Somehow she wiped Luo Jin's face, and Luo Jin's face changed. It was only five or six points similar to before, and even her voice changed.

It's not that Luo Jin is very obedient, he only knows that it's useless to obey.

Rather, she could feel Princess Nanjin's killing intent towards Luo Sanniang.

Every time Princess Nanjin talked about Luo Sanniang's cold eyes, she really wanted to kill Luo Sanniang, so that Luo Jin would not dare to gamble.

More importantly, Luo Sanniang is on her way to Nanqiang, and she must go to Nanqiang if she wants to save Luo Sanniang.

Moreover, Luo Jin originally planned to go to Nanqiang to find Ning Shaonuo after saving Luo Sanniang.

Someone cleared the way for her and arranged for her to get food, clothing, housing and transportation all the way, so why not do it.

When we arrived at Nanqiang, we saved Luo Sanniang depending on the situation. Anyway, she can guarantee her own safety. At worst, go into the space to hide. Anyway, Jingzhong cheated her to death.

Of course, this was also the decision she made after another quarrel with Princess Nan Jin.

On the day of the coincidence, Princess Nanjin said that she was her own mother, Luo Jin naturally denied it, and asked why Princess Nanjin harbored hatred for Luo Sanniang who had no threat to her.

Princess Nanjin said directly bitterly, if it wasn't for the perjury of the village woman, how could you recognize the thief as your father, and let her rest assured that after she meets Luo Sanniang, everything will be clear, and she will know who her mother is up.

Those words naturally broke up again, but Luo Jin knew that Princess Nanjin would definitely let her see Luo Sanniang again, because she wanted to confront her.

Luo Jin is really not interested in confrontation or not, she just wants to see Luo Sanniang.

Near noon, a group of people went to an inn to rest.

After Luo Jin finished his meal, he went directly to his room to rest.

She didn't even want to take a look at those people downstairs!

Because Luo Jin was really afraid that he could not help but speak ill to these people, which would cause Luo Sanniang to suffer.

"Knock down."

Someone knocked on the door, Luo Jin looked up, but didn't make a sound, and ignored it.

"Girl, are you resting? The old slave has something to say to the girl."

Luo Jin still ignored it.

She knew very well in her heart that what Nanny Zhou said was pleasant, and she treated herself as a so-called master, but did she really respect herself so much?


Look, didn't this open the door and walk in without the permission of her master?What is the difference between asking or not asking just now?
Luo Jin remained lying on the bed without moving, her face turned to the inside, even though Nanny Zhou was standing by the bed, she did not move a bit.

Cold treatment or something, apart from being able to use this to treat her, she really doesn't know how to communicate with this group of people.

I just hope to go to Nanxuan soon and see Luo Sanniang soon.

"Girl, this old slave knows that you haven't fallen asleep, and this old slave also knows that it's really wrong to come here at this time..."

Zhou's mother has changed her words to her, and only calls her a girl, not the princess anymore.

"Since you know, why do you still come? You keep saying that you understand, that you know, but in the end, you do things that run counter to what you say. The upbringing in Nanjin's palace really makes people dumbfounded!"

Nanny Zhou was interrupted by Luo Jin before she could finish her righteous words.

She got up, looked at Nanny Zhou sharply, and immediately made Nanny Zhou stand there in embarrassment after she finished speaking, not knowing what to do.

She is the most face-saving servant around Princess Nanjin. In Prince Nanjin's mansion, apart from King Nanjin and Princess Wang, even the eldest son would give her some face when he saw her.

Has she ever been put down like this?
Immediately, Nanny Zhou's complexion became ugly.

"Girl, what you said is wrong."

Luo Jin looked at Nanny Zhou amusedly, but wanted to hear what else this old servant could come up with!
"What's wrong, come and give me a lecture, so that I can see what education is."

"The old slave dare not teach the girl. The old slave is doing this for your own good. The old slave couldn't bear to see you and the concubine's mother and daughter divorced, so he came here to persuade you rashly. But he didn't want to be misunderstood by the girl like this. The old slave I'm really ashamed."

Worthy of being a human being, with one mouthful and one old slave, he became humble all of a sudden, and what he said was full of unspeakable difficulties.

She who was interrupted and preached just now became the aggressive one.

"Heh... As expected of being the most capable assistant beside Princess Nan Jin, what Nanny Zhou said really opened Luo Jin's horizons!"

The meaning of these words, Mother Zhou naturally understood, but she just smiled.

"Okay, no matter what you want to say, I don't want to hear and I'm not interested in knowing about your princess. If there is any news about my mother, please let me know. If not, the door will turn left over there."


"In your eyes, am I a prisoner?"


That's right, Luo Jin placed himself in the position of a prisoner.

As for the girls they were talking about?
Sorry, she didn't sense it, her surname is not Wang, not Miss Wang.

"Girl..." Mother Zhou wanted to explain.

"go out."

Looking at Luo Jin's cold expression, Zhou's mother opened her mouth, wanting to say something, but finally closed her mouth, bent slightly, then turned and walked out of the room.

After a short break at noon, a group of people continued to set off in the afternoon.

When it was approaching evening, I finally arrived at a town, and Princess Nan Jin bought the entire inn directly with a big deal.

Regarding this, Luo Jin just glanced at Princess Nan Jin lightly, and didn't say much.

It's none of her business at all, so she won't just say things that shouldn't be said in her free time.

Apart from a few confidantes who knew something, everyone was also very curious about Princess Nanjin bringing this "Miss Wang" back to Nanjin.

This girl has never had a good look towards the princess, but the princess still tolerates everything, no matter how you look at it, she doesn't seem to be sympathetic to the princess.

However, no one would take a second look, let alone talk about it. The concubine would tolerate Miss Wang, but she would not show any mercy to them.

Of course they never forgot that one of the guards only took one more look at Miss Wang, and that night the princess gouged out his eyes and executed him.

Luo Jin also knew about this. Princess Nan Jin killed the person in front of her, as if to warn her not to act recklessly. San Niang.

At night, Luo Jin will go to the space recently, because there are two women guarding her door, and she is not worried that someone will come in suddenly.

In the space, Luo Jin came here first to relax, second to make poison, and third, to practice.

The last time she was poisoned by the bitch Guo, she was a blessing in disguise, because after a few days, the aura that she always felt before was no longer vague, but really existed.

She didn't have a master, so when she asked Huoqiuer, Huoqiuer didn't have any good advice except to give her the martial arts cheat book she had memorized before.

So she can only explore by herself.

However, I don't know whether it is because she has read the book a hundred times or because she has true energy in her body. Every time she reads the martial arts secret book, the true energy in her body seems to echo with her. Now she seems to be able to move freely. I'm really angry.

However, there is no way to do it. For her, true energy is just strength now. She has more strength to hit people, runs faster, and is less likely to get tired.

 The third one is five o'clock in the afternoon, okay~!

(End of this chapter)

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