Was taken away by the e-sports god again

Chapter 783 It's just farting!

Chapter 783 It's just farting!
Just when Gu Si was about to refuse, two beautifully dressed women walked over from behind the assistant director.

She saw that these were the two who came out of the assistant director's room in the morning...

When they appeared, the staff around them immediately showed disgusted expressions. It was obvious that the crew had known about their overt and secret collusion for a long time.

The assistant director's eyes fluttered for a while, seeing that last night was very ecstasy, and then he pretended to be angry and said, "Nonsense, your part of the scene is still behind, what's the hurry, today's scene is very important, I You have to guide yourself!"

"Wow, the assistant director is amazing!"

"We all adore you to death."

The assistant director was overjoyed by the praise, and he held the script in his hand, "Listen, Gu Si."

"Here, when brother Bai Ting wants to reach out to catch him, he must dodge quickly, you know? Otherwise, it won't show that the zombie's speed is different from ordinary people!"

"And here, it says that Bai Ye didn't know why he suddenly saw his brother who fell down in the dark night when he couldn't see his fingers. Remember, there must be something in your eyes!"

"Zombies are very vicious things. They have no emotions, they are only interested in tearing apart life... By the way, you will need a make-up artist to make up special effects for you later on. It is a bit difficult to find zombies in terms of acting skills. I still have to rely on my makeup skills..."

The assistant director kept talking self-righteously. After a long while, he saw Gu Si standing there with a very "serious" look, making a gesture to pat Gu Si on the shoulder, "What you want to learn is—"

Gu Si pretended to be careless and bent over to straighten his trouser legs, avoiding the other party's touch very naturally.

There must be something in the eyes...

The speed of dodging must be fast...

What's the difference between this and vegetables being a dish and pork being a meat?
It's just fart!
These nonsense, Gu Si was also lazy to argue with this assistant director who didn't look very smart, but Gu Si disagreed with his comments on zombies.

I'm afraid he has never seen a little zombie pretending to be cute and coquettish!

I have never seen that the sum of the world's top [-] most attractive people is not as beautiful as the Zombie King!
The zombies in the last days and the zombies mentioned in the 21st century movies and TV series are almost different except for some similarities in speed and force.

The zombies described in "Two Worlds" have one thing in common with the zombies in other movies. Most of them look horrible, have no consciousness, only eat meat, and act by smell and hearing.

This is very different from the zombies she used to deal with every day.

When Gu Si received the script, he had an urge to communicate with Director Ji, but he never had the chance.

Although it is said that the finalization of the script must have been decided by Director Ji before he decided to start filming, but Gu Si still wanted to try to change it based on what he knew about the zombies.

The premise of the change is to present a convincing performance when filming.

The assistant director didn't expect Gu Si to avoid him, but he couldn't find fault with the boy.

"Assistant director, the green screen is ready, we can start now."

The voice of the staff in the distance broke the calm, and the assistant director restrained his displeasure, "The filming has started!"

"Three, two, one, Action!"

In the "darkness", a slender figure appeared in the camera, however, he stumbled before taking a few steps!

Such a unique way of appearance immediately attracted everyone's attention!

Gu Si, unexpectedly performed the action of being tripped by the threshold so realistically!

If it wasn't for the emptiness under the green screen, they really thought that Gu Si was tripped by something!

(End of this chapter)

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