Was taken away by the e-sports god again

Chapter 802 All Media Support Gu Si!

Chapter 802 All Media Support Gu Si!
[Fuck?Is the sun coming out in the west?This is the first time I see these e-sports media all praising one person at the same time! 】

[I watched the video, and the fourth brother said that tears filled my eyes. Is my tear point too low? 】

[As a veteran of the e-sports circle, I’m telling you that it’s not that you cry low, it’s that his words really touched our hearts. 】

[Since e-sports became a profession, all my family members opposed me and looked down on me. I never took a step back, just to prove that my original choice was not wrong! 】

[Everyone says that there are no girlfriends in e-sports, but it's because we usually have too much training and no time to fall in love! 】

[To be honest, my first love was really good. I grew up with her childhood sweetheart. Except for her, everyone in my family opposed me becoming a professional e-sports player. I am very grateful to her.Qianqian, I hope you and him will have a happy life. Also, I am now the team's starter, and I have succeeded. 】

[Only we know how difficult the road of professional players is. If you fight well, you should be scolded. If you don’t play well, you will be punished for life. Not an Internet buzzword, but really autistic! 】

[Gu sir is right. There is no high or low profession. What's more, professional players who can stand in the starting lineup do not earn as little as everyone thinks. As long as we work hard, we can buy houses and cars with our own hands and realize our dreams. ideal! 】

[Yuji looks down on us, so the unspoken stars they interviewed are a matter of glory? 】

[It is very difficult to obtain the approval of a single person, let alone the approval of the whole society!I used to have no feelings for Sir Gu, but after hearing what he said today, I really think he is a very righteous person! 】

【indeed.For us, everything is earned with our own hands. Gu sir's reputation today is due to his own strength in the past few months. Those who are jealous of him can only say that their level is too low. I can only lean back and play carefully. 】

[I am very curious about what the reporter said, what are those "rumors"!Could it be that the fourth brother was framed because he accepted the script and blocked the interests of certain stars? 】

[Although I’m not a fan of Gu Si, but I’ve read the news, it’s said that the live filming pictures of “Two Worlds” were leaked, and everyone said that Gu Si leaked it for hype. Now it seems that this matter is very likely It's just a rumor from the reporter. 】

[If it's really that simple.The fourth brother would not say so much to clarify for himself and e-sports, there must be a lot of things that we don't know about! 】

[It doesn't matter, we eat with our own hands, and we are not afraid of being questioned! 】

[Top four brothers!It is a man who speaks these words with confidence! 】

[This wave will definitely stop Sir. 】

[The atmosphere is so heavy, I don't even dare to come out and call my husband, blah blah!My husband is really cool and handsome, don't worry, your harem is full of obedient babies, and your three views are very upright! 】

The number of retweets on this Weibo exceeded [-] within an hour, and it is still increasing rapidly.

The e-sports clubs, team leaders, and members who received the news also forwarded their comments one after another.

[KO team official blog (forward): "KO soul, e-sports dream", KO team, the brave are fearless! 】

[ZGLT team official blog (forward): Sir Gu is right!The times really should be rewritten!E-sports that win glory for the country is worth looking forward to! 】

(End of this chapter)

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