Was taken away by the e-sports god again

Chapter 825 A Victim of Jealousy!

Chapter 825 A Victim of Jealousy!

It's a pity that the evil spirit of Leng Feng was so strong that everyone dared not raise their heads, so how could they care to appreciate Junci's rare smile!
"Hey, what wind brought you here, brat!"

Just when the air was almost suffocated at this moment, Ji An appeared in the lobby with a group of people, completely breaking the weird atmosphere of the restaurant!

Thus, the farce of the breakfast slowly came to an end.

However, the men's war has just begun now!
After breakfast, Ji An and the others went to the set, and Junci also left with the others because he had a scene to play.

So Leng Feng and Gu Si were left in the hotel.

Tomorrow is the national individual exhibition competition. Originally, Gu Si decided to take the plane in the afternoon, but he did not expect that Leng Feng came to Shudian to pick up Gu Si to go to S city.

And Gu Si was not filming in Shudian, Fan Mingjiu and Qian Ying'er seemed awkward here alone, so they also decided to go to S city together to support Gu Si.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a black ultra-luxury car set off from the hotel and headed towards S City...


The driver drives, and Ah Wu sits in the passenger seat.

Gu Si hugged Miao Miao and Leng Feng and sat in the back, Qian Yinger sat in the second row, Fan Mingjiu took a look, and sat in the first row wisely.



The phone hadn't stopped vibrating since morning.

But Leng Feng was by his side, Fan Mingjiu didn't even dare to take out his mobile phone to have a look. Until now, he carefully glanced at Leng Feng and Gu Si who were a few places behind him, before he dared to take out his mobile phone.

WeChat reminder:

You have been invited into the group chat [Condemn Fan Mingjiu! 】.

[Fourth brother's cousin: Fuck, Fan Mingjiu!Who is the newcomer?Why did he become a group leader and kicked me out!Lao Tzu is the No. 30 man behind the fourth brother. He is the 590th man who dares to kick me? ? ? Damn it! ! 】

[Fourth brother's cousin: I was kicked too! MD Fan Mingjiu, you still pretend to be dead with me, don't you deserve a beating!When we return to Haicheng, we will be the first to deal with you! 】

[Fourth Brother's Stone: Ninth Brother, what's going on?How did I hear that F is Young Master Leng?I'll go, how did he know about our group! 】

[Fourth brother's cousin: If he finds out, it's okay!Didn't we agree at the beginning that this matter must not be leaked to be known by Young Master Leng?Well, this didn't wait for the fourth brother to put Leng Shao in the limbo, we were f*cked in the limbo by him first! 】

Fan Mingjiu read through the group chats and private messages, and then said:
[Gu Jiajun Wudi (Fan Mingjiu:) I was fucking kicked out too, so don't be blind!We are all victims of the jealousy of adults! 】

Speaking of grievances, he is no less than anyone else!

[Gu Jiajun Wudi (Fan Mingjiu:) Today, while you were daydreaming, Li Ang shook you all out!At that time, Young Master Leng was next to me, and I was almost scared to death! 】

[Everyone: ... Fuck you, bullshit, is Li Ang drifting away!If you want to die, you will pull us in! 】

[Gu Jiajun Wudi (Fan Mingjiu:) Don’t mention it, and do you know that fourth brother and the others went to the Warrior Academy, the legendary president of the student union who is a thief, seems to like fourth brother a lot! 】

[Fourth Brother's Stone: What?This is even more cruel bad news than being kicked out of the group chat! 】

[Fourth Brother's Cousin: Impossible, how long has Fourth Brother been in Warrior Academy?How can he attract people's attention—could it be that the fourth brother has done something extraordinary? 】

[Gu Jiajun Wudi (Fan Mingjiu:) I saw with my own eyes that the president was serving food for the fourth brother, and even helped him wipe his mouth!It's really disgusting!I heard Brother Yu said before that there is a promotion system in Yizui Warriors Academy, and the fourth brother is like a thief, in short, it is not worse than when he was in the third middle school! 】

(End of this chapter)

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