Was taken away by the e-sports god again

Chapter 838 Xiao Wei on the rooftop!

Chapter 838 Xiao Wei on the rooftop!

Because in eating chicken, the player can see where the enemy killed himself after death, so Fenghuang can clearly see that Gu Si is not on the roof at all, but a small second on the opposite side of the roof. building.

In fact, the location of that building is very remote, not a hot place, but he actually shot himself in the head there, which can only show that Gu Si is not only accurate in marksmanship, but also has a thorough research on angles, which is extremely shocking to everyone. In terms of desert maps that are rarely played, it is very rare.

Originally, they thought that the KO team's desert map would be very poor, so they didn't pay attention to them at all. Now it seems... In the four-row league in half a month, the KO team will be the focus of attention.


Gu Si got off the stage, and the staff who walked towards her smiled and congratulated her, "Gu sir, there is an interview in 10 minutes, do you want to prepare first?"

"Well, I'm going to the bathroom." After Gu Si finished speaking, he walked towards the bathroom familiarly.

At this time, the cheers on and off the field of the game can still be faintly heard. Gu Si is quite satisfied with today's performance. Since Dr. Zhongjin checked her body and adjusted her body, she has never appeared in the last four-row league. The kind of mistake at the time was perfect.

While walking, Gu Si thought about going back to practice the desert map for Han Yu and Wang Zichen again. Today's individual competition gave her some new insights.

Recruited, a figure flashed at the end of the corridor.

Gu Si's hand that was about to push open the bathroom door stopped.

It turned out that the face she saw on the live broadcast on the big screen was not mistaken, it was indeed Xiao Wei!

Her skinny figure was so eye-catching, Gu Si narrowed his eyes slightly.

Xiao Wei sneakily appeared backstage during her competition, what was she going to do?
With Xiaowei's speed, it would be very fast for Gu Si to catch up with her, but unexpectedly, after following all the way, Xiaowei actually went to the roof of the chicken eating arena!

Gu Si went up to the rooftop and found that Xiao Wei was standing not far away looking at him, that calm appearance clearly lured her up on purpose.

I haven't seen the girl for a long time, her whole face has become thin and out of shape, not as rosy as when we first met, her hair is tangled like dead wood, as if it hasn't been tidied up for a long time, her eyes are too thin and only There are two black eyes left, staring straight at the appearance of the person, especially the person.

"I knew you saw me." Xiaowei's hoarse voice startled Gu Si slightly, where did her soft and beautiful voice go?

"What? Could it be that my male duck voice can't get into the ears of the famous fourth brother?" Xiao Wei chuckled, her teeth were a little sharp in the sun, "Anyone can despise me, but you, Gu Si, are not qualified !"

"I really regret why I asked you to play for me that day... If you hadn't played for me, we wouldn't have won the championship, let alone send Brother Scar to jail... I wouldn't have known him ..."

What Xiaowei said about him was obviously Leng Feng.

"I really love him. I worshiped him when I didn't see him. After I saw him, I couldn't help falling in love with him."

A trace of tenderness flashed in Xiaowei's eyes, and when she looked at Gu Si, her eyes suddenly recovered, "It's you! Everything is you! Since you can help me win the championship, why can't you help me win the KO?" Team! I just love him, I just want to be with him, why don't you all see me well!"

(End of this chapter)

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