Was taken away by the e-sports god again

Chapter 934 The video of the truth about falling from a building is exposed!

Chapter 934 The video of the truth about falling from a building is exposed!

Dao Ge was not good at words, so he simply sat in silence, while Wang Zichen kept swiping his phone, not knowing what he was looking at.

So apart from the good atmosphere at Zhang Chao and Han Yu who were bartending, the atmosphere on the sofa is obviously a bit subtle.

Until an exclamation broke the silence.

"Master, the day Xiaowei fell from the building, someone took a video of the scene!"

Gu Si raised his eyebrows, "What video?"

"I sent you the link on WeChat, what the hell, why did I think of sending it at this time! Really!" Wang Zichen said, Gu Si's cell phone had already rang, she took out the phone and clicked on Wang Zichen sent link.

[The truth about a woman who fell from a building!I finally had the courage to post the video...]

[First of all, everyone should know who the protagonist involved is when the incident of falling from the building is mentioned.I will stop talking nonsense. Many people earlier accused the official of only issuing a statement but not releasing evidence for a long time. Even the "National God" was scolded during the game, but in fact everyone really wronged him!
I myself am a fan of the YD team. I sneaked into the backstage and wanted to find Fenghuang to ask for an autograph, but I ran into this "national male god" following a girl. Kind of, but I didn't expect to see a shocking scene!
To be honest, I really wanted to delete this video out of fear after the incident, but luckily, the "National God" was acquitted, and my heart was relieved.

But the public opinion against the "National Male God" has not settled down for a long time. The anxiety made me watch all kinds of news on the Internet every day. Until yesterday, my cousin came to my house as a guest and found the video on my mobile phone.

So today I came to Weibo.

I just want to say that although things are irrelevant in this society and are held high, the truth of some things still needs to be made public. Regarding this point, I am not even as good as my cousin who is three years younger than me, and I am deeply ashamed!The following is the live video I recorded that day, after that, I will quit Weibo!Thanks! 】

Below this long article, there is a loading video.

"Anyone can dislike me, but you, Gu Si, are not qualified!"

"I really regret why I asked you to play for me that day... If you hadn't played for me, we wouldn't have won the championship... I wouldn't have known him..."

"It's you! Everything is you! Since you can help me win the championship, why can't you help me enter the KO team! I just love him, I just want to be with him, why don't you all see me!"

"Despicable you, you clearly promised not to join the KO team, but in the end you became the backbone of their team. You also shamelessly formed a CP with the man I love most... Oh, you are just dreaming! You are a man, the Leng family Such an aristocratic family will never tolerate such a stain on his heir! You are at best his toy!"

"I, Gu Si, have always done things with a clear conscience. I helped your team win the championship. You didn't appreciate me when you were enjoying the glory, but now your mind is full of my fault... To be honest, your parents didn't teach you to be a human being. report?"

"You can scold, you can scold as much as you want now, soon, you won't be able to scold me anymore."

"Xiaowei, you have to think clearly about what to do. Don't be sorry to your parents, sorry to those who love you, and don't be sorry to yourself."

(End of this chapter)

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