Road edge float

Chapter 119: Chapter 119

Chapter 119 Chapter [-] Within the Secret Realm
Under such an attack, the ferocious beast still stared at Yan Kaiting, and still turned towards Yan Kaiting while avoiding it.As soon as Fu Mingxuan thought about it, he quickly flew into the sky, and quickly landed in front of Yan Kaiting. A majestic sword intent, like a flood, came out of the sword, and swept straight towards the fierce beast that was rushing towards it.

The ferocious beast couldn't dodge at all. The moment the sword intent attacked, the ferocious beast let out a mournful cry, the sound resounded through the sky, and immediately fell to the ground. Following Fu Mingxuan's several sword lights, the ferocious beast whimpered. The sound became smaller and smaller, and finally lost all vitality.

Surprisingly, not long after the beast died, it turned into a stream of water vapor and disappeared before the two of them.

Yan Kaiting finally understood why this beast attacked him like this. This beast was born with water, water and fire are incompatible, and instinctively came to attack Yan Kaiting.

For Yan Kaiting's thunder and fire attack, he has his own way to neutralize it, but for Fu Mingxuan who has multiple attributes, he has no power to fight back.

After a small storm passed, the two continued to climb up. It didn't take long for the road under their feet to become smoother, and the surrounding woods also became sparse. It seemed that they were not far from the top of the mountain.

The fog on the top of the mountain was still very dense, and the field of vision was as limited as in the forest. The two of them walked and watched, but they didn't notice any difference, but the deathly silence surrounded them.

In this kind of extreme tranquility, Yan Kaiting always felt that there was a strange feeling surrounding him. It seemed that this strangeness came from the tranquility itself which could not exist at all.Frowning and looking around, except for the beast just now, there is no sign of any living beings on the whole mountain.

So what does the hunter usually hunt when he goes up the mountain?The more Yan Kaiting thought about it, the more something was wrong. Suddenly, as if he had tripped over something, he staggered forward and almost threw himself into Fu Mingxuan who was in front of him.

After standing still, I saw that my right foot tripped over a vine lying in the middle of the road. I don't know what kind of species this vine is. He stretched out his foot again and stepped on it.

But he didn't expect the vine to seem to come alive, and it circled around quickly, firmly covering Yan Kaiting's right foot, and shouted "Ah!", Yan Kaiting was thrown at him by the unknown vine. Dragging it in the bushes, the strength is so great that Yan Kaiting was born with brute force, so he couldn't break free for a while.

Hearing Yan Kaiting's call, Fu Mingxuan who was walking in front suddenly turned around, only to see Yan Kaiting being dragged to the left by the vine, Fu Mingxuan didn't have time to laugh at Yan Kaiting's embarrassed appearance, so he raised his sword and wanted to Cut off the vines.

Fu Mingxuan was also puzzled, he just walked over, why didn't he notice the vine?In my field of vision, this vine clearly does not exist.

A ray of sword light slashed, and there was a clang, as if standing on a hard black copper pipe, making a crisp sound, but the vine was intact, still dragging Yan Kaiting back.

After being dragged on for a while, Yan Kaiting also became impatient!Why does everything that moves in this forest seem to have a grudge against him? Yan Kaiting inserted his hands into the ground tightly, lifted his right leg upwards, and stepped on a rock with his left foot, wanting to wrestle with the vines, but He didn't expect that his right leg couldn't be lifted at all. After going on like this, Yan Kaiting only felt that his right leg was about to be torn off by the vine.

"Hmph!" Yan Kaiting snorted coldly, put his hands together, and was thinking of some other countermeasures to deal with this ghost, when Fu Mingxuan shouted at the side: "Brother Ting! Burn it with fire!"

Yan Kaiting's eyes lit up, and a ball of golden flames shone between his hands. One could tell that the purity was extremely high. Yan Kaiting turned around and burned towards the vine. The moment he touched the flame, the vine suddenly burst into flames. Shaking, the strength holding Yan Kaiting's right foot was reduced a bit, Yan Kaiting continued to bless the flames, the vine was like a painful snake, put down Yan Kaiting and flung it wildly for a few times before shrinking back, Yan Kaiting quickly stood up Come and go.

He had a premonition that there must be something ahead, so he played a trick of "following the vine"!
The speed of the vine retracting was extremely fast, and it escaped the two people's sight several times, but the sound driven by the vine retracting rustled in such a silent forest, and the two could judge its position based on the sound, and followed along the way , In less than a moment, the two seemed to have traveled to another place, and they couldn't help but stop.

Ever since they came to Wukou, the two of them have been in an extremely uncomfortable thick fog all the time. Except that the thick fog partially blocked their sight, there was no other inconvenience, but they always felt that this There are always some strange and subtle feelings in the dense fog, which become more obvious after going up the mountain.

But at this time, they were standing on an extremely flat open space, as if they had entered some kind of enchantment, all the fog was blocked out, and the two of them stood in the middle of the open space with a clear view without a trace of fog.

Yan Kaiting looked down at his feet, and saw that there was a lush forest along the way, but at this moment, under the feet of the two of them, there was a wasteland, lifeless.

"Mingxuan. This!" Yan Kaiting pointed to the ground, looking at Fu Mingxuan.

"Hush!" Fu Mingxuan made a silent gesture to him, signaling Yan Kaiting to listen carefully.

Like some kind of crying sound, whimpering sounded faintly from all over, Yan Kaiting couldn't help but stand on end, and a sense of fear rose in his heart.

Fu Mingxuan gestured to Yan Kaiting, and the two of them walked into the depths of the wasteland. As they walked, the sound of crying became louder, like a woman who lost her child, crying so heartbroken, what Yan Kaiting heard was Goosebumps all over my body, I wish I could close the hearing, but I am worried that I will miss something.

After walking forward for a while, the two of them became more and more sure that they had come to the right place.Sure enough, he walked until he reached the end of the wasteland, and saw the mist curling up again, and a hole as tall as a person appeared in front of him.

However, the entrance of this cave is obviously thought to be dug out, and the traces around it are all artificial traces. In front of the entrance of the cave, there is also a cylindrical stone statue engraved on it that looks like a hellish ghost with teeth and claws. It looks very cute. terror.Due to the humid air all year round, the entire cave entrance and stone statues are covered with moss, a thick layer, which looks very quiet and mysterious.

Fu Mingxuan stood at the entrance of the cave and glanced inside, then said to Yan Kaiting: "It seems that this should be here."

Yan Kaiting also felt the power of the mysterious space from inside the cave, which seemed to have an absorbing force, pulling him inward.So just as he was about to step forward, a very dangerous aura climbed over Yan Kaiting!
Yan Kaiting suddenly looked at the stone statue, only to find that the ghost on the stone statue was smiling at him!

While laughing, tears like blood flowed from the statue's eyes!Yan Kaiting only felt his scalp go numb for a while, and suddenly, he felt something surging under his feet.

"Be careful!" Yan Kaiting and Fu Mingxuan suddenly lifted into the air, and saw a wall of vines rising from under the hole, densely packed with green vines, each one as thick as an adult man's arm, smooth all over, look carefully There are even layers of dark green scales attached, like dancing pythons, baring their teeth and claws towards the two of them.

The two of them took a few steps back and were able to stand firm. The information Shang Yuanmin gave was probably within the secret realm, but he didn't have much to say about the environment outside the secret realm.It seems that even entering this secret realm takes a lot of effort.

By grabbing the vine that Yan Kaiting had just grabbed, the two of them had reached the point where the vine was afraid of the flames, Yan Kaiting let out a smirk, picked up the Tai Chu Hammer, and several balls of thunder and fire blasted towards it.

After encountering the thunder fire, more than a dozen vines snapped off and burned violently when they fell to the ground, but new ones grew up as soon as they fell. No matter how Yan Kaiting beat him, the wall of vines still stood there, even stronger than Bigger and thicker than before!

During the period when Yan Kaiting was fighting against the vines, Fu Mingxuan kept staring at the stone statue. It was not easy to look at the stone statue. He felt it carefully, and then said to Yan Kaiting:

"Do you have something to break the formation?"

Yan Kaiting turned around and asked, "What? Is there a magic circle here to break?" Just after he finished speaking, Yan Kaiting opened his eyes and said, "You mean these vines are arranged by magic circles?"

Fu Mingxuan pondered for a while, then frowned slightly and said, "I'm not sure, but no matter how you look at it, these are not ordinary vines growing from the ground, and besides, that stone statue is really weird."

Speaking of the strangeness of the stone statue, Yan Kaiting gave his approval with both hands. After saying that, Yan Kaiting fiddled with it from the mustard seed bag and took out a metal ball.

"This is a good thing I picked up along the way, it seems that it will come in handy!" Yan Kaiting said with a smile, and threw the metal ball to Fu Mingxuan.

Fu Mingxuan held the metal ball and watched it carefully, and then he knew how to use it. It seemed to be very simple and rude. Throw it directly into the formation, and the explosive force generated would destroy the structure of the formation, thereby act to destroy.

So, seeing him keep seeing Yan Kaiting tossing up and down like holding a toy, what does that mean? ? ! !

Fu Mingxuan winked at Yan Kaiting, and seeing Yan Kaiting nodded towards him, he threw the metal ball at the stone statue, and both of them jumped sideways, hiding behind a rock , revealing two pairs of eagerly looking eyes.

After the metal ball rolled down next to the stone statue, it hissed and began to emit a burst of purple smoke, and then there was no movement.

"No way"

Seeing this scene, Yan Kaiting slandered the old man who sold him balls in his heart, how dare he sell Yan Kaiting for parallel imports? ?On the way back, you must take it out for a while to fight!
Fu Mingxuan's face was also full of black lines. It's not that he didn't have a formation-breaking weapon with him, but this kind of Xiaoyoumen's special formation-breaking weapon is really not suitable for use at the entrance of the secret realm, otherwise the people who will come later We all know that the people who have a small door have entered the secret realm, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble.

"Eh..." Yan opened the court with a look of embarrassment, and was just about to persuade Fu Mingxuan to use another formation-breaking weapon, when there was a loud noise, and a dazzling purple light rushed towards their faces, the two of them covered their ears and lowered their heads .

Then there was only a sound of broken tiles. After the purple light dissipated, the two raised their heads carefully, and saw that the strange statue had been blown to pieces, leaving only an incomplete base standing at the entrance of the cave.To their delight, the wall of vines disappeared, and what appeared in front of them was an unobstructed hole.

The two jumped to the entrance of the cave, and after carefully sensing that there was nothing unusual, they looked at each other and walked in together.

The cave was covered with moss and was very slippery. The two of them walked a certain distance carefully and felt a strong force of space.

"It seems that it is right ahead!" Yan Kaiting exclaimed excitedly like a child. This journey is not considered lucky, but compared to the previous whirlpools that frequently appear on the mountainside that are still struggling , The two of them are really lucky!
Fu Mingxuan was also slightly excited, patted Yan Kaiting on the shoulder, and said, "It's better to be careful, after reading all the information, the secret place is the real place to eat people!"

Hearing what Fu Mingxuan said, Yan Kaiting only thought of the dangers in some secret realms recorded in the materials he had read, and his expression gradually became heavy again.Although he is not afraid of death, but he fell here the first time he entered the secret realm, what a bad reputation it would be if it was spread out!
The two walked, as if they had passed through a thin film. Before they could react, they were sucked into the deep darkness by a powerful force of attraction until they disappeared completely.

In the Wukou Inn's wing room, Luo Changsu was holding a ring-like magic weapon and gently twirling it on his fingertips. Suddenly, his expression froze, and then he relaxed again. Facing Cui Yin in front of him, Zhang Ruoyun and Gang Wang Yu, who has become a master, said: "It seems that they have already entered."

"Brother!" Cui Yin said, "Then we must act quickly!"

Wang Yu looked puzzled, obviously Luo Changsu was sitting here, why did he still know the whereabouts of Fu Hanzhou and Yan Xiaoran, so he asked: "Where did Brother Luo perceive it? Did you feel nothing?"

Luo Changsu chuckled a few times, and said, "When will you become a core disciple of Xiaoyoumen? There are plenty of treasures!" After speaking, he shook the ring on his fingertips and said, "As long as you are Xiaoyoumen Those who belong to the sect can't escape the tracking of the Dharma ring, just now, in the perception of the Dharma ring, Fu Hanzhou and Yan Xiaoran suddenly disappeared in the back mountain, the only possibility is that they have entered the secret realm."

"Then. We only need to track their whereabouts to find the entrance to the secret realm. It can be said that it takes no effort." After speaking, Luo Changsu burst into laughter, and the three juniors also laughed.

At the same time, a man in a white gown with a graceful demeanor walked slowly into Wukou Town. Pedestrians who had seen many monks in this period of time unconsciously looked at him.No matter in appearance or temperament, this man is different from ordinary people at a glance.

Standing still on the street, as if there was no one around him, Shen Boyan raised his head slightly, and his eyes saw the blurred edge of the back mountain through the thick fog.With an almost expressionless face, Shen Boyan walked straight towards the back mountain, his white clothes fluttering, and his steps were steady.

I just felt that the world was spinning for a while, Yan Kaiting fell heavily on the ground before he recovered from his senses, with a bang, he felt his face fell into a soft object, Yan Kaiting thought badly, could it be that he It's on Fu Mingxuan!
But why is it so sticky? !Yan Kaiting couldn't open his eyes, he felt like he was stuck by something, he wanted to get up, but he always felt sore all over his body, as if he was hugged in his arms, what's the matter? !
At this time, I only heard Fu Mingxuan shouting from my ear: "Brother Ting! Be careful behind your back!!!"

"What?!" Boss Yan Kaiting took a lot of effort to lift his face up. When he opened his eyes, he saw a short spear that was as long as his own and with a tip as big as his own head. Stab yourself!
Yan Kaiting cried out in surprise, wanted to run away, but couldn't move, looked around his waist, and found that he was actually hugged by another huge green hand!
"Ah!" Yan Kaiting panicked immediately, struggling non-stop, but it was still in vain. He raised his head and saw a pair of giant, fierce eyes staring at him. Make him almost throw up.

In Fu Mingxuan's eyes, Yan Kaiting was being embraced by a hairy green giant with one hand and a short spear in the other hand, about to stab Yan Kaiting like Yan Kaiting!
Fu Mingxuan jumped up high, and several sword lights slashed at the green giant. Although the green giant was big, he moved very nimbly. He rolled to the side to avoid these sword lights.

Just as he stood firm, the green giant felt a stabbing pain in his chest, and with a wail, he threw Yan Kaiting in his arms far away!

Fu Mingxuan hurriedly went to support Yan Kaiting. Yan Kaiting was panting heavily, and after a while, he stood up again and looked at the green giant who looked like a native in front of him.

Clutching his chest, the green giant saw that a large piece of his skin was scorched, hissing and smoking!When he looked at the two of them again, there was fear and hatred in his eyes.

"What kind of monster are you?! How dare you stand in my way!" Yan Kaiting didn't show any weakness, with an angry look on his face. If it wasn't for his cleverness, he burned the monster with fire just now when his hands were loose. , Maybe he just died in the arms of that monster!

Yan Kaiting thought to himself that he was really unlucky, he fell into the arms of the monster, thinking that he had gone up the mountain all the way and entered the secret realm, he must be too out of time!He wiped off the monster's slime all over his face and spat hard.

The green giant stared at the two of them without speaking, just panting for breath.

"He probably doesn't understand our language," Fu Mingxuan whispered.

"Hmph! Arrogant human beings, I never thought I'd see them again after decades!" Fu Mingxuan just finished speaking, when the giant's rough and slightly hoarse voice rang out.

Yan Kaiting and Fu Mingxuan were both taken aback, they didn't expect that the green giant, who had never seen it before, would speak human words in a correct way, with a certain appearance.Although this monster looks like a human, in the perception of the two, it is definitely not human!

In the perception of the two, this giant is like a mutated ape, with long hair all over his body, and his face is somewhat similar to that of the apes in the mountains. However, there is abundant spiritual power in his body. Obviously, it is different from ordinary apes.

From his words, did he also see human beings? !But why have humans never heard of this giant?Even in the detailed information given to them by Shang Yuanmin, there were only blurred faces, and it was impossible to tell what kind of monster it was.Could it be that the person who came in was deliberately concealing this secret realm?
In this way, it also makes sense that the obstacles in the mountains prevent others from approaching the entrance of the cave.

Although the two of them were very curious about who this senior who came first was, and why they wanted to hide the traces of this secret realm, the biggest problem facing the two of them at present was the angry face standing in front of them, who wanted to The green giant who tore them both apart? !
"Then who are you?!" Fu Mingxuan asked, only to see that the green giant was still standing where he was, and he didn't look like he wanted to attack.

"Huh! Humans are really ungrateful!" The green giant said angrily, then looked at Yan Kaiting again, and asked, "Why did you burn me?!"

Yan Kaiting was taken aback for a moment, and cursed inwardly, your uncle, you are holding a short spear to kill me, if I don’t burn you, are you still waiting to die?

"Brother! You did it first, okay? If your short spear stabbed me, would I die?!" Yan Kaiting asked back.

Unexpectedly, the green giant nodded, and then said: "You suddenly fell on me from the sky, who knows what it was, it hit my head so dizzy, I can only do it first!"

Yan Kaiting was ashamed, it seemed that the green giant seemed to be very reasonable, so looking at it like this, it seemed that he was really wrong.

"Brother, I was sucked in by a force, it really wasn't my intention to fall on you!!"

Yan was about to cry in court, why was she so unlucky! ! !The first thing to do after returning to Xiaoyoumen is to find an expert in talisman repair to write a few fortune talismans for himself, so as to change his luck!
The green giant snorted twice, but did not speak. He glanced at Fu Mingxuan, and then his eyes fell on the sword Guanghan Nineteen States on Fu Mingxuan's waist.

Fu Mingxuan saw the green giant's eyes fall on Yijian Guanghan Nineteen States, so he took it out, pointed the sword at the green giant, and said, "This is a sword."

The green giant's expression softened slightly, as if he remembered something, and then he returned to his original fierce look, saying: "I know!"

The three of them looked at each other for a while, not knowing what to do.Yan Kaiting took a closer look at the surroundings, and found that the surroundings seemed to be an ordinary forest, with lush trees and flourishing flowers and plants. There was no difference except for a slight red light. It's a blood-red sky!
It's not an ordinary red, but really red like blood. There is no sun, no clouds, just completely red.

At this moment, the green giant snorted heavily, and stopped talking to the two of them, turned around and left, leaving his back to the two without any scruples.

"This..." Yan Kaiting was a little speechless, just now he seemed to be a deadly enemy, but now he just left as soon as he said it, and he was defenseless against the two of them.

"Don't worry about him, this place is very strange, let's take a look around first!" Fu Mingxuan whispered, and sneaked into the jungle with Yan Kaiting.

As they walked, the two came to an open and flat area. The two felt that their stomachs were empty, so they grabbed a big fat rabbit, killed it, roasted it, and ate it. The fire in Yan Kaiting's body was also useful. So they lit a bonfire and roasted the rabbit until it became fat.

After eating the meat, the two felt a little more at ease, and continued to walk forward. After passing through a jungle, the two came to a cottage unknowingly.

It's just that the style of this cottage is a bit strange. Although it doesn't look very different from the residential buildings Yan Kaiting has seen, the details are quite different.

Yan Kaiting seems to have seen it somewhere, but he can't remember it.Don't even think about it, just walk over there.

Only the laughter of Yingying and Yanyan women could be heard in the house. Yan Kaiting and Fu Mingxuan first hid themselves in a clump of bushes on a high place and observed carefully.

The faces of those women are no different from those of ordinary women in the outside world, and they look like normal human beings.Fair-skinned and beautiful, her jet-black hair hangs down naturally, tied in the middle with a red string, and the long hair reaches the soles of her feet.The clothes she was wearing were also a bit strange, looking like three layers inside and three layers outside, very elegant and luxurious, tied with a wide silk belt around the waist, and tied into a knot like a small bundle at the back.

Seeing these women, Yan Kaiting slapped his head and rang.

When he was in Yujing in the past, he had seen foreigners dressed in this way. The women were all very beautiful and charming. Yan Kaiting even inquired about them, saying that they came from a place called "Dongying".Although Yan Kaiting didn't know where Dongying was, he did know that it was a very, very far away place.

The foreigner built a house on a wasteland in the north of Yujing City, which is also the style of this house. Yan Kaiting wanted to say that no matter how he looked at it, he was familiar with it.

"Mingxuan, they seem to be women from the Dongying nationality." Yan Kaiting whispered.

Just as Fu Mingxuan nodded, he saw a woman in the house looking towards the two of them!

The voices of the two were very low, and they had already concealed their breath, but they were still discovered by the woman, who only heard the woman shout to the two of them: "Sisters, we have guests!! Go and greet the guests! "

As soon as the words fell, the bushes in front of Yan Kaiting and Fu Mingxuan suddenly disappeared, and then a wide stone bridge with carved railings and jade appeared, leading directly to the house!
And this stone bridge, just now clearly does not exist!

Several women stepped onto the stone bridge, they were still far away just now, but it seemed as if they had trotted a few steps and arrived in front of the two of them, saluted them with a smile, then took their hands and walked away. Bring them to the house.

"Ouch! The two guests have had a hard journey, hurry up and have some tea!" It was this woman who discovered Fu Mingxuan and Yan Kaiting just now.

At this time, Yan Kaiting, who was being supported, winked at Fu Mingxuan, motioning him to look back, even if it was Fu Mingxuan, he couldn't help being stunned.

Just now, the two of them came from the forest, but when they came to this house, what kind of forest is there? !Behind the two, there is actually a vast ocean!
Fu Mingxuan carefully perceived the cultivation of the women around him, and found that they really seemed to be ordinary women, with no spiritual power in their bodies, and no trace of cultivation!
But the two don't panic, after all, there are all kinds of strange things in the secret realm.The two of them followed the woman's lead into the house, only to see that the inside was actually full of guests, talking and laughing, and a young woman was sitting beside each of them.

Looking at the clothes of those guests, they are also the clothes of Japanese people.At this time, Yan Kaiting and Fu Mingxuan were both in fluttering long gowns, as if they had come to another country.

The two found a seat to sit down, and a few maids came up to pour wine for the two of them. Afterwards, the two women brought them in and sat beside them, snuggling up to them.

"What dishes do the guests like to eat?" The woman in yellow was about to fall into Yan Kaiting's arms, her eyes were full of autumn water, and her lips were tender and tender, as if she had no weight, she leaned gently on Yan Kaiting's leg superior.

If it were the former Yan Kaiting, he would definitely not give up the opportunity to come to his door, but when he thought that this was in a treacherous and ever-changing secret environment, Yan Kaiting couldn't arouse his interest.

But Fu Mingxuan was uncharacteristically, holding the wine glass with one hand, and put the other hand on the body of the woman in the pink shirt snuggling in his arms. While stroking the woman's black hair, he moved towards Yan opened the court to wink.

Yan Kaiting immediately understood Fu Mingxuan's look. He was telling Yan Kaiting that since he came to the secret realm, he had to act according to the situation in the secret realm. blame.

There was a burst of hearty laughter immediately at Yan Kaiting, one hand stroked the woman's white and smooth cheek, and said: "What good things are here, beauty, just bring them up!"

The woman in the yellow shirt in her arms smiled sweetly and said: "The guests are joking, we have all good things here, so why don't we bring them all to you?"

Yan Kaiting shook his head, and said: "Oh, you can't say that, even though they are all good things, there is no distinction between them!? Hurry up and ask your masters to order us the best food and wine. Today, the two of us will definitely not return home drunk!"

After finishing speaking, Yan Kaiting lightly patted the woman on the shoulder, and the woman stood up slowly, then walked towards the back room of the house.Fu Mingxuan also asked the woman in the pink shirt in his arms to bring him some good wine. After the two women had left, Yan Kaiting approached him and asked, "What's going on? Have you ever met?"

Fu Mingxuan nodded, and said: "This is just an illusion. It is more common in secret realms. Illusions often test people's minds. You have to pay more attention."

Yan Kaiting asked again: "Is there a treasure in the illusion?"

Fu Mingxuan smiled, and said: "Of course there are. Today's illusion belongs to a larger one, and there are naturally many treasures. However, remember not to be greedy, and be careful not to get stuck in it."

Yan Kaiting nodded, he has never been a greedy person, not to mention, he came here to obtain the treasures this time, and it is true that he has experienced a lot.

Looking around, the environment of this open-air house is very elegant, the plants and trees have different shapes, a pool of clear water reflects the already blue sky in the center of the yard, among the floating white clouds, all kinds of dark fragrances strike.The guests drinking and eating in the courtyard were all dressed in brocade clothes, and their headgear and accessories were all typical Japanese style. The woman is intimate.

At this time, a burst of music sounded, and on a protruding long stage ahead, a woman with a pale complexion but red lips walked up to the music. With the music, the woman danced lightly with a folding fan in her hand. Even Yan Kaiting and Fu Mingxuan kept their eyes on the woman.

While the woman was dancing, the fan in her hand seemed to have a soul. No matter how she threw it, it would return to the woman's hand without error. Although the woman looked forward to flying, her eyes were always looking at Fu Mingxuan and Yan Kaiting. Floating from here, both of them smiled in their hearts, is it about to start now?
Sure enough, the originally "obedient" fan in the woman's hand became mischievous for some reason, and fell out of the woman's hand with a whoosh, and flew to the table of the two not far away.

The woman pretended to be both surprised and apologetic, ran up to the two and knelt down in front of the two, and was about to cry, apologizing to Yan Kaiting and Fu Mingxuan.

"It's okay." Yan Kaiting smiled softly, helped the woman up, and saw that the woman was a little softer and more glamorous than the woman in the yellow shirt and pink shirt just now, even a person like Yan Kaiting who is used to beautiful women Can't help but feel turbulent.

"If you knocked over the guest's wine, you have to compensate the guest no matter what." The fan dancer said softly, "The little girl's name is Lily, and she just became the oiran of this house not long ago. , not only showing shame, but also ruining the interest of the two guests as compensation, the little girl will pay all the food and drinks for the guests."

Fu Mingxuan chuckled a few times, and asked with interest: "Then how much will Miss Lily get for performing in this house?"

Lily smiled softly, like a city, and said softly: "Naturally there are not many. If it is really impossible, Lily can only. Can only."

Yan Kaiting also found it funny, so he asked: "What can I do?"

Lily's face turned red, she lowered her head, and gently stroked Yan Kaiting's hand with a slender hand, stood up, her whole body hung on Yan Kaiting's body as if weightless, and her tender lips moved close to Yan Kaiting's. In his ear, he whispered: "Then please invite the guests to come to the wing of the back room with Lily."

Even Yan Kaiting, who came out from among the flowers, felt numb all over his body.
The numbness comes from the caress of the woman's cold and soft hand, and the second is from a mysterious fragrance, which seems to come from the woman's body. There is a hint of charm in the quietness, which makes people smell Su nu, couldn't help wanting to fall into the gentle embrace of this woman.

"Guest, what do you think?" The woman's soft and charming voice whispered in Yan Kaiting's ear again, and a jade hand was already on Yan Kaiting's hand, holding him gently.

Yan Kaiting looked at the woman's face, and felt that the woman's face was somewhat similar to the Xie Wuxiang he was thinking about, but her expression was not as cold and unapproachable as Xie Wuxiang's, but more gentle and approachable. It gave Yan Kaiting a desire to embrace her.

"Okay" Looking at the woman's watery face and snow-white neck, Yan Kaiting swallowed and agreed.

The woman smiled mildly, as bright as a cuckoo in spring, took Yan Kaiting's arm, and led him towards the wing room in the inner room of the house.Every time he took a step, Yan Kaiting could only feel the wind under his feet, and his mood became bright and comfortable. Being held by the woman so lightly, Yan Kaiting felt an unprecedented tenderness.

Fu Mingxuan on the side watched Yan Kaiting leave with the woman like this, and he was not in a hurry. This time, he brought Yan Kaiting out to practice his experience. If he can't pass the many barriers in this secret realm, he must see Yan Kaiting. Ability to sit in court yourself.If I remind him everything to stop him, then I won't be able to play the role of experience.

Watching Yan Kaiting's back slowly leaving, Fu Mingxuan showed a playful smile, and then, the woman in the yellow shirt who came back with small steps fell asleep in his arms as if she had no bones.

Just like that, the woman brought her into the wing room in the back room of the house. Yan Kaiting had no eyes to see the surrounding environment, as if he had lost his soul, and followed the woman towards the wing room. It's all amorous, Yan Kaiting's eyes never leave her face for a moment.

"Guests walk carefully, and don't get tripped by things under their feet." The woman said with a slight smile. As soon as she finished speaking, Yan Kaiting tripped on a table with vases on it, and there was a bang, The vase fell on the floor paper covered with soft cushions.

Yan Kaiting smiled shyly, rubbed his head, and said with a smirk, "I'm not dumbfounded by Miss Baihe. Miss Baihe's beauty is like that of anyone else."

Lily smiled tactfully, and said: "The guest is really good at talking, come, come with Lily." Then she stood in front of a wing facing Yan Kaiting.

Slowly opening the door, what appeared in front of Yan Kaiting was an exquisite wing room, with a large space, separated by a carved screen inside and outside, and covered with a woven green bamboo mat on the outside, with a slightly aged look. It is dark yellow in color, and there is a dark brown low wooden round table on it. A light yellow incense candle is burning with a hint of woody fragrance, calming people's minds.On the walls all around are hung one after another paintings with lingering artistic conception and far away, each of which is deeply loved by Yan Kaiting.The whole house looks so neat and elegant.

Yan Kaiting stood outside the door, the woman took off his shoes for him, and led him in.Yan Kaiting stared blankly at a painting on the wall, not knowing what he was thinking.

"Does the guest like this painting?" The woman also noticed Yan Kaiting's gaze and asked.

Yan Kaiting walked straight towards the painting, stretched out his hand as if to touch it, but retracted it again.

"Is this you?" In this painting, there is a woman with a demeanor as cold as ice, wearing a green shirt, covered with an outer-color gauze skirt, and a delicate white gauze covering her face, but those pink lips Still looming, this is clearly Xie Wuxiang!
Lily smiled a few times, then clung to Yan Kaiting's body, her red lips moved close to Yan Kaiting's ear, and asked softly, "What do you think, guest?"

This sound can be said to have reached Yan Kaiting's bones, Yan Kaiting embraced Lily's willow-like waist, facing her lips, and kissed her lightly.

(End of this chapter)

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