Road edge float

Chapter 141 Chapter 141

Chapter 141 Chapter [-]

In Sishui City, Fu Mingxuan and Shang Yuanmin were bidding farewell to Mo Jianying. Mo Jianying and Mo Shu sent each other off again and again, and finally watched the two disappear into the depths of the wilderness.

The demon god has already started to transfer to Xiaoyoumen, it is useless for the two of them to stay here, they must rush to the gate as soon as possible to become the backbone of the gate.Mo Jianying originally thought that he could kill the demon god outside Xiaoyoumen, but he didn't expect the demon god to be so stubborn to return to Xiaoyoumen.The past made him unable to take another step into Xiaoyoumen, so in the heavy rain in Sishui City, Mo Jianying looked at the place where the two disappeared, and let out a long sigh.

"Dad, what's wrong?"

Mo Shu leaned on Mo Jianying, looked at him and said.

Mo Jianying sighed again, and said, "That's all, that's all."

Mo Shu looked at her father suspiciously, only to see that he seemed to have aged a lot, and those eyes that were usually bright had become cloudy at this moment.

In the past few days, Yan Kaiting has been enjoying himself in the Emerald Mountain. Usually, when he has nothing to do, he urges Yin Ze to go to the mountain to hunt two roe deer for roasting, or because he is bored, he fights against Bingling again in the courtyard. , but I was full of internal injuries, and before I could make a few moves, I waved my hands again and again, and went to find Yin Ze to fight the roe deer.

Under the guidance of Fu Mingxuan, Yin Zede's cultivation has improved by leaps and bounds during this period of time. Yan Kaiting saw that his aptitude was not bad, and he was also patient with himself, so he gave him some good things he had obtained in Xuexiang .

Watching Yan Kaiting take out a box of soul beads, Yin Ze was so surprised that his jaw almost dropped.

"Brother Yan, are you...?"

Yan Kaiting smiled, took out a bead that can increase spiritual power, handed it to Yin Ze, and said, "Try to absorb it."

Yin Ze held the bead that was round and full of blue light, and looked at Yan Kaiting in disbelief,
Yan Kaiting blinked at him and said, "Don't worry, I won't hurt you."

Yin Ze nodded, then closed his eyes, and carefully perceived the bead in his hand. Immediately, some strange images appeared in his eyes, as if in the ocean, all of which were deep blue. He didn't see it until the last moment. to the first rays of sunlight.

After Yin Ze finished sensing, he opened his eyes and found that the beads in his hand had dimmed, and there was an inexplicable sense of fullness in his body.

"Brother Yan, it's so strange that I actually feel that I have become so energetic and powerful!" Yin Ze looked at Yan Kaiting and said.

Yan Kaiting looked at Yin Ze's ignorant eyes, laughed loudly, patted him on the back, and said, "Let me tell you! How could I harm you! Hurry up and digest this power, and bring me back some wild roe deer." !"

Yin Ze was taken aback, then laughed foolishly, nodded, and ran towards the forest. During this time, all the wild roe deer in Emerald Mountain suffered from seedlings.

At night, the starry sky of Emerald Mountain was extremely bright. While eating barbecue, Yan Kaiting narrated to Yin Ze his experience in the Snow Country.

Sighing, swallowing a sip of strong wine, Yan Kaiting said: "I don't know how An is, has she taken good care of her younger brother, will she be lonely after I leave?"

Yin Ze looked at Yan Kaiting with half understanding, and said, "Then why does Brother Yan insist on coming back in such a place where there is no need to worry about cultivation?"

Yan Kaiting took a deep look at Yin Ze, and said: "Although that world has endless resources, it is too lonely and monotonous after all, and here." Yan Kaiting raised the barbecue in his hand and said: " In this world, at least there is meat to eat, hahaha!"

Yin Ze looked at Yan Kaiting, shook his head, and said, "I don't think so, brother Yan is actually a person who is greedy for enjoyment? I think it's because of the woman named Wuxiang, and Fu Shouzuo and others, that you only want to return."

Yan Kaiting was stunned for a moment, patted Yin Ze's shoulder, and said: "Everyone has a few people who care about him, doesn't he?"

Yin Ze grinned, then looked aside, his face gradually became sad.

He is not, since his master died, he has never cared about anyone.

It wasn't until this time during the dispute between the demon gods that he had been worrying about Yan's trial because of guilt, that he regained that feeling.And now that Yan Kaiting has come out and returned intact, he is relieved.

And on the day Yan Kaiting came back, his concern for Yan Kaiting disappeared without a trace. Who would care about the person in front of him?
Looking at the long starry sky of Emerald Mountain, Yin Ze let out a long sigh.The melancholy of the young man was put into this long sigh.

At this moment in Xiaoyoumen, an atmosphere of tension and implicit excitement spread throughout the door. Every disciple was nervous about the arrival of the demon god, but they seldom felt afraid. After all, Xiaoyoumen was well-known, even Without Lord Qinghua's presence, Venerable Wuyou and all the high-level real people are not vegetarians. In addition, almost no one has ever fought a demon god head-on, so naturally they don't know how powerful the demon god is.

But those elders were all nervous and worried, Venerable Wuyou was also frowning all day long.After half a month, Xiao Youmen has become a huge magic circle. As long as the demon god enters the designated range, he can besieged here. At this time, all the venerable real people go up together, use all their magic power, and work together to fight against him. The demon god is eliminated.

Therefore, the most important point in this link is to let the demon god enter the center of the magic circle, and on this point, Xiao Youmen put almost all his hopes on Meng Erya.

As long as Ye Nanshuang's soul is still in the body, Meng Erya will play a very important role. I am afraid that the demon god will have completely wiped out Ye Nanshuang's soul after half a month in Jingzhou. The door is left to fate.

Meng Erya sat in the small courtyard, beside Yidong, who brought a box of pastries from home, the two were eating and chatting.

Although the chat between the two was relaxed and carefree, there was always a heavy atmosphere that enveloped the two of them.

After stopping for a moment, Yidong frowned and said, "Erya, do you really want to do that?"

Meng Erya looked at her, pretending not to understand, and said, "What do you mean?"

Yidong became anxious, and said: "It is used as a bait to lure the demon god. Although I have never seen such a demon god, I know that the person who can attract so much attention from the sect is definitely not a simple person, even if it is Senior Brother Nanshuang. , I must have lost my mind by now, how could you risk yourself like this?"

Meng Erya smiled, followed by a moment of silence.

Yidong looked at her, squatted beside her, and grabbed Meng Erya's cold hand. She had been by Meng Erya's side all these days, and she knew what Meng Erya was thinking.

"Erya, isn't Senior Brother Xiao Ran still alive? Why are you so determined to seek death?"

Meng Wenya lowered her head and looked at Yidong's clear eyes with tears shining. She shook her head with a smile and said, "No, I'm not going to seek death."

Yidong was stunned for a moment, then said: "Then why are you?"

Meng Erya took a deep breath, looked at the front of the courtyard, and said, "Yidong, do you know? In those nights, Brother Nanshuang was here to teach me how to practice swords. No, but he was so patient."

"I heard from Fu Shouzuo that senior brother Nanshuang's soul is trapped in the body of the demon god, struggling endlessly but in vain. How painful he must be. As long as I think of his eyes, I can't bear to let him go. He is in so much pain, do you understand? Yidong, I grew up as a man in the mansion where Senior Brother Xiao Ran lived, and it was hard enough to protect my mother and younger brother. How dare there be any girls? on your mind?"

"But thanks to the great kindness and virtue of the young master, he took care of all the matters in my family, brought me to Xiaoyoumen, and treated me like an elder brother, so that I have no worries and can truly be myself, right here At that time, I met Senior Brother Nanshuang, such a pure and enthusiastic person, I fell in love with him the first time I saw him, and he was the first person I fell in love with for so many years."

As she spoke, two lines of clear tears flowed down Meng Erya's cheeks.

"So you said, how can I ignore him? As long as I think that he is suffering, I can't even eat or sleep well. Since I am so lucky to have his favorite, then Isn't it my mission to save him?"

It was the first time Meng Erya said so many words, Yidong was stunned, staring at Meng Erya in a daze, not knowing what to say for a while.How to save Ye Nanshuang's soul?Meng Erya is not even a guru, does he have this ability?
"Erya, have you told Venerable Wuyou all these thoughts?" Yidong looked at Meng Erya and said.

Meng Erya shook her head, and said: "How did they learn about Senior Brother Nanshuang's affection for me? I don't know, but they won't know. I also miss Senior Brother Nanshuang in my heart."

Yidong finally sighed, stood up, and sat beside Meng Erya.

The moonlight in Xiaoyoumen has always been so cold, under the mist, usually you can't see any stars, but today's sky is unusually clear, the stars are blinking, as if they are talking to the people on the ground.The two women sat like this under the clear sky, and the breeze blew slowly, taking away Meng Erya's silent thoughts.

In the Emerald Mountain, Yan Kaiting tried his best not to let himself think about some things, but he still couldn't help thinking, where is the demon god?How is Xiao Youmen's preparations going?Will Fu Mingxuan and Meng Erya be in danger?Will Xie Wuxiang show up again?
Especially Meng Erya, whenever Yan Kaiting thinks of her, a nameless anxiety arises in his heart.He brought her to Feiling Peak and entered Xiaoyoumen, he definitely didn't want her to have such an ending.

Tossing and turning, unable to fall asleep, that night, Yan Kaiting simply walked out of the wooden house, sat on the rocking chair in the yard and became dazed.

At this moment, a nameless tremor suddenly swept over him, and when he looked up, he saw blood red above the sky.

"Demon God!"

Yan Kaiting recognized the familiar red light at a glance, and almost instantly, the demon god fell down like a shooting star and stood in front of Yan Kaiting.

Still wearing a red war robe, the dark silver armor on it protruded sharply like the teeth of a ferocious beast. Looking at the surprised Yan Kaiting, the demon god showed a playful look on his face.

"Yan Xiaoran, we meet again." The demon god smiled charmingly, watching Yan Kaiting with a pair of red eyes.

Yan Kaiting was taken aback by this sudden change, and then regained his composure, frowning and looking at the demon god in front of him. He only hoped that Yin Ze would not hear any movement and run out at this time, so as not to alarm the demon god and do something things come.

"What are you doing?"

Yan Kaiting clenched his fists, and the intent of his fists had gathered in his hands. The demon god just smiled and glanced at his fists, but he didn't say much, but said: "I feel that you are not dead, so I want to come to express my condolences. Let me tell you, after all, you are very likely to be the last person of Xiao Youmen, and there are some things that must be witnessed by someone."

Yan Kaiting was taken aback, and said, "What do you mean?"

The demon god smiled sullenly, and said: "What do I mean, don't you understand? Every word I say, I say in front of your face."

Yan Kaiting was too angry to speak out at this time, even if he had ten himself, he couldn't beat the demon god at this time.He is by no means a quick-talking person, but he just looked at the demon god and said, "Oh? Really? Then what do you want to do?"

The demon god walked slowly in the courtyard, as if he had no intention of killing Yan Kaiting, he couldn't tell that this person was the one who killed Yan Kaiting that day, just like an old friend, the demon god said as he walked: "Well, of course, it's better to be direct. It's not difficult to kill people."

Yan Kaiting smiled and said, "Will Ye Nanshuang agree with you doing this?"

Hearing this, the demon god burst out laughing, and said, "What do you think I've been wandering around Jingzhou for so long? Is it for fun? Hmph, I've already found a free time and sent this fellow My soul is completely suppressed, at this moment, I am me, and no one can hinder me."

Hearing the demon god's words, Yan Kaiting felt that it was a blow to his head, so would everything Meng Erya did make sense?Now that Ye Nanshuang has been suppressed, the demon god Meng Erya is facing is the real and complete demon god.

"What? Are you scared? Don't worry, you, I won't kill you." The demon god looked at Yan Kaiting, his eyes filled with excitement.

Yan Kaiting snorted coldly and said, "Why?"

The demon god laughed a few times, and said: "I said, there must be someone to witness this matter. I chose Xie Wuxiang earlier, but she didn't appreciate it, so let her die with Xiao Youmen. But you are different, you have someone you care about very much in Xiaoyoumen, the destruction of Xiaoyoumen means much more to you, besides, I have already killed you once, but you survived, I am afraid It's God's will."

Yan Kaiting sneered and said, "What if I don't appreciate it?"

The demon god laughed again, and said, "This time, I can't help you."

After finishing speaking, the demon god soared into the sky, pierced through the barrier Fu Mingxuan left behind, and then cast a layer of red light outside the barrier, covering the entire place where Yan Kaiting was located. .

In other words, Yan Kaiting was completely placed under house arrest.

The demon god looked at Yan Kaiting from the sky and laughed loudly: "Yan Xiaoran, just wait for my good news! Don't you like Xie Wuxiang? Then I will bring her body to you!"

After finishing speaking, the demon god turned into a whirlwind and disappeared into the sky. The barrier that was originally glowing with red light gradually faded at this time, becoming colorless and invisible, leaving only Yan Kaiting standing in the courtyard, with a blank heart ,do not know what to do.

The next day, Yin Ze came out stretched and found Yan Kaiting sleeping on the rocking chair in the courtyard.

"Brother Yan, brother Yan, it's very cold in the morning in the mountains, don't get typhoid fever." Yin Ze said while pushing Yan to open the court.

It's just that he pushed and pushed, and then he realized something was wrong. There were two tears on Yan Kaiting's abnormally pale face.

"What's wrong?" Yin Ze was also startled, the man couldn't shed his tears easily, and the state of Yan's court session at this time clearly showed that something sad happened.But this night, where did the sadness come from?
Seeing that Yan was silent during the court session, Yin Ze smiled and said, "Brother Yan, don't be sad, my little brother will give you two roe deer to roast and eat?"

Yan Kaiting slowly opened his eyes and asked, "Are you blind?"

"Eh?" Yin Ze thought that Yan was interested in opening the court, but he didn't expect to get such words.

"Brother Yan, what do you mean?"

"Can't you see? You and I can't go out anymore."

Yin Ze was startled suddenly, and raised his head to perceive, only to see two thick barriers completely enveloping the two of them.

"Can't you get out at all?" Yin Ze was very surprised. The barrier Fu Mingxuan set up before was only aimed at Yan's trial, but it didn't hinder him at all. So, this barrier is...
Yin Ze rushed towards the barrier, first passed through the barrier set up by Fu Mingxuan without any difficulty, and then bumped headfirst into the outermost barrier. The pot-like barrier emitted a red halo, and Yin Ze was taken aback when he saw the halo.

"Demon God." He will never forget this eerie red light.

Could it be that the demon god has come here?Yin Ze turned around and ran towards the wooden house, ran in front of Yan Kaiting, and asked, "Has the demon god come yet?"

Yan Kaiting just turned his head lazily, nodded without opening his eyes.


Yin Ze seemed very excited, "Brother Yan, what's wrong with you?! Why did you lose your fighting spirit!! Let's open this barrier!"

Yan Kaiting opened his eyes and said, "How do you break it? With your fist, or with my hammer?"

Yin Ze's words froze, he clenched his fists and said, "But...I'm not reconciled."

Yan Kaiting smiled, and said: "The demon god is going to destroy Xiaoyoumen, but I didn't respond, why are you not reconciled?"

Yin Ze blushed when he heard this, and said, "I just can't be reconciled!!"

Yan Kaiting snorted coldly, and said, "Whatever you want, I'm not willing to bother anymore, even if we rush over now, what we see will only be a scene that makes me sad."

Yin Ze clenched his fists and said, "If I said, Fairy Wuxiang came to look for you, would you still do this?!"

Yan Kaiting was taken aback for a moment, then laughed at himself and said, "Xie Wuxiang? Hehe, I know her better than you, she won't."

Yin Ze sneered and said, "Really?" After speaking, he threw something towards Yan Kaiting. It was a jade hairpin, engraved with a lotus flower and lotus leaves intertwined on it, exuding a faint fragrance.

"How could you have this thing?"

Yan Kaiting took the jade hairpin, and it was exactly the same as the jade hairpin that Xie Wuxiang threw into the red light that day. Yan Kaiting had also seen Xie Wuxiang wearing it on top of his hair.Looking at the jade hairpin, Yan Kaiting's expression froze completely.

Did she really come to find herself?

"That day, Fairy Wuxiang came to Emerald Mountain. After searching for nothing, she found me and Bingling. She told me to wait for you here. This jade hairpin was given to me by her that day."

Yan Kaiting held the jade hairpin, stood up, and asked, "Then why didn't you say it earlier?!"

Yin Ze blushed, and said: "Do you think I don't want to tell? When Fairy Wuxiang left, she told me not to reveal his whereabouts to anyone, so I didn't say anything, but I know , Fairy Wuxiang must be concerned about you!"

Yan Kaiting looked at Yin Ze in surprise, his whole body froze in place.

"Hmph, isn't it just a barrier? If you don't even work hard, those who care about you will be chilled!" Yin Ze blushed and glared at Yan Kaiting.

Yan Kaiting opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while, so he simply said nothing, stuffed the jade hairpin in Yin Ze's hand, shouted Bing Ling, and ran towards the outermost barrier .

For Yan Kaiting, what he wants to break are two layers of barriers.

Fu Mingxuan's way was not difficult in the first place, he just didn't want Fu Mingxuan to worry, so he voluntarily stayed in this barrier.

Before Yan Kaiting could run to the barrier, the Taichu Hammer appeared in his hand. Before the thunder and fire arrived, he slammed on Fu Mingxuan's barrier with a bang. Suddenly, a burst of blue light turned around, and Yan Kaiting didn't stop , there was a fierce attack against that layer of barrier, and there was a burst of rumble at the Emerald Mountain. After a while, the blue light gradually dissipated, and finally disappeared completely.

Seeing this scene, Yin Ze's jaw was about to drop in surprise, he never thought that Yan Xiaoran was such a fierce and ruthless person! !
"Brother Yan!! Wait for me!!"

Seeing Bingling running behind Yan Kaiting, one person and one beast walking towards the outer barrier, Yin Ze also became anxious, and followed Yan Kaiting and ran over without preparing anything!
Standing still in front of the barrier set up by the demon god, Yan Kaiting stretched out his hand to touch it, a burning sensation came from his fingertips, Yan Kaiting hissed, and retracted his hand, the skin on his fingers was already scorched black.

Yan Kaiting stepped back a few steps, and a burst of thunder and fire lingered on Taichu's hammer. Following Yan Kaiting's thud, the thunder and fire hit the red barrier with a loud bang, and the whole barrier was immediately blood-red. The halo came, and after a wave of waves, it was intact.

Yan Kaiting frowned, thinking carefully.

For the barrier set up by the realm of the demon god, the attack by Yan Kaiting's guru realm must have little effect, and it will overdraw his mental strength instead. He has to think of a way to subtly dissolve this barrier.

At this time, Yin Ze ran over panting, stood beside Yan Kaiting, and said, "Brother Yan, I didn't expect you to be so powerful. It turns out that Fushou's barrier can't trap you at all!!"

Yan Kaiting cast a sideways glance at Yin Ze, thinking that of course, compared to Fu Mingxuan, he is only a step or two behind.To break the barrier set up by Fu Mingxuan, all he needed was a lot of effort.

But looking at the barrier of the demon god in front of him, Yan Kaiting felt a little worried.

My own thunder fire obviously doesn't work against the demon god's barrier, so what method should I use?

Watching Yan Kaiting think carefully, Yin Ze also frowned. If Yan Kaiting had no other way, then according to his cultivation level, it would be even more impossible.

Yan Kaiting overflowed his spiritual consciousness into the mustard bag and the storage ring, trying to find any magic weapon or treasure that could break the barrier. After checking, he still found nothing, but after scanning the spiritual consciousness When the box of soul beads arrived, Yan Kaiting had some ideas of his own.

These few days in Emerald Mountain, with nothing to do, Yan Kaiting also organized these beads into different categories. Yan Kaiting found that there are many types of these soul beads, and some of them can increase their ability to destroy demons, that is, to purify evil spirits Yan Kaiting hasn't tried to absorb the ability, because so far his understanding of this ability is quite simple, and he doesn't dare to risk himself.

The red light of the demon god is full of evil aura, so will the ability to destroy demons purify this barrier?After thinking about it for a while, Yan Kaiting decided to try it first.

Taking out the pure and transparent bead from the box of the storage ring, Yan Kaiting held it in the palm of his hand, only feeling a magical power coming from his palm, it was an inexplicable cold feeling, It was as if the blood in Yan Kaiting's body was filtered drop by drop, removing all the filth inside, and the whole person became clear and transparent.

Yan Kaiting simply didn't close his eyes, holding the bead tightly, inhaled all the soul power in the bead into his body in one fell swoop, opened his eyes again, Yan Kaiting seemed to feel that he had become a transparent and flawless person, and then, he Walking towards the blood-red barrier, he punched the red barrier with his right hand.

This time, Yan Kaiting couldn't feel the burning sensation of the red barrier. He mobilized the purification ability of his whole body, and poured out through his fist. The Fist of Purification reacted.

Yan Kaiting yelled fiercely, and continued to exert strength with his hands.The billowing and purifying spiritual power rushed towards the red barrier like a spring, and suddenly, with Yan Kaiting's right fist as the center, a piece of transparency gradually appeared. It seemed that the blood-red monster energy had been purified by Yan Kaiting's fist!

Yan Kaiting aimed at this gap, and punched hard again, only to hear a crisp cracking sound, and the slightest cracks appeared on the barrier.

Yin Ze, who was standing by the side, was dumbfounded, and said, "Brother Yan, I never thought you would have such abilities."

Yan Kaiting glanced at him sideways, and said, "What are you still doing in a daze, why don't you come over and help?!"

Yin Ze was stunned, then came back to his senses, ran in front of the barrier, and attacked the crack in the barrier, Yan Kaiting took this gap, stepped back a few steps, and the Taichu Hammer appeared in his hand.

Thick light of thunder and lightning lingered on Taichu Hammer, Yan Kaiting leaped high, then jumped down suddenly, shouting "Get out of the way!" Then a mass of light of thunder and fire moved towards the crack in the barrier Booming, there was only a bang, and the thunder and fire exploded on the barrier. Yin Ze stepped back a few steps, but was still blown away by the heat wave of the explosion.

Click, as if it was completely cracked, the red color on the entire barrier gradually faded and became transparent, as if porcelain was shattered, and with a bang, the entire barrier was completely shattered.

Yan Kaiting couldn't believe his eyes, he stepped forward to help Yin Ze, the two smiled at each other, then jumped onto the body of Bing Ling who had turned into a giant beast, and flew towards Xiao Youmen.

At this time, above the small gate of Feiling Peak, the demon god held a long whip and looked at the people in front of him. He suddenly seemed to have sensed something, sneered, and said, "Hmph, you actually came out. You really are disobedient."

The demon god turned his gaze to one side, froze for a moment, and said with great interest: "Oh? Who are you?"

Wearing a disciple's costume, Meng Erya stood in front of the demon god with light but delicate makeup, and said, "Brother Nanshuang, don't you remember me?"

The demon god sneered, and said, "You can see clearly, I'm not your senior brother Nanshuang."

As soon as the words fell, the demon god felt a surge of excitement inside, why? !Why did Ye Nanshuang's soul, which had been suppressed, respond again? !Who is this person in front of me? !
Looking at Meng Erya again, there was a bit of fear in the eyes of the demon god, squinting slightly, looking up and down at the thin woman in front of him.

"What's your name?" The demon god looked at Meng Erya and said.

Meng Erya ignored the glances of the elders and disciples below, and walked a few steps towards the demon god, saying, "I am Erya, senior brother Nanshuang, don't you remember me?"

With tears in Meng Erya's eyes, he looked at the demon god and walked forward step by step. Venerable Wuyou looked at Meng Erya and frowned.

"Eldest brother, why doesn't this Meng disciple act according to the arrangement?" Fifth Elder whispered in Venerable Wuyou's ear.

Venerable Wuyou turned around and made a silent gesture, saying: "Don't talk, disciple Meng should have his own plans."

The Fifth Elder nodded, frowning as Meng Erya was getting closer and closer to the demon god.

At this time, Meng Erya could not hear the voices of the people below, and she had lost everything in her eyes, only this person in front of her.Why is the face exactly the same, but it is so different at this time?It was as if a drop of ink had been dripped into a glass of clear water, turning the whole glass of water into pitch black.

The demon god's eyes were both confused and angry, but for some reason, he couldn't make a move when he looked at the woman who was slowly walking towards him in front of him.

"Stop!!" the demon god roared.

Meng Erya was taken aback, and immediately stood there, "Brother Nanshuang."

"Hmph!!" The demon god snorted coldly, looked at the people below, and said, "You have a family, but you actually sent a woman to die. Although I don't know what your plans are, but hehe!"

Immediately, the demon god showed a very strange smile, waved his hand, and brought a gust of wind, and Meng Erya flew backwards.

Before everyone could react, they saw a burst of red light from the demon god swaying over, and immediately everyone felt a burning sensation on their faces.

"Not good! The demon god has officially started attacking!!" An elder shouted, and immediately, the whole Xiaoyoumen was on the defensive. All the disciples were staring at the demon god above. Under the red light, unexpectedly There was an inexplicable fear.

"Demon God, you were originally my pet, but now you are causing harm to the world. If you surrender voluntarily, we can still save your life and seal you away."

Venerable Wuyou said slowly, the demon god burst out laughing when he heard that.

"Worriless, worry-free, why are you still so naive now that you are a venerable? Losing freedom is no different from death to me. Besides, without Qinghua and Fengdao, how can you people stand in the way?" How about living with me now?"

The demon god laughed loudly, and the expressions of everyone below were terrified.At this time, the evil spirit permeating the demon god is much stronger than when he left Xiaoyoumen. He must have made some preparations around Wucheng in Jingzhou to suppress Ye Nanshuang's soul. He wanted to introduce him at this time. It takes a lot of effort to use the magic circle trap.

Master Wuyou looked at Shang Yuanmin who was beside him, Shang Yuanmin nodded, and jumped into the sky, standing opposite the demon god.

"It's you again!" The demon god looked at Shang Yuan and smiled sadly, "I said before, you are very powerful, maybe you will be the next Qinghua, but you shouldn't have met me."

Shang Yuanmin laughed loudly and said, "Really? I also think you shouldn't have met me!"

After finishing speaking, Shang Yuanmin waved out a sword light, and immediately opened a silver-white road in the red light of the demon god, and then Shang Yuanmin stepped on the silver-white sword light and suddenly stepped in front of the demon god. To stab the demon god's chest.

The demon god chuckled and didn't move, but twisted his body into a strange arc at the moment when Shang Yuanmin's long sword came, and then rushed towards Shang Yuanmin with a punch, intending to hit Shang Yuanmin with a punch .Shang Yuanmin also reacted extremely quickly, bending his body, barely dodging the punch.

All this happened in the blink of an eye, and the people below didn't even see the movements of the two of them clearly. Min was already a little out of breath, and his body was covered in injuries.

But being able to fight with the demon god to such an extent has already opened everyone's eyes. They all know that Shang Yuanmin is the first genius in Xiaoyoumen, but they didn't expect to be so powerful.

The demon god laughed a few times, and said: "You are indeed very powerful, but I don't have the patience to fight with you like this!!"

After finishing speaking, the demon god jumped up high, and the long whip in his hand made a thunderous sound, and immediately dropped a red light composed of strong evil spirits, falling towards Feiling Peak, and everyone was shocked immediately.

Just being irradiated by the red light makes you feel a burst of burning. If you are really in the middle, I am afraid that the disciples below the master will not be able to last long.Immediately, the elders set up a protective barrier to keep those rain-like clusters of evil light outside.

After doing all this, Fu Mingxuan and several elders flew into the sky and joined Shang Yuanmin in the battle with the demon god.

Judging from the combat power, the demon god is already close to the peak of the lord at this time, and is about to touch the threshold of the monarch. A few real people can only hold him back for a while. Looking at the world, it feels oppressive as if you can't breathe.

Xie Wuxiang stood beside Venerable Wuyou and helped Master Wuyou to support such a large barrier to protect the entire Xiaoyoumen. At this time, she looked at the sky and frowned slightly.

Obviously, Shang Yuanmin has been seriously injured, and the rest of the real people are just delaying time with the demon god. Fu Mingxuan has been using the demon god's attention to him to lead the demon god to the place where the magic circle is, but the effect It is also negligible.

The demon god was annoyed by these real masters, and burst out a roar that resounded throughout the world. Bloody flames burned all over his body. He punched out, and immediately blasted all the real people into the air, and then blocked the shock on Feiling Peak. There was a layer of red waves, and Shang Yuanmin, who was already injured on the outer layer, flew far away. Almost suddenly, a phantom appeared behind the demon god, and the person was already standing in front of Fu Mingxuan. He grabbed Fu Mingxuan's neck with one hand.

"Fu Hanzhou"

At this time, Fu Mingxuan was injured all over his body under the attack of the demon god's red waves, and he couldn't speak at all. He looked at the demon god with cold eyes.

"Hmph!! Your eyes are not something in the world at all. You have guarded me for many days, let us end all this today!!"

After finishing speaking, a ball of red light appeared on the demon god's other hand. It was a strong evil spirit mixed with the demon god's fierce fist intent. Seeing that this punch was about to hit Fu Mingxuan, everyone squeezed In a sweat, even Venerable Wuyou wanted to give up the support of this enchantment to save Fu Mingxuan.

"My lord, no."

Xie Wuxiang beside him reminded in a low voice, "The lives of all the disciples are under your protection." After speaking, Xie Wuxiang slowly flew up towards the sky.

It's just that people didn't expect that there was a figure, which was faster than Xie Wuxiang, and rushed towards the demon god with a whoosh!
It was Meng Erya! !

Meng Erya rushed up from the demon god's back. Because of her inexperience, the demon god didn't pay attention to her at all. When she rushed to the demon god's back and hugged him from behind the demon god, the demon god's punch hit Meng Erya. Under Ya's interference, he hit another place, and immediately he felt a commotion in his body, unprecedented chaos, so chaotic that he had to put down Fu Mingxuan!

"Erya!!" Yidong, who was in the barrier below, looked at Meng Erya and exclaimed!
Seeing that Meng Erya hugged the demon god tightly, and the demon god was not quite right at this time, he didn't refuse violently, Meng Erya knew that he had awakened part of Ye Nanshuang's soul, so she persevered even more, slowly from the back Slowly approaching, Meng Erya hugged the demon god tightly, and shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Nanshuang! Senior Brother Nanshuang! Come out quickly!!"

The demon god has been completely enraged, he suppressed the discomfort in his body and hit Meng Erya on the back with a palm, but Meng Erya seemed to be tightly wrapped around her vines, she did not let go at all, and finally kept shouting Ye Nanshuang's name, every time he yelled, the demon god's body would be overwhelmed.

Is it coming out?

Ye Nanshuang's soul had long been suppressed by him at the bottom of the fountain of souls, why was it reawakened under this woman's call?

Meng Erya, Meng Erya.
Elegant and elegant, my heart is full of lessons, and I can't read it, but I think about it quietly, and I have a good idea.

(End of this chapter)

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