Road edge float

Chapter 145 Chapter 145

Chapter 145 Chapter [-] Core Controversy

This time, Yan Kaiting was still panting and looking at Cheng Junmo, while Cheng Junmo's mouth was bloody, his face was pale, and the veins on his neck were bruised.

Holding the long sword horizontally, Cheng Junmo stretched out his right hand, and a small jade bottle appeared. Holding the jade bottle, Cheng Junmo smiled sinisterly at Yan Kaiting.

Immediately, Cheng Junmo poured the golden liquid flowing from the jade bottle onto the sword body. In an instant, a halo flowed on the long sword, mana fluctuated, and mottled golden patterns appeared on the original silver-white sword body. There were bursts of light.

Holding the brand-new long sword, Cheng Junmo looked at Yan Kaiting, smiled sinisterly, and said, "If you didn't have that hammer, would you still be my opponent? My long sword has persisted in Jin Xuanye, which is already a level higher. , Do it again, we will win or lose!"

Yan Kaiting sneered a few times, and said: "I have a soul contract with Tai Chuhammer, if you want to blame, blame you for not having that life!"

As soon as the words fell, the two rushed together again, the sound of metal intersecting was deafening. Sure enough, the long sword blessed with Jin Xuanye was much more useful than before, and its power had also increased a lot. However, it still brought Cheng Junmo to a higher level.

Facing Cheng Junmo's moves all pointing at his own vitals, Yan Kaiting didn't bother to spend too much time avoiding it, and simply ignored everything. Since the other party beat him to death, then he didn't need to be polite and beat the other party to death as well. alright.

After being promoted to a higher level, Cheng Junmo didn't feel that he became more relaxed, because it was obvious that Yan Kaiting's tactics had also changed. , but as if he couldn't feel the pain, he desperately attacked himself.

After being hit twice by the Taichu hammer, Cheng Junmo's clothes were scorched, and one or two of his own ribs were actually broken.However, the wound he brought to Yan Kaiting only touched the flesh and did not touch the bones.

Seeing that both of them adopted this style of play, all the disciples and elders present frowned. They all knew Cheng Junmo's ruthlessness, but although Yan Kaiting took an outrageous and unreasonable way on weekdays, It is also rare to deliberately use hurting the other party as your own purpose.

But facing Cheng Junmo at this time, Yan Kaiting turned out to be even more ruthless, as if he didn't care about the wounds that Cheng Junmo's long sword had opened on his body, as if he couldn't feel the pain, and the Taichu hammer in his hand Like a meteor flying across at high speed, every time it hit Cheng Junmo's body, Yan Kaiting exerted all his strength.

The reason why Yan Kaiting chose Cheng Junmo was very simple. First, because Cheng Junmo had challenged him before, he naturally couldn't be afraid of the enemy. On the other hand, Fu Mingxuan was not interested in teaching people like Cheng Junmo, which didn't mean that Yan Kaiting was not interested.

If possible, Yan Kaiting not only wants to defeat Cheng Junmo, but also let him taste what it feels like to be intentionally hurt by others!
Yan Kaiting killed so hard that even Cheng Junmo couldn't take it anymore. He had always treated others like this before. When did it be Yan Kaiting's turn to treat himself like this? !

It's just that even if Cheng Junmo thought so, under the pressure of Tai Chuhammer, there was nothing he could do.Yan Kaiting was like a killing god at this time, his cultivation level was clearly lower than his own, and he suppressed himself into a state where he could only protect himself tightly without fighting back.

Seeing his appearance, Yan Kaiting snorted coldly, not taking other people's lives seriously, but he cherishes his own life very much!Although he was not able to bounce back the sword light shot by Cheng Junmo like Fu Mingxuan, causing Cheng Junmo to suffer backlash, but every blow he made with the hammer was real!
The state of the two fighting so much that all the elders and disciples were frightened. Venerable Wuyou frowned, pondered for a moment, and wanted to raise his hand to intervene in the battle between the two, but was stopped by Venerable Luoshui at the side .

"Senior brother, no, Junmo should also be taught a lesson." Venerable Luoshui looked at his senior brother firmly, and said, "Eighth senior brother died young in order to save us senior brothers, leaving behind such a The only son, all these years I have been with me to teach him well, but I still can't polish his extreme temperament, in the final analysis, we protect him too well."

Venerable Wuyou looked at Venerable Luoshui, did not speak, but sighed.

Venerable Luoshui said: "This will only harm him, and it should be good to let him learn a little lesson. As long as he keeps this life, it doesn't matter if Xiaoyoumen raises him for the rest of his life."

Venerable Wuyou had a sad face, looking at the two people fighting on the field, Luo Shui was still thinking of Cheng Junmo in the final analysis, but Venerable Wuyou was not only worried about Cheng Junmo.

Yan Kaiting on the field was covered in blood, and looked much worse than Cheng Junmo.However, anyone with some discernment could tell that Yan Kaiting had already gained the upper hand at this time, and all his injuries were flesh injuries, while Cheng Junmo's were all internal injuries without exception.

Even so, Venerable Wuyou was still worried about Yan's trial.

During these days, he has been paying special attention to this disciple. He rescued Xie Wuxiang at the risk of life and death, and brought back important news that can subdue the demon god. The most crucial thing for the demon god to put him to death, no matter how you look at it, Yan's trial was largely due to Xiao Youmen's ability to escape the catastrophe of the demon god last time.

In addition, although this disciple has a good relationship with Fu Shouzuo, he can keep a distance so that no one will gossip, and he never uses Fu Hanzhou's identity to seek a half profit. They are all controlled within a certain range, and there is no harm in them.

In Venerable Wuyou's heart, he was actually very optimistic about this disciple.It is not without reason that Taichu Hammer and him are both soul bonds.

But today, Yan Kaiting was obviously enraged by Cheng Junmo, so he resorted to an even more ruthless killing move than Cheng Junmo. This time, Cheng Junmo is afraid that he will suffer this loss!

Sure enough, in the next few moves, Yan Kaiting had already gained the upper hand. Cheng Junmo's mouth was bloody at this time, and even his blocking movements became slow. In fact, several bones had been broken inside him, and he could still continue to fight. It is already not easy.

In the end, under Yan Kaiting's outburst of anger, he used a lotus drop, and the blue light as heavy as a mountain immediately crushed him to the ground, and he couldn't get up again.

The gong sounded, and the competition ended.Yan Kaiting looked coldly at Cheng Junmo who was lying on the ground and was still struggling to get up but couldn't move at all, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, turned to look at the elders' bench above, and saluted all the elders tremblingly.When he heard Fu Mingxuan read his name as the winner, Yan Kaiting showed Fu Mingxuan a tired and bleak smile.

At this time, his clothes were already torn, and his whole body seemed to have just been dyed from a red dye vat. His whole body was soaked in blood. His bones were already visible in several wounds, and his eyes became ethereal. He was slowly walking down the competition field Then, he fell into the crowd.

"Brother Ting!!" Fu Mingxuan's heart tightened, and regardless of his own identity, he hurriedly flew to Yan Kaiting and hugged him in his arms.

"Brother Ting!!" Fu Mingxuan gently shook Yan Kaiting in his arms. Yan Kaiting only felt the weight of a thousand catties on his eyelids. He raised his eyelids with difficulty and smiled at Fu Mingxuan.

"I didn't disappoint you, did I?"

Fu Mingxuan had a sore nose, and said again and again: "No, no, stop talking, I'll take you back to heal your wounds!"

Yan Kaiting smiled and passed out.Fu Mingxuan turned his head and glanced at Venerable Wuyou, Venerable Wuyou sighed and nodded towards him, Fu Mingxuan got up and left.

Looking at the figure of Fu Mingxuan leaving with Yan Kaiting in his arms, Xie Wuxiang's eyes revealed anxiety and distress that others could not detect. God knows how much she wanted to follow, but her reason nailed her feet together like nails. On the ground, she could only look at it from a distance, but dared not approach it.

Cheng Junmo, who was lying on the ground on the field, was also supported by two disciples. The fierceness of this competition made the field covered with blood, which made people feel chills on their backs.

Venerable Wuyou sighed, stood up, and said: "As you can see, the ten core disciples have been selected, and the acceptance ceremony will be held tomorrow morning. The competition is over, everyone should leave."

Everyone stood still, bowed to the elders, and then retreated slowly. Xiao Youmen's disciple assessment conference this time came to an end.

In the Xiao courtyard, Yin Ze brought out basins of blood-stained water from Yan Kaiting's wing room, watching Meng Erya and Yidong tightly gripping each other.

Yin Ze comforted the two of them and said: "It's okay, Mr. Fu has been taking care of him inside, all of them are flesh wounds, just recuperate for a while and he will be fine."

Even though he said so, Meng Erya was still unavoidably anxious, his heart seemed to be full of bugs, and he didn't know what to do.

With my current physical condition, I am already out of breath after walking a few steps, so I don't even need to think about taking care of Yan in court.

In the middle of the night, Fu Mingxuan came out of Yan Kaiting's wing room, looked at the three people waiting outside the door, and said, "I'm fine, I woke up once, but there is still a ceremony to be held tomorrow, so I will call He rested first."

The three of them nodded, Meng Erya frowned and said, "My lord has suffered such a serious injury, how can I participate in the wearing ceremony tomorrow?"

But Fu Mingxuan said: "It's okay, I was there during the process, I will definitely take care of him, you don't need to worry."

Having said that, Meng Erya was relieved.

After Fu Mingxuan left, Meng Erya and Yidong returned to their rooms, leaving Yin Ze to wait outside Yan Kaiting's room, in case Yan Kaiting had any needs or some accidents happened suddenly.

Yin Ze was sitting on the steps of the door. He had been watching the battle intently during the day, and he spent some energy to some extent. His vision blurred and he was about to fall asleep hazily, but it seemed as if , I saw a touch of whiteness appearing in front of my eyes, like moonlight, with the fragrance of lotus.

Yin Ze woke up suddenly, stood up, and was just about to ask a question, when Xie Wuxiang in front of him made a silent gesture to him.

"Shhh..." Xie Wuxiang's cautious appearance at this time is completely different from her usual attitude of refusing to be far away from others, like a girl who is worried about being discovered by others.

"Fairy Wuxiang." Yin Ze was also surprised, he didn't expect Fairy Wuxiang to come to Xiao Courtyard.

Fairy Wuxiang nodded and said softly, "I just want to see how he is doing. After all, he once saved me."

Yin Ze nodded, and stood aside to make way for Fairy Wuxiang.

Xie Wuxiang thanked him softly, walked towards Yan Kaiting's wing, gently pushed open the door, Xie Wuxiang flashed into the wing.

"No thinking. No thinking"

As soon as Xie Wuxiang entered the wing room, he was shocked when he heard Yan Kaiting call his name again, thinking how could he know that it was him who came in?He has already concealed all his aura, even Fu Hanzhou has no way of knowing that he has been to Xiao Yuanyuan.

"Are you better?" Xie Wuxiang's voice trembled a little.

But there was no response from the other party, Xie Wuxiang took a closer look, only to see that Yan Kaiting was still in a deep sleep, and did not notice his arrival.

Could it be just a dream?Did he appear in his dream again?
For some reason, Xie Wuxiang felt an inexplicable joy in her heart, even she herself couldn't explain the reason.

Standing by the bed, Xie Wuxiang looked at Yan Kaiting carefully. At this time, his brows were slightly frowned, as if he had encountered something unhappy in a dream. His body was wrapped in layers of gauze, and some blood had already penetrated to the surface. , Yan Kaiting, who was lying on the bed, was very weak, like a child who needed to be protected.

Looking at Yan Kaiting, Xie Wuxiang suddenly felt a warm pity in her heart, she couldn't help stretching out her hand, gently stroking Yan Kaiting's frowning brows, a burst of warmth came from her fingertips.

Unexpectedly, Yan Kaiting slowly opened his eyes.

Xie Wuxiang was startled, and the movements of his hands froze instantly.

I saw Yan Kaiting half-opening a pair of melancholy eyes that seemed to be very aggrieved looking at himself, silent for a moment, and murmured: "Do you hate me so much?"

Xie Wuxiang couldn't tell whether Yan Kaiting was awake or still asleep, he was slightly taken aback, and said softly: "I have never hated you."

Yan Kaiting didn't respond at all, he closed his eyes a little, and said again: "Then do you like me?"

Xie Wuxiang was silent for a while, nodded, and said those two words that he couldn't believe: "I like it."

Yan Kaiting closed his eyes, Xie Wuxiang stared at him blankly, then withdrew his hand and put it on his lips.


Why do you answer like this?Did he really like Shang Yan's court session?
Lowering her head, Yan Kaiting's child-like sleeping face was so peaceful and peaceful that Xie Wuwan was fascinated by it. Suddenly, she sat beside Yan Kaiting, looking at him like this, and she didn't know how much time had passed.

By the time Xie Wuxiang walked out of Yan Kaiting's wing room, Yin Ze had already fallen asleep leaning against the pillars in the corridor outside, Xie Wuxiang looked at the sky, there was a ray of fish-belly in the east, and the bright moon was sinking in the dark night, thank you Wu Xiang walked up to Yin Ze and patted him on the shoulder lightly.

Yin Ze yawned and woke up, looked at Xie Wuxiang, and said, "Fairy Wuxiang."

Xie Wuxiang took a jade hairpin from his head and handed it to Yin Ze, and asked, "Did you fully understand the secret method in that one last time?"

Yin Ze nodded with a smirk, and said, "It really is profound, thank you Fairy Wuxiang."

Xie Wuxiang smiled and said: "It's okay, it's the same this time, don't think anyone mentions that I've been here, including Yan Xiaoran."

Yin Ze blushed and said, "I didn't mean to tell him last time."

Xie Wuxiang said, "It's okay, you take this one, thank you for taking care of him all this time."

Yin Ze took the jade hairpin that Xie Wuxiang handed over, looked at the exquisite jade hairpin, some words stuck in his throat, looked at Xie Wuxiang, and lowered his head.

"What's the matter? But it's okay to say." Xie Wuxiang also noticed Yin Ze's expression.

Yin Ze took a deep breath and said, "Fairy Wuxiang, I have been living with Brother Yan all this time, and I can see that he is sincere to you, and I can also see that you are interested in him, why can't you Let go and accept him?"

Xie Wuxiang thought that Yin Ze would say something about her cultivation or whether she would stay or not, but she didn't expect to say such words, which made her dumb for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Silent for a moment, looking at this young man who used his weak strength to fight against the demon god to save himself, Xie Wuxiang sighed softly, and said: "Yan Xiaoran is a good person, but I am different."

Yin Ze was taken aback, did Xie Wuxiang mean that he was a bad person?Do bad people care about good people?
"But Fairy Wuxiang is also a flawless and good person like that bright moon!" Yin Ze said.

Xie Wuxiang sneered, mocking himself, sighed, and said, "If I grew up like you, I would be desperate for the person I love. It's just that we are born different."

Yin Ze was a little puzzled, but he didn't intend to ask any more, so he said, "No matter what, Fairy Wuxiang, even if it's only once, you have to live for yourself!"

Xie Wuxiang was slightly startled, smiled and nodded towards Yin Ze, then turned around and walked into the courtyard, rising between the clouds.

Looking at Xie Wuxiang's disappearing figure, Yin Ze sighed and said: "No matter what heights people are in, they all have their own troubles and sorrows."

The dawn gradually shone on Feiling Peak, Xiao Youmen ushered in a new day, the disciple assessment meeting was over, and after attending Yan's court ceremony, it was time for him to leave.

Yin Ze stood up, walked into the kitchen, made a hearty breakfast and placed it in the courtyard. He woke up Meng Erya and Yidong without sleep, and Yin Ze knocked on Yan to start the court session. the wing room.

"Brother Yan, brother Yan, are you awake?"

Yan Kaiting's hoarse voice when he just woke up came from the room, Yin Ze walked in, helped Yan Kaiting out of bed slowly, and Yidong came in with a basin of hot water.

"Senior Brother Xiao Ran, Er Ya hasn't fully recovered yet, so let my junior sister wash you up today."

Looking at Yidong who was smiling sweetly, Yan Kaiting seemed a little flattered. Ever since he left the identity of Lord Yan, Yan Kaiting had never been served by anyone, and Yidong shouldn't take care of himself like this.But because I have to be supported even when I walk, I can only nod and say: "Thank you, thank you, Junior Sister."

Yidong was very proficient. He wiped Yan Kaiting's face and asked him to rinse his mouth. With the help of Yin Ze, he put Yan Kaiting on a small and elegant green shirt, and then tied the knot for him. A high-spirited bun.

"Brother is going to attend the ceremony of receiving the admiration today, so he must have made Zhou Zhou upright."

Looking at his masterpiece, Yidong smiled with satisfaction.

"Yidong~ Bring in Brother Yan's breakfast, let him eat here, and we will go to the main hall." Yin Ze pointed to the breakfast in the courtyard.

But Yan Kaiting said: "It's okay, I want to eat with you, Yin Ze, please help me."

In the courtyard, Meng Erya was already sitting at the table, watching Yan Kaiting slowly walking towards her with the support of Yin Ze, Meng Erya hurriedly poured a bowl of porridge into Yan Kaiting's bowl, and stood aside Served with a little pickle.

"Young master, forgive Erya for not being able to take care of you."

As soon as Yan Kaiting sat down, there was a sharp pain all over his body. Fortunately, Yan Kaiting could bear the pain in his flesh. Looking at Meng Erya, he said, "So, you have to get better soon!"

Four people sit together and eat a simple but delicious breakfast, just like a family, starting a new day together.

Yan Kaiting was supported by Yin Ze on the way to the main hall slowly. The surrounding disciples all nodded to him when they saw him, and there was a bit of awe in their eyes. The road is not long, but Yan Kaiting is full It took less than half an hour to get there. I started early, but I was still just in time.

Passing through the disciples standing in front of the main hall, Yan Kaiting walked into the main hall. Nine core disciples turned around and looked at Yan Kaiting. One of them walked over and bowed to Yan Kaiting, saying: "Junior Brother Xiao Ran, Let me hold you up."

Yan Kaiting, who has a graceful temperament and a friendly smile, is acquainted. His name is Zhang Weishi, and according to his ranking, he is Yan Kaiting's senior brother.

Yan Kaiting returned a salute with a smile, and said, "Senior Brother, thank you."

Afterwards, Zhang Weishi took Yan Kaiting from Yin Ze and helped him walk towards the center of the hall.

Above the main hall, the elders had already arrived. Fu Mingxuan and Xie Wuxiang were still standing on the left and right. Yan Kaiting first smiled at Fu Mingxuan, and then his eyes moved to Xie Wuxiang.

Immediately, there was a sound of bells ringing in the hall, the elders stood up, and silently recited Xiaoyoumen's discipleship together with all the disciples, afterward, the elders sat down and Fu Mingxuan walked forward.

I saw Fu Mingxuan said loudly: "After a series of selections, we have the following ten disciples in our sect, who will become the core disciples of this year's Xiaoyou sect. Please come and accept the ten disciples in the order of the names they read out. wear!"

The ten disciples all cupped their hands and said: "Disciple obey orders!"

"Zhang Weishi!"

After Fu Mingxuan read out the first name, Zhang Weishi walked towards the elders' seat and knelt down in front of Venerable Wuyou.

Venerable Wuyou looked at him and nodded, "How many years has disciple Weishi been among the core disciples?"

Zhang Weishi lowered his head and said, "It's been six years since the Great Elder said."

Venerable Wuyou nodded and said, "So, that is to say, this is the third time you have won?"

Zhang Weishi said: "Yes!"

Venerable Wuyou stretched out his hand, and a white jade pendant engraved with the word "Xiaoyou" engraved with flying dragons and phoenixes appeared in the hands of Venerable Wuyou. In addition, the logo of Xiaoyoumen is engraved on the reverse side, and a cluster of indigo tassels hangs below.

Venerable Wuyou handed the jade pendant to Zhang Weishi, Zhang Weishi took it with both hands and said, "Thank you Great Elder."

Venerable Wuyou stroked his beard and said, "This jade pendant is made from a piece of thousand-year-old cold jade on the Feiling Peak of my Xiaoyoumen. It is exclusively owned by the core disciples. It is used to mark their identity and the qualification to obtain certain resources."

That is to say, with this jade pendant, Xiaoyoumen can know all the resources and use it for himself. Therefore, even though this jade pendant looks ordinary, there are so many people competing for it.

After Zhang Weishi went down, Fu Mingxuan read out the three characters Yan Xiaoran aloud, Yan was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that it would be his turn so soon.

It happened that Zhang Weishi was still in front of him, so with Zhang Weishi's support, Yan Kaiting walked up to Venerable Wuyou and knelt down slowly.

Venerable Wuyou watched Yan's court session, and after a long time, said: "Yan Xiaoran, you are the No.1 of my Xiaoyoumen who has become a core disciple in the shortest time to start, do you know why you are called here now?"

Yan opened the court for a while, and said: "Go back to the elder, I don't know."

Venerable Wuyou said: "This shows that you ranked second in all aspects of this disciple assessment conference."

Yan Kaiting raised his head, his eyes widened in disbelief, "Second."

Didn't you think that you have already reached this strength?
Yan Kaiting only felt that being able to become a core disciple was already the luckiest of luck, ranking second, Yan Kaiting didn't even think about it first.

Seeing Yan Kaiting's dazed expression, Venerable Wuyou smiled and said, "Come, take your jade pendant!"

Yan Kaiting came back to his senses, and quickly stretched out his hand, the wound on his body started to hurt again, and he couldn't help hissing.

However, the moment the jade pendant fell into his hand, a trace of coolness penetrated into his palm, and the pain disappeared instantly.Yan Kaiting looked at the seemingly ordinary jade pendant in his hand, and thought to himself, this jade pendant is really not simple.

After Yan Kaiting withdrew, the other eight disciples also received jade pendants one after another. Yan Kaiting stood in the main hall until the end of the pendant ceremony. Fu Mingxuan hurried down to support him.

"You can't stand anymore!" Fu Mingxuan said, looking at him with a smile.

Yan Kaiting smiled and said, "Although it's not a hindrance, it still hurts a lot."

Fu Mingxuan helped Yan Kaiting, and walked slowly outside the hall. As soon as Yan Kaiting walked out of the main hall door, he saw Yidong running over panting.

"What's wrong? What happened?!" Yan Kaiting was startled, seeing Yidong's appearance, it seemed that the Xiao courtyard was on fire.

"Senior Brother Xiao Ran! Yin Ze, Yin Ze is leaving!"

Yidong stood in front of Yan Kaiting, and said: "Seeing that you have been admired, Yin Ze went back to pack his things, and he must have reached the edge of the cliff by now!"

Yan Kaiting was startled, and said: "Let's go!!"

Regardless of the pain on his body, Yan Kaiting was like walking on the edge of a cliff, but after just a few steps, the wound on his body opened, and the pain was unbearable.Fu Mingxuan supported him from behind, and said, "If you walk over like this, Yin Ze may have already had dinner in Undying City!"

After speaking, he hugged Yan Kaiting and flew towards the edge of the cliff.

Facing the endless sea of ​​clouds on the edge of the cliff, Yin Ze was filled with emotion.On that day, He Yan Kaiting climbed Feiling Peak from this place, allowing him to see Xiaoyoumen, the second of the four sects. Here, he felt the warmth of home for the first time. Wuxiang, Fu Hanzhou, or Meng Erya used Dongyan to open the court, they all treated him meticulously and never regarded him as an outsider.

In fact, it's not that he didn't think about staying, but he was used to drifting since he was a child, and he really couldn't bear to be restrained. In addition to the myriad of worlds, he still wanted to take a look.

The sea of ​​billowing clouds glowed golden under the sun, like a road leading to the sky, Yin Ze didn't know why he hadn't taken the step to leave, perhaps he was also waiting for that person's arrival in his heart.

"Yin Ze."

A familiar voice came from behind, and Yin Ze turned his head, only to see Yan Kaiting, supported by Fu Mingxuan, standing behind him, looking at him.

"Brother Yan."

Yan Kaiting walked forward tremblingly, slapped Yin Ze on the head, and said, "Why didn't you say anything when you left?! Is that why you don't want to see me anymore?"

Yin Ze felt wronged and said, "It's just that I don't want to face separation."

Yan Kaiting smiled and said: "If you don't want to face separation, why not just stay here?"

Yin Ze smiled awkwardly, and said, "It's not that I haven't thought about staying here, it's just that there are thousands of worlds, and I still want to take a look."

Why do we have to have a destination when we are alive?How wonderful the world is, Yin Ze is destined to walk in this world if he follows his heart.

Yan Kaiting could fully understand, sighed, Yan Kaiting patted Yin Ze's back, and said, "Remember, you must take care when you are outside."

Yin Ze nodded. He only felt his nose sour, sucked his nose, looked at Fu Mingxuan, and said: "During this time, thank you, Mr. Fu, for your guidance."

Fu Mingxuan also nodded in return, and said, "It's not counting as advice, but I want to thank you for taking such good care of Brother Ting!"

Yin Ze let out a hearty whisper, and said: "Brother Yan is a good man, he deserves to be treated like this! The two elder brothers take care of themselves, and the younger brother will bid farewell today!"

After finishing speaking, Yin Ze turned around and jumped into the sea of ​​clouds, disappearing before the two of them.

Yan Kaiting looked in the direction where Yin Ze disappeared and remained silent for a long time.

"He belongs to these thousands of worlds, and these thousands of worlds also belong to him. He wants to travel. This is where his happiness lies. Let's go."

Fu Mingxuan walked up to Yan Kaiting and stood shoulder to shoulder with him. After speaking, he helped Yan Kaiting up, and the two walked slowly towards Xiao Yuanyuan.

In the next few days, Yan Kaiting had a comfortable time with nothing to do, Meng Erya's health improved, and after practicing, she undertook the things in the kitchen, sticking together with Yidong all day long, Talking about some gossip inside the door.

It was the first time for Yan Kaiting to hear that a certain senior brother and a certain brother were not on good terms in the door, and he was also extremely surprised. It seems that girls are so sensitive to gossip that every stone will cause ripples , Yan Kaiting couldn't help admiring him.

Yan Kaiting's injury gradually recovered, and he began to miss Xie Wuxiang again in his heart. For some reason, ever since he was injured that day, the tip of his nose was always lingering with a faint lotus fragrance, as if Xie Wuxiang was standing in front of him. .

But since the ceremony of accepting the admiration ended, Yan Kaiting has never built Xie Wuxiang again.

Is she still on it?Every night, Yan Kaiting supported his head and looked at the sky courtyard hidden in the clouds above.

Although she is not the only one there, she is no different from one person, won't she be lonely?
How much Yan Kaiting wanted to be able to talk to him!Every time he thinks of this, Yan Kaiting sighs heavily.

"Gu Nian, your injuries are still not completely healed, and you were not assigned to do many missions, but you sighed all day long, how could this happen?"

Looking in front of the door, he saw Fu Mingxuan walking in slowly.

Yan Kaiting knew that Fu Mingxuan had a grudge against his liking for Xie Wuxiang, so he didn't mention what he thought in his heart at all, but said: "What I regret is that I have nothing to do and spend all day in this Xiaoyuan courtyard!"

Fu Mingxuan chuckled a few times, and said: "With this jade pendant, you can't enjoy the little resources inside the door? Go to the top floor of Zangshu Pavilion to have a look, it's better than you staying in Xiaoyuan, playing with cats all day long Be strong!"

Bingling meowed at the side, as if she was also protesting. Bingling couldn't sleep well these days, and was woken up by Yan Kaiting before she fell asleep, and couldn't eat well. Yin Ze's craftsmanship, little It is estimated that no one can compare with the door.

Yan Kaiting rubbed his head and said with a smirk, "This brain hurts when I think about things, especially those Taoisms. I want to sleep before I read it!"

Fu Mingxuan said: "The more advanced the knowledge, the more obscure and difficult to understand. If you don't work hard, how can you become a real person before participating in the Jianmu Conference? Let me tell you, I'm already close to the 'shelter' state."

Yan Kaiting suddenly opened his eyes wide, looked at Fu Mingxuan in disbelief, and said, "This is so fast?"

Fu Mingxuan snorted coldly and said, "If you are too weak, don't blame me for bullying you!"

After finishing speaking, Fu Mingxuan stood up and said, "Hurry up and get healthy, there is a task in the door that I have been delaying. After you recover from your injury, go with me."

Yan Kaiting nodded, thinking about his own cultivation.

Now that I have passed the "subdued" state, to be honest, the "feeling" state is not far away, but it will take a certain amount of time to pass this hurdle. It seems that in the next few days, I will It's time to soak in the library.

In the early morning of the next day, Yan Kaiting came to Zangshu Pavilion. This time, he went straight to the top floor of Zangshu Pavilion.It is said that this place hides the most important Taoism and secret techniques of Xiaoyoumen, and only the elders and core disciples can enter, and the way to enter is to rely on that piece of white jade.

Yan Kaiting walked to the top floor and saw two boys waiting at the door. Seeing Yan Kaiting, he bowed to Yan Kaiting and said, "Senior Brother Xiao Ran."

Yan opened the court to return the gift, pointed to the door behind, and said: "That... how to get in?"

A boy said: "I don't know if the brother has brought Peiyu?"

Yan Kaiting nodded, since he gave this pendant to himself, he has been wearing it all the time and never took it off, so he took off the pendant around his waist and handed it to the boy.

But the boy bowed down and said: "Senior Brother Xiao Ran, the spiritual power of this pendant is too strong for us to bear. If you want to open this door, you have to come by yourself."

Yan Kaiting groaned, and saw the two boys retreating to the side, and a red lacquered wooden door appeared in front of Yan Kaiting.

On the wooden door, there is a depression, judging from the size of the depression, it is the same as Yan Kaiting's Peiyu.

"Brother, you can just put the pendant here." A boy pointed to the depression and said.

Yan Kaiting stepped forward and placed Peiyu in the depression. It was not too big or too small, just suitable for it. Suddenly, there was a flash of white light, which was revealed from the crack of the door. Yan Kaiting knew that the door had just opened. .

"Brother, you can go in now."

Yan Kaiting thanked him, and walked inside, the scene in front of him immediately made him dumbfounded, and then the door behind him was closed heavily, with a loud bang, which shocked him again.

"This is too exaggerated."

In front of Yan Kaiting, it does not look like a room at all, but an endless plain. Yan Kaiting seems to feel that he is walking on a grassland, between the wind blowing grass, Yan Kaiting is afraid that he will see a few cattle and sheep coming out .

It's just that the cheat books floating in the air about two people high brought him back to reality, this is really still in Xiaoyoumen, maybe it's in Zangshuge.

Yan Kaiting walked on the soft grass, and found that one or two stone piers would appear from time to time. The stone piers were covered with futons, which were obviously places for meditation. After the secret book is down, I want to check it out.

Unexpectedly, when Yan Kaiting was about to open the secret book, the secret book suddenly disappeared. Yan Kaiting was stunned for a moment, and when he looked around in his hand, he found that words appeared in his mind, which was that the contents of this cheat sheet.

Yan Kaiting smiled in surprise, is there such an operation?

Looking for a futon nearby, Yan Kaiting sat down and fell into samadhi.

The content is in the mind, which is much more convenient than reading a book. Yan Kaiting chewed the content word by word, using his own spiritual sense as an aid, and absorbed less than half of the book in one day.

This secret book is mainly about Taoism, in pursuit of tempering one's mind, after reading half of it, Yan Kaiting only felt that the whole person became transparent.

"It really is the supreme way!" Yan Kaiting laughed after waking up.

I don't know how long it has passed, the sky here is already dark, although there is no bright moon, but the floating cheat books are shining like stars in the sky, illuminating the world brightly.Yan Kaiting stood up and walked towards the door. The moment he opened the door, the content floating in his mind was ignored, and it seemed that it had turned into a secret book and stayed in this world.

Looking back, Yan Kaiting was still amazed.Now he finally understood why Xiao Youmen's disciples insisted on competing for the position of this core disciple, and he didn't dare to imagine how much more resources Fu Mingxuan, who was the head seat, could get.

(End of this chapter)

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