Reborn 1990 has different pupils

Chapter 378 Jinhua Big Ham

Chapter 378 Jinhua Big Ham

Since Aunt Gu has already seen this pink dress (Qi Shaoyan:? What about me? I have seen it too! Why didn't you say it?), then I can finally change it back!

Yu Ling turned around and was about to go into the fitting room to change back into the one she had when she came, when she was surprised by the person in the fitting mirror.

This... This pink, tender and indifferent person is really me?
"How's it going? Isn't it nice?"

Gu Wanjun came over and looked at the person wearing new clothes in the mirror with her, Yu Ling: "...I'll change it."

"It's pretty. It's just dressed like this. Why do you want to change it?" Yu Ling's clothes were not ugly before, but most of them were gray or black, and the colors were mainly heavy. The color of her clothes is also a little distorted, but this pink set is different, and she has brought her own advantages to the maximum.

Especially those two legs...


As Qi Shaoyan thought about it, he couldn't help looking up his legs, his expression was like a man who had been hungry for three or five days seeing Jinhua ham, his eyes were too greedy.

When he regained consciousness, only he and his mother were in front of the mirror.

"Pay attention to me outside too, look at your embarrassing appearance just now..." Gu Wanjun tugged at her silly son: "I'm afraid Xiaoling won't know that you are lustful?"

Qi Shaoyan: " it really so obvious?"

can't you?If Xiaoling really saw what he was like just now, wouldn't he be cold?
Gu Wanjun sneered: "The saliva is almost three feet long, what do you think?"

In fact, it's not that exaggerated, it's just that she can't see her son's face like a pig who has never seen a woman, although he seems to have never seen it, especially a top-notch girl like Xiaoling.

Qi Shaoyan knew whether he left his saliva or not, so when he heard his mother say such words, he knew that she was exaggerating again. The set of clothes with different styles just now said: "This, this, this... and this set, wrap them up according to the size just now! Then count the money together."

Seeing that her son's eyes were rarely on the road, Gu Wanjun pointed to another set of clothes: "I wrapped them all together, but boy, it seems that Xiaoling doesn't like pink clothes very much just now! Can she wear them after we buy them back?" ?”

The corner of Qi Shaoyan's mouth raised: "It's simple, I'll destroy a few sets of clothes in the trunk of the car later, if she doesn't wear these, she will have nothing to wear!"

Gu Wanjun: "...That's enough, it really is non-toxic and not a husband! How do you plan to destroy it?"

"I haven't thought of it yet, mom, give me a suggestion!"

"Gasoline!" Gu Wanjun lowered her voice, "Pretend to accidentally add a few drops of gasoline, Xiaoling doesn't understand the internal structure of a car, so she won't be able to detect whether we did it on purpose or not!"

"Mom, you are the most vicious woman, right?" She can even think of such a method as dripping gasoline, as expected of his own mother.

"How do you talk? Is there any son in the world that you say that about your mother?" Gu Wanjun glared at her son displeased: "Quickly take back that sentence and apologize!"

She even said that her mother is the most poisonous woman!Enough of the good times, the daughter-in-law has caught up, right?

"No mother in the world would say that her son is non-toxic and not a husband..."

 Already replaced~ okay?
(End of this chapter)

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