Chapter 477

Yu Ling's words silenced both Cao Ruinian and Mr. Yang.

Such an unremarkable place is really not worth Su Ningxue's troublesome asking for it from Lu Kun.

So, they still haven't figured it out, what exactly is Su Ningxue planning?

Yu Ling looked at it for another week, frowning even tighter: "This is so strange..."

"Strange? Why is it so strange?" Cao Ruinian asked curiously as he approached Yu Ling.

"This place is too clean." Yu Ling said.

"Ah? What do you mean?" Cao Ruinian didn't understand.

Cao Ruinian didn't know anything about metaphysics. He only learned about it after he got to know Yu Ling, so he didn't understand what Yu Ling said at all.

"I mean this place is too clean." Yu Ling repeated again. "This place is obviously very dark, suitable for ghosts and ghosts to live in, but here you can't even see a ghost, it's really strange..."

Cao Ruinian shuddered and complained, "Isn't it better if you don't have it? It's normal to be clean."

Yu Ling gave him a white look: "Didn't you understand what I mean? What I said is that this place is very dark, suitable for ghosts and ghosts."

"Eh..." Cao Ruinian fell silent.

Although he had seen a lot of supernatural things with Yu Ling, he still couldn't get used to it, but he couldn't be as calm and calm as her.

At this time, Cao Ruinian's cell phone rang, and the number showed that it was Qi Shaoyan.

"Souqi Qi called." Cao Ruinian said, and then answered the phone. "Hello?"

Yu Ling watched Cao Ruinian answer the phone without saying a word, and kept watching his expression change.

After about 5 minutes, Cao Ruinian hung up the phone with a serious expression on his face.

"What did you say?" Yu Ling asked.

"He said he found information about this piece of land." Cao Ruinian said. "This place was a wasteland 50 years ago, and it belonged to a landlord in the Republic of China. There were rumors that the landlord buried treasure here. However, no one found it here. Later, the landlord died. The nephew was unfilial, the family business withered, and this piece of wasteland was forgotten. After the reform and opening up, this piece of land was put up for bidding, and it was taken by Mr. Lu."

Yu Ling frowned, treasure?The landlord of the year hid treasures here?

Could it be that Su Ningxue did it for this?
Thinking of this, Yu Ling began to silently recite the Heavenly Eye formula in her heart, and then her eyes flashed a bright light, and she felt clear in an instant.

Yu Ling looked around, and sure enough, she saw an unusual place in the southeast.

The place is filled with bursts of Yin Qi, but it is very attractive, making ghosts fear.

Yu Ling suddenly understood why there were no ghosts and grudges here, it was because there were such things in this place.

The Tianyan formula is time-sensitive, and it is only useful for feng shui fixed acupoints, which is different from Yu Ling's different pupils.

After choosing the location, Yu Ling headed towards the southeast directly, and said to Cao Ruinian, "Do you have a shovel in your car? Use it for me."

Cao Ruinian was puzzled, but obediently went to get it.

Cao Ruinian moved quickly and brought it quickly.

"Dig." Yu Ling pointed to the ground and said.

Cao Ruinian wanted to vomit blood, did he come to work as a coolie?
But he still obediently complied, and even dug out a quaint box.

Seeing this box, Yu Ling smiled.

This is the thing...

(End of this chapter)

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