Chapter 708

Xue Xiaoqi couldn't hold back Yu Ling, so she could only let her go to school with her.Yu Ling's appearance caused quite a commotion in the school.

After all, Yu Ling is a well-known beauty in school, and I heard that she was injured and hospitalized, so of course she will attract attention now that she is back.

In the classroom, many students came to greet Yu Ling's injury, even the roommates from the previous two dormitories also came to express condolences.

Yu Ling thanked them all, and then found a seat with Xue Xiaoqi to sit down and prepare for class.

Coincidentally, this class turned out to be an English class.

When Professor Kevin, who was wearing a white shirt and jeans, walked into the professor, the classroom fell silent instantly.

Yu Ling looked at that Professor Kevin, he was indeed very handsome. Although he was not as good-looking as Qi Shaoyan's face, which was a disaster for the country and the people, he was still ranked first in Q University.

However, Yu Ling always felt that Professor Kevin looked very familiar, and there was a faint gloomy look between his brows.

"How is it? Isn't he handsome?" Xue Xiaoqi approached Yu Ling and whispered.

"Let's have a good class." Yu Ling lowered her eyebrows and said.

She was sure she had never seen Professor Kevin, but why did she feel familiar?

That Professor Kevin first said something about class in English, and then all the girls in the classroom looked at him with a nympho expression, quite focused.

However, Professor Kaiwen noticed Yu Ling, and said with a smile: "This student who has never met before, are you the student Yu Ling who asked for leave and was hospitalized?"

Yu Ling stood up without any expression on her face: "It's me."

"Is there any health problem?" Professor Kevin asked Yu Ling with a warm smile on his face.

"No problem." Yu Ling was still very cold.

"Okay, then listen carefully. I'm a new English professor, just call me Teacher Kevin." Professor Kevin said with a smile. "If you have any questions, you can ask me anytime after class."

"Thank you." Yu Ling said lightly, and then sat down.

The girls around looked at Yu Ling with admiration. Isn't this too happy?To be asked by Mr. Kevin alone, is this the prerogative of a beautiful woman?
Yu Ling was looked at a little inexplicably, as for that?
Next, it's time to start class.

Yu Ling has to admit that Professor Kevin is really good at English. After a class, he taught him to be humorous and easy to understand. The girls listened very enthusiastically because of his face, but the boys also thought he was Very well spoken.

After class, Yu Ling and Xue Xiaoqi were about to leave, but they were stopped by Professor Kaiwen: "Student Xiaoqi, classmate Yu Ling, come with me to the office."

So Yu Ling and Xue Xiaoqi followed Professor Kevin to the office under the envious eyes of other students.

"Student Yu Ling, you haven't come to class recently. I have some notes here. You can review them." Professor Kevin handed a note to Yu Ling.

Yu Ling took it over, her face still calm: "Thank you teacher."

"Student Xiaoqi, can you help me get the roll call list for this month from the class teacher?" Professor Kaiwen looked at Xue Xiaoqi again and said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll go right away." Xue Xiaoqi responded with a smile, turned around and left.

Yu Ling frowned. Did Professor Kevin send Xue Xiaoqi away on purpose?

(End of this chapter)

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