Chapter 889

Yu Ruoyan's funeral was not extravagant, but a mourning hall was set up in the mansion, and then he was buried.

Qi Zixu hugged the child and knelt in the mourning hall. At this moment, he was no longer that high-spirited young general.

And on the day of the burial, Su Ningyu came.

"What are you doing here?" Seeing him, Qi Zixu didn't have any extra emotions, and his voice was indifferent and alienated.

"General Qi, come with me to the Su family's tomb." Su Ningyu said bluntly, he didn't come to offer condolences. "I said, sooner or later, I will need your help here."

"Why should I go with you?" Qi Zixu's voice was still cold, without even raising his eyebrows.

"I can't let me talk about this matter, let Yu Ruowen tell you." Su Ningyu turned around and left after saying this.

Qi Zixu's eyes finally changed, and his hands holding the child tightened.

Yu Ruowen...

How long has it been since I heard this name?
After handing the child over to the nanny, Qi Zixu simply tidied up and left the Qi residence.

All the way to the Su Family Tomb, Qi Zixu walked in without any hesitation.

None of the Su family's children stopped him, they had already been ordered, so no one would stop him.

When he walked into the tomb, Qi Zixu thought he would see a high-spirited Yu Ruowen, after all, he was regarded as a guest of honor by the two heads of the Su family.

However, he saw a Yu Ruowen who was as angry as a gossamer.

"How could this be?" Qi Zixu asked with a frown.

"God's punishment..." Yu Ruowen smiled, but it was a bit bleak. "I violated the rules of heaven and morality and created eight monsters. It should be punished by heaven."

"Then what did you ask me to do?" Qi Zixu had already noticed that there were eight coffins in the tomb, all made of high-quality golden nanmu, and ink fountain thread was used to seal the coffins.

He had already guessed that the eight coffins should be those eight King Kongs.

"Recently, I often feel that my energy is lacking, and I'm afraid I will die soon." Yu Ruowen coughed twice, his body shook twice, and he almost couldn't stand up. "I want General Qi to help me complete the Soul Slaying Formation and seal the Eight King Kongs."

"Let me be with you?" Qi Zixu's expression finally changed, but it was a sneer. "There are so many masters in the Su family, why did you find me?"

"When it comes to metaphysical attainments, even Su Ningjun, the former genius of the Su family, is ashamed of you. If I don't look for you, who else can I look for?" Yu Ruowen said. "General Qi, if you want your child to grow up safely, then seal the Eight Great Vajras together with me. Otherwise, after my death, no one will control the Eight Great Vajras, and the world will be in chaos. At that time, no one will be able to shake it off." They're gone."

These words directly stimulated Qi Zixu's heart.

He is not afraid of anything, let alone death, but the only thing he worries about is his own children.

He hopes that his children can grow up well and not get involved in these right and wrong.

After pondering for a while, Qi Zixu finally nodded: "Okay, Yu Ruowen, for the sake of the child, I promise you."

"Thank you." Yu Ruowen smiled, he knew that Qi Zixu would definitely agree.

This man is a tough guy who can bend and stretch, even if he hates him to death, Qi Zixu will put the overall situation first.

"Yu Ruowen, although I promised you, the day the formation is completed is when you die. I will never forget Ruoyan's death. You must pay the price for everything you have done." After saying this, Qi Zixu turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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