Become a prince

Chapter 110 The Messy Emperor, The Suffering Prince 3

Chapter 110 The Messy Emperor, The Suffering Prince 3
Seeing Mi Zhu and the seventh brother laughing and laughing back and forth, he felt uncomfortable watching the level of harmony for some reason.

"What?!" Xian Yuzhen yelled, is this a big joke?
In this cold weather, everyone went to the handsome tent, and the emperor's horse was also in charge of it, so why did Mao ask him to lead it?

Everyone looked at him pitifully.

Even the soldiers felt that the emperor showed too much favor to the prince.

Seeing how their lords were in a hurry to dodge, everyone glanced at the emperor, and there was some kind of information in their eyes.

Whether the Seventh Emperor is blind or clumsy, he can't even tell this.

It's really time to lead the horse and wake up.

"What? Can't help me lead the horse? Or do you want to take care of my horse yourself?" Xian Yuxu stomped his feet and asked solemnly.

If you say one more word, you will even have to clean the stables.

"Chen, thank you Lord Long En! Chen, let's go now, go right away!" Xian Yuzhen hurriedly clasped his hands together, turned around and ran away without a trace.

Differential treatment, differential treatment!After all, he is the emperor's best brother who grew up with him since he was a child, right?Why is it the Ninth Prince who can't compare with other people's small and short ones?He even ordered him to lead the horse in front of so many ministers and soldiers!

"Ah~" After Xian Yuzhen left, he looked up to the sky and shouted, depressed, depressed!

"Your Majesty, my minister's hand, my minister's hand..." Mi Zhu whispered as soon as she entered the commander's tent.

What strength is that!Transformed her hands!

Xian Yuxu looked at the small hand in the big palm, which was red and distorted by the force he had just squeezed, and hurriedly lifted it to his mouth to help her blow it.

This hand is so small, the hands of a person who has trained soldiers all year round and killed countless enemies can be so small and exquisite? !

Apart from the roughness and callus on the palm, the back of the hand still looks very smooth and delicate.

When Xian Yuxu took a look at it, he felt it was weird, and an urge to kiss it surged in his heart.

"Hmm~cough! Your Majesty, please take your seat!" Mi Zhu hurriedly withdrew her hand and opened the distance between her body without any trace.

Damn it!
She was getting more and more nervous, and even her hands turned over and over, and she didn't make a sound for a long time.

She's not that delicate, and everyone's eyes on the two of them are becoming more and more strange, and the meaning is getting weaker and weaker. She, she really wants to cry without tears!
Heaven, earth, my sister is really not the one who broke her sleeve!
Especially Li Xiang, when he looked like her, his eyes were full of sighs.

It's no wonder that the reason why he deliberately betrothed his youngest daughter to him and rejected it is because of his feelings; no wonder, the emperor has always refused to marry a wife, and even secretly raised a few male favorites. This is why!

This matter is really outrageous, outrageous!
However, everyone understands that such a thing cannot be mentioned at this time.

Besides, the Ninth Prince is now the lucky star and general of the Lousha Kingdom, the only commander who can exchange a small number of deaths for a huge victory. This kind of matter cannot be raised or opposed, and one can only turn a blind eye and close one's eyes, as if he didn't see anything !
"What are you hiding from? I hurt your hand because of my brother, so it's only natural for you to brag about it! Brothers should take care of each other! Dear friends, what do you think?"

Xian Yuxudao walked to the main seat and sat down, and when he was done, he asked the officials and generals who came in and watched everything without saying a word.

The officers and generals were about to tremble, saying "yes" "yes" and "yes" repeatedly!
(End of this chapter)

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