Chapter 194
Hearing this, Le Yiren rubbed Le Tongtong's body a few times before explaining, "No, it's because it's raining heavily outside, so it's dark. Let's go to the shop. There are three customers in our shop." sitting there."

Le Tongtong nodded quickly when he heard the words, "Mother, let's go there quickly, we can't let others secretly take our things while mother is not here."

Hearing this, Le Yiren couldn't help laughing.

When the baby heard this, he also grinned.

When Le Yiren led Le Tongtong and Bao Bao back to the shop, he immediately saw the gazes of the three of them.

"When the child woke up and couldn't find me, I cried, which made you laugh." Le Yiren explained with a smile.

The middle-aged man waved his hand when he heard the words, "What is the proprietress talking about? The child will cry when he can't find his mother. This is human nature."

Just as he was talking, the middle-aged man's eyes suddenly fell on the baby.

He stared at the baby for a long time, but because the lights in the room were dim, Le Yiren didn't see his eyes clearly.

The middle-aged man stared at the baby for a long time, and finally withdrew his gaze reluctantly.

"The proprietress's pet is a rare breed."

After a while, the middle-aged man said this.

Hearing what he said, Le Yiren was a little surprised.

What does this mean, does he know the type of baby?
Le Yiren thought for a while, then smiled, "You're joking, I can't afford to raise this breed. A nobleman put it here for me. He said it was not easy to take it away, so he stayed for me to take care of it. "

Hearing Le Yiren's explanation, the middle-aged man showed a dazed expression, but then turned his head and looked out the window without saying anything.

It rained all afternoon, and it was still crackling as the evening approached.

Although the rain was much lighter, as soon as I went out, I still couldn't avoid being drenched in water.

Therefore, the dinner of these three people is still eaten in the shop.

After they finished their dinner, the rain outside gradually subsided.

At this time, a young man said, "Master...sir, since the rain is lightening now, should we find a place to live first?"

The middle-aged man pondered for a while, then nodded and said, "Then do as you said."

After finishing speaking, he suddenly turned his head to look at Le Yiren, "Miss Boss, we are leaving, I wonder how much the two meals cost in total?"

At noon, the three of them each ate a bowl of shredded pork noodles with green vegetables.

For dinner, I ate millet porridge with red dates, flower rolls and two vegetarian dishes.

In total, Le Yiren collected a total of [-] Wen.

The three of them were a little surprised when they heard the price quoted by Le Yiren.

In their view, the Leyi people's craftsmanship is so good, the price must be very expensive.

But the current price is clearly very affordable.

However, looking at Le Yiren's usual expression, it was not because he saw that there was something wrong with the three of them, so he deliberately asked for less money.

A young man handed the [-] Wen to Le Yiren, thought for a while and asked, "May I ask the shopkeeper, where is the nearest inn from here? We want to stay for one night."

Although the rain outside is much lighter at this time, it looks like it will rain heavily at any moment.

The three of them were not suitable for choosing a place to live in such weather.

(End of this chapter)

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