The magical doctor mother raises the cute baby

Chapter 478 What is the person behind it planning?

Chapter 478 What is the person behind it planning?

What's more important than this is that the family members of these people, when they heard Tingfeng said that they were coming to take these people away, cried one by one, almost lying on the ground.

Tingfeng is very headache about this.

He wanted to take away these smallpox patients just to gather together for better treatment.

It is also to prevent them from infecting others.

Why, in the eyes of their family members, it seems that he wants to take these people away and kill them?
At a stalemate, Ting Feng was helpless, so he had to ask someone to go back and report the matter to Xiao Tianyou, and let him make up his mind.

After Xiao Tianyou knew the whole story, his expression became colder.

Common people, even if they are afraid that their family members will be taken away and killed, it is impossible for them to have such courage.

Since he dared to do so openly, there must be a reason.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Tianyou asked the people around him to write a document.

"Take this back to Tingfeng and tell him, if anyone is unwilling to come for treatment, just sign this."

Although the visitors didn't know what kind of medicine Xiao Tianyou was selling in the gourd, since he had already said so, they had to follow suit.

When Tingfeng got the document and saw the words written on it clearly, his brows first furrowed together, and then relaxed again.

"You don't have to cry anymore. The prince said that you don't want to be treated. This is your choice. We can't force others to do what they want. If you don't want to follow, just sign this document, and I will take them away. "

The people who were crying were stunned on the spot when they heard this.

How is this different from what they expected?
They don't want to leave, shouldn't Tingfeng give them certain benefits in order to make them compromise?
Not to mention that I haven't reaped any benefits now, but I still have to sign some ghost documents. Who knows what is written on it?
Ting Feng also saw everyone's doubts, so he read the document in his hands loudly.

"Today, I don't want to receive smallpox treatment. From now on, no matter what problems arise, I have nothing to do with others."

Listening to the sound of the wind, it was clear and cold. Standing in the snow wearing a fur coat, reading the documents coldly, gave people a chilling feeling.

Everyone shrank their necks in unison, not knowing what to do for a moment.

"If you've made up your mind, hurry up and sign. I'm still waiting for the next one." Ting Feng urged.

These people don't know who they were bewitched by.

I don't know what that person said to them. In order to cause trouble for the prince, he even wanted his own life.

However, whether it is the person hidden behind or these people in front of them, their thinking is too simple.

Do they think that if they don't want to receive diagnosis and treatment, they can control the prince?
After they sign this document, they will no longer be able to go out from their yard.

Whether it is life or death, in the future, it will be up to them.

As for whether the people behind them will take care of them after knowing this, it is not something he and the prince should worry about.

After all, the matter of seeking skin from a tiger was not designed to force these people to do it.

Faced with Tingfeng's cold urging, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and no one was willing to stand up and sign.

Although the man talked about the hype, but after all, it is invisible and intangible.

What is really in front of them now is to be able to follow Tingfeng to heal their illnesses.

Family is the most important thing to them.

(End of this chapter)

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