Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 15 Going to Jiangnan, where the Donglin Party's Den

Chapter 15 Going to Jiangnan, where the Donglin Party's Den
Looking at the Forbidden City that has existed for more than two hundred years, Zhu Youxiao never imagined that this place would become his home.

There is its own queen, its own concubines, countless eunuchs who serve him, civil and military officials dressed in birds and beasts, and countless people and thousands of miles of rivers and mountains.

However, if the development of history has not changed, 17 years later, the owner here will become Aixinjueluo.

There are only braids and boards walking between these red walls and green tiles.

Kang Mazi will ascend the throne here, and Qianlong, who has written countless poems but is the worst, will destroy China's thousands of years of civilization accumulation with a complete book of Siku.

Countless private houses and fields near Gyeonggi will be surrounded by the Eight Banners, and tens of millions of people will be slaughtered. The blood-stained land is probably as bright red as the sunset at this moment.

"Will I become the king of subjugation like Chongzhen?" Zhu Youxiao couldn't help asking himself.

At this time, Wei Zhongxian, the eunuch and eunuch of Bingbi, came in: "Your Majesty."

Seeing this, Zhu Youxiao sat back on the dragon chair and listened to Wei Zhongxian's report.

After the eunuch Wang An, the chief inspector of ceremonies, was eliminated by Zhu Youxiao for colluding with the Donglin Party, Wang Tiqian became the chief seal of the chief inspector of ceremonies.

However, Wang Tiqian was old and frail, so the supervisor of ceremonies was represented by Wei Zhongxian, the supervisor of rites and the admiral of Dongchang.

Therefore, Wei Zhongxian is responsible for reporting every major event in the court.

Fortunately, Wei Zhongxian has a strong memory and is very good at grasping the lifeline of the problem, and Zhu Youxiao uses it very smoothly.

If it wasn't for winning Jiangnan's hearts, Zhu Youxiao really didn't want him to leave the Supervisor of Rites.

"These are a few important documents today. The properties of Zheng Sanjun's family in Huizhou have been confiscated, with a total of more than 78 taels of silver. Except for the 20 left in the Nanjing Town Guard's Mansion, all of them have been escorted to Beijing. In addition, three hundred taels of silver have been confiscated." Except for the [-] acres left for his mother to support, according to your majesty's request, the Qingtian property has been included in the Huangzhuang, and [-] refugees have been recruited to cultivate it, and the rental price is [-]% lower than that of civilian land."

"In addition, since King Xin became a feudal vassal, he has been playing songs every night, courting prostitutes and inviting favors. 80 taels of silver."

After Wei Zhongxian got it right, he handed the notebook to Zhu Youxiao.

Zhu Youxiao smiled: "Very good, but why is Liaodong burning so much money? I managed to get a few 10 taels of silver, and I have to use it in Liaodong, and then raise a big traitor like Wu Sangui and a warlord."

Wei Zhongxian didn't understand what Zhu Youxiao was talking about, and he didn't know who Wu Sangui was, so he could only laugh along with it.

"By the way, is there a note about you?"

Hearing Zhu Youjian's question, Wei Zhongxian's heart was pounding. At this moment, he trembled like a sentenced prisoner and handed Li Mingrui's impeachment memorial to Zhu Youxiao.

It seemed that Wei Zhongxian was giving Zhu Youxiao a butcher knife to kill himself.

Zhu Youxiao didn't speak, took the paper and read it, and immediately couldn't help but burst out laughing, because there is only one crime against Wei Zhongxian impeached by Li Mingrui, that is, Wei Zhongxian has become more and more rampant since entering the Supervisor of Ceremonies, trying to restore the function of reproduction. I don't know who believed it, but it was eaten by the hearts of boys and girls all over the world. It's really tragic!

In fact, this is just a plot in Journey to the West. Zhu Youxiao did not expect that Li Mingrui would use this to impeach Wei Zhongxian, and this fully satisfied the requirement of impeaching Wei Zhongxian for committing a major crime but not treason.

"Wei Zhongxian, are you convicted?" Zhu Youxiao asked coldly.

Wei Zhongxian hurriedly knelt down: "I plead guilty, I deserve death for my crimes, please Your Majesty punish me with death!"

"Get up", Zhu Youxiao said and stood up: "The situation is so compelling, I have to appease the hypocrites of the Donglin Party, otherwise, I am afraid that the next Zheng Sanjun will appear again, so I have to abandon you."

"I know that civil servants have always tolerated us. Your majesty has favored me until now, and I am satisfied. I beg your majesty to leave me with a whole body!" Wei Zhongxian couldn't help crying.

Zhu Youxiao couldn't help being moved, and persuaded:

"I didn't intend to kill you. Wouldn't that make relatives and enemies happy? Since the Donglin party members can't tolerate you, I will disgust them again. I will let you go to Nanjing, outside the imperial court. , Go to the Donglin Party's lair to fight them!

There, I will give you three tasks. One is to make friends with a large number of scholars, especially poor scholars, and compete with the Donglin Party. Advantage!The third is to continue to secretly monitor Xin Wang and the Donglin party members, and report to me at any time if there is any close contact between them! "

"His Majesty!"

Knowing that His Majesty would not kill him, Wei Zhongxian was so grateful that he burst into tears, and hurriedly kowtowed on the floor.

You know, he has already prepared to become the second Liu Jin, and Zhu Youxiao is the second Zhu Houzhao. In order to compromise with the civil servants, he had to be hacked into pieces.

But Wei Zhongxian did not expect that his majesty had no intention of compromising with the civil servants at all, it was just a more brilliant imperial mind.

"Get up, this is Daming, not Daqing Kingdom of wild boar skin. There are no slaves here, and there is no reason to kneel and kowtow, even eunuchs!"

Zhu Youxiao personally supported Wei Zhongxian: "After going to Nanjing, when I fulfilled my instructions, I will also hand over my Huangzhuang in the south to you, allowing you to do business and buy land."

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty. I understand what your Majesty means. Jiangnan is under the control of the Donglin Party. The court has always been difficult to control. Now, even if I fight hard, I will take Jiangnan's wealth and people's hearts from the Donglin Party." Grab it from His Majesty's hand!"

"Go, you came from Neishutang. You are not inferior to those civil servants in terms of talent and morality. I believe you. Dongchang and Jinyiwei will also let them help you. However, before you leave, Dongfang Who will hold the post of factory admiral, and what advice does Ai Qing have?"

Zhu Youxiao asked.

Wei Zhongxian said casually: "Wang Cheng'en, the young supervisor of Shangyi Supervisor, is loyal, intelligent and eager to learn. The masters in Neishutang all praise him for being the number one scholar in his career."


Zhu Youxiao naturally knew that Wang Chengen was the eunuch who hanged Meishan with Chongzhen Zhu Youjian in later generations, but he didn't expect that this loyal eunuch had been in the Forbidden City all the time.

"That's great, you go down first."

Seeing this, Wei Zhongxian retreated, he couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, but soon, a little Huangmen chased after him: "Eunuch Wei, stay a while, Your Majesty asked me to give you these books, which contain everything about how to deal with it." Your Majesty asked Eunuch Wei to read carefully the strategy of the Jiangnan Donglin Party members."

"Convey it to His Majesty on behalf of the old man, the old man will definitely fulfill his mission!"

(End of this chapter)

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