Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 175 The Officials Hate Wen Tiren

Chapter 175 The Officials Hate Wen Tiren

Zhu Youxiao was quite surprised to hear that the censor actually impeached Liu Zongzhou, who offered sacrifices to the Imperial Academy, and made a loud noise in the court meeting.

Everyone knows that in the civil and military affairs of the Manchu Dynasty, Liu Zongzhou is the one who abides by the etiquette the most, and will not allow the slightest mistake in the court rules, so why did he make such a fool today.

The corners of the other officials' mouths also curled up involuntarily, and some even began to discuss in a low voice.

Seeing this, Zhu Youxiao hurriedly coughed a few times, and the whole court fell silent. At this time, Zhu Youxiao also said: "There is a loss of etiquette at the court meeting. Whether it is a major crime or a minor fault, it is better to let the Ministry of Rites rule."

As he said that, Zhu Youxiao called out, "Wen Tiren."

"The minister is here!" Wen Tiren hurriedly stood up, and the other officials were slightly surprised, why did His Majesty suddenly call out this official who usually sits on the bench, instead of Li Mingrui, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites who has always been popular.

Li Mingrui was calm, he just smiled and concentrated on listening to what His Majesty Zhu Youxiao had to say.

Zhu Youxiao looked at Liu Zongzhou, who was offering sacrifices to the Imperial Academy outside the hall, and then said condescendingly to Wen Tiren: "You are the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, and you are familiar with court etiquette regulations. How do you think about Liu Zongzhou's matter?"

When Liu Zongzhou saw that His Majesty Zhu Youxiao asked Wen Tiren to decide what to do with him, he couldn't help but feel happy.

Now he really regrets that he made such a mistake just now because of his excitement, which made him have to stand outside the hall to eat and sleep in the open when he should have made a name for himself in the court.

Now, His Majesty asked his friends to decide to execute him. This will undoubtedly reduce the big and small things, and the feat of making suggestions that he prepared today can be carried out again.

But who knows, at this time, Wen Tiren stepped forward directly, bowed to Zhu Youxiao, and then said righteously: "Your Majesty, the court meeting is a major event in the country, and the etiquette rules cannot be abolished. , is a Qingliu official, the most important thing is to abide by the rules, but now he is making loud noises on the way to the court, which is to despise the Holy One and have no loyalty from the ministers. I implore Your Majesty to dismiss this person and drive such arrogant people out of the court! "

Liu Zong was stunned on Monday, he couldn't believe what he just heard.

Zhu Youxiao was also very surprised, but he couldn't help smiling, secretly thinking that this Wen Tiren is indeed a villain, but he has no pressure on his friend when he hurts his friend.

The other officials also looked at Wen Tiren in astonishment. They didn't understand how Wen Tiren would dismiss Liu Zongzhou from his post because of a trivial matter of being rude to the court. Could it be that there is some deep hatred between Wen Tiren and Liu Zongzhou?
Only Wen Tiren was still expressionless, but he was very happy that Liu Zongzhou suddenly made such a small mistake, and then His Majesty still asked him to make a decision.

That being the case, it is better to directly suggest that Liu Zongzhou be deposed, so as not to be upset when seeing him in the future.

Moreover, from Wen Tiren's point of view, His Majesty Zhu Youxiao may have hated Liu Zongzhou in the first place, so it is better to take advantage of his own mouth to directly dismiss this person who hates him and is upset after seeing him.

Zhu Youxiao also saw through Wen Tiren's intentions, but Zhu Youxiao didn't intend to follow Wen Tiren's wishes.

Zhu Youxiao actually hates a villain like Wen Tiren in his heart. Although a villain like Wen Tiren is sometimes more obedient than an upright person like Liu Zongzhou, Zhu Youxiao still wants to see when Liu Zongzhou knows that Wen Tiren has betrayed him what will happen after

"Etiquette and rules are a major matter of the country, so naturally they should not be underestimated, but what Liu Zongzhou committed today is not to the point of violating national etiquette. , It’s nothing, let alone not in this court, but as a role model for Guozijian’s offering wine and Guozijian’s supervising students, even in the court meeting, you must have the consciousness to be a teacher.”

As soon as Zhu Youxiao said that, he asked Liu Zongzhou to enter the court.

"My minister Liu Zongzhou sees His Majesty!"

Liu Zongzhou walked in, saluted Zhu Youxiao, and gave Wen Tiren a cold look.

Wen Tiren ignored Liu Zongzhou, but what His Majesty Zhu Youxiao said just now surprised him. Wen Tiren did not expect His Majesty to expose the matter so easily.

At this time, Zhu Youxiao also opened his mouth and said: "Liu Zongzhou, since you sacrificed wine for the Imperial College, you should be an example for the scholars of the world, but today you yelled at the court meeting, I have to punish you, I'll fine you half a year's salary, demote you to be the secretary of the Imperial Academy, and temporarily act as the Imperial Academy's sacrificing wine, how about that?"

Liu Zongzhou had no choice but to accept the crime readily. He couldn't justify this matter, and he had to express his gratitude to Zhu Youxiao. After all, according to Wen Tiren's intention, he was going to be dismissed directly, and he was about to impeach him. His Majesty Zhu Youxiao forgave himself.

Therefore, on Monday, Liu Zong didn't know how to say that he wanted to stop the peace talks with the Tartars.

At this time, Cui Chengxiu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, stood up first, and what Cui Chengxiu wanted to play was the addition of a bachelor.

When the officials above the court saw that the court official brought up the matter of adding a cabinet scholar, they all became elated.

These officials were busy following the matter one by one. It can be seen that the senior civil officials of the Manchu Dynasty still have a deep affection for entering the cabinet.

"I will not mention this in advance, and let Wen Tiren, the left servant of the Ministry of Rites, report to me and everyone present the results of the peace talks with the Tartars."

As soon as Zhu Youxiao said this, the whole court became extremely quiet.

No one thought that His Majesty had reached a peace agreement with the Tartars, but none of their ministers knew about it. Maybe Li Mingrui, Qian Qianyi and other emperor's close ministers knew about it, but they didn't reveal any news before that.

Some ministers were a little annoyed by His Majesty Zhu Youxiao's arbitrary behavior, but no one said it. They didn't want to end up beheaded and ransacked like the Donglin Party.

At this time, Wen Tiren stood up in response to Zhu Youxiao's order, and reported everything about his trip to Jizhou to negotiate peace with the Tartars as the chief envoy and Yang Sichang as the deputy envoy.

But at this time, as Wen Tiren said more and more carefully, Liu Zongzhou's face became longer and longer.

He didn't expect that Wen Tiren would betray him, and even acted as the envoy of this peace negotiation.

Now Liu Zongzhou wished he could swallow Wen Tiren alive, but Wen Tiren was very indifferent, still happily talking about what benefits this peace agreement would bring to Daming and so on.

Other officials who were not too supportive of the peace talks also cast vicious eyes on Wen Tiren. In their view, Liu Zongzhou was certainly a paranoid and difficult person to get along with, but this Wen Tiren was an abominable and even abominable villain. At that time, the instigator, Emperor Zhu Youxiao, was completely ignored by them.

After listening to Wen Tiren's report, Zhu Youxiao couldn't help but nodded, didn't mention the matter of awarding a word, and asked directly: "As for the matter of sending ministers to go to the Tartars as envoys, who do you think is more appropriate?" ?”

Wen Tiren stood up first: "Your Majesty, Liu Zongzhou, the Secretary of the Imperial College, is well-educated, upright and selfless, and is the most suitable to be an envoy to the Tartars."

But at this time, Cao Sicheng, the censor of Zuodu, stood up and said, "Your Majesty, I think that since the Minister of Rites, Wen Tiren, can make peace with the Tartars, he can send an envoy to the Tartars, so the official stationed in the Tartars must be Wen Shilang. "

Su Maozhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishments, also stood up and followed the second proposal to let Wen Tiren go to the place where the Tartars are located to be an envoy.

Zhu Youxiao could tell that these officials were showing off to Wen Tiren.

(End of this chapter)

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