Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 208 Kong Wenshi Wants to Leave a Last Word

Chapter 208 Kong Wenshi Wants to Leave a Last Word
According to the agreement reached in advance between Li Mingrui, a cabinet scholar, and Nanzong Confucianism, of course, it is actually the agreement between the current emperor Zhu Youxiao and Nanzong Confucianism, but because Zhu Youxiao is the king of a country after all, it is impossible to lower his status to go Consult with a clan.

According to the agreement, as long as the Nanzong Confucian sect recognizes Kong Zhiqi’s status in the Nanzong Confucian sect, the court, that is, His Majesty Zhu Youxiao, will agree with the Nanzong Confucian sect’s status, and recognize that the real sage inheritance orthodoxy is the Nanzong sect, not a mixture of Hu and Han of Beizong.

At the same time, the eldest grandson of the Confucian sect of the Southern Sect can directly adopt Kong Zhiqi and recognize Kong Zhiqi as his grandfather. He is just a widower, so in Nanzong's view, it doesn't matter much to recognize Kong Zhiqi's status.

The grandson of the eldest son of the Nanzong lineage went to Qufufu to meet Kong Zhiqi in person, and declared that he recognized Kong Zhiqi as his adoptive ancestor. The elders of the various clans of the Nanzong also immediately opened their ancestral halls and announced that they officially recognized Kong Zhiqi as the true descendant of the saint.

At the same time, the Southern Sect officially began when the "Daming Daily" announced that it refused to recognize the sage lineage of the Northern Sect and Confucianism, and some people directly criticized the Northern Sect and the Confucian Sect as bastards. Because of the virtue of a saint, he immediately changed his name to Boer Jijin. Some people joked that if it was changed to Boer Jijin, the Mongolian gold family would not agree.

At this time, Kong Yinzhi also learned that the members of the Southern Sect and the elder Li Mingrui finally had secret contact with His Majesty Zhu Youxiao and admitted that Kong Zhiqi was a true descendant of the sage. As soon as he heard the news, he was so angry that he didn't even have the mood to taste the room of Kong Wenshi's two concubines. Instead, he immediately summoned Zuo Buzheng Gu Tingzhuo and others.

"Have you heard that people from the Southern Sect came to my Qufufu secretly, and helped Kong Zhiqi, an ant-like guy, to become a direct descendant of a saint, and said that I am a Hu-Han bastard? What are you doing!" Kong Yinzhi said angrily.

Kong Zhenkan, the magistrate of Fu County in Qufu and the elder of the Northern School of Confucianism, also swallowed dozens of acres of good land and a few household slaves from Kong Wenshi's lineage. : "The people of the Southern Sect have always coveted our title of Duke Yansheng. , but people in the Southern Sect have always regarded themselves as descendants of the direct descendants and have their hearts towards Ming Dynasty, but they have never really recognized my Northern Sect Confucianism's status among the descendants of saints, and this is even more so now!"

"Calm down, both of you. In my opinion, the most important thing here is that His Majesty has not given up on the fact that officials and gentry pay food as a whole. Otherwise, how could Nanzong suddenly know that there is Kong Zhiqi, and meet him suddenly? You must know that Beizong was Yan Shenggong who was conferred by the Taizu, if there is no instruction from His Majesty, the people from Nanzong may not dare to be so bold."

After Kong Yinzhi heard the words of Gu Tingzhuo, the left chief envoy of Shandong Province, Kong Yinzhi also understood instantly, and threw a teacup on the ground without any hassle: "Zhu Youxiao! Could it be that he really wants to Forcing me to do unfaithful things to him will not work, don’t think that he can easily eradicate my century-old Northern Sect of Confucianism if he can eradicate the Donglin Party!”

"Father, be careful, the walls have ears. It's not good to call His Majesty by his first name. If the people in Dongchang find out, I'm afraid our crime is not as simple as disobeying the holy order." Kong Xingxie couldn't help but persuade him at this time, However, Kong Yinzhi, who was furious, sat back on the chair angrily and said:
"Fuck him for disobeying the holy order. Since he insists on forcing me, Kong Yinzhi, to be unable to live, then I, Kong, simply won't make it easier for him. Everyone will not stop doing it, and just have a big game. If the time comes, if you really lose Well, it's dead anyway, if he wins, I'll make Zhu Youxiao regret what happened today!"

As Kong Yinzhi said, he immediately called Kong Xingxie over, and whispered in his ear: "Immediately send reliable people to Dezhou to inform the patrol censor Zhang Dongen and the Shandong capital and general who is stationed in Jining. Liu Zeqing, ask the two of you to quickly bring troops to Qufufu, when the time comes, we will directly encircle Zhu Youxiao's camp, take decisive measures with lightning speed, and then directly support His Royal Highness King Xin to ascend the throne."

Kong Xingxie couldn't help being shocked when he heard this, but thinking that Gu Tingzhuo and Kong Zhenkan were still beside him, he could only nod his head calmly, and then asked in a low voice: "Father, is this too reckless? It is extremely dangerous, and even the local officials who support us are afraid that few of them would like us to do this, after all, there are tens of thousands of elite Imperial Guards under His Majesty's command today and the royalists who control the court."

"Huh, what else can I do if I don't do this, I can't just catch him without a fight, let Zhu Youxiao take your father's head to sacrifice the flag, as for these officials, when the army arrives, they can't help but refuse to listen." After Kong Yinzhi said, Kong Xingxie asked again: "But, can Liu Zeqing and Zhang Dongnan be reliable?"

Kong Yinzhi glared at Kong Xingxie coldly: "If you tell you to do it, just do it. Why ask so many questions? He, Liu Zeqing, was originally a slave in my family. If it wasn't for me, he would have today, and he would still be here today." It's the same with Zhang Dong'en, both of them have been in contact with Wu Xiang's tribe in Liaodong, and they have a clue in my hands, so I don't believe that they don't listen to me!"

Seeing this, Kong Xingxie had no choice but to leave, and Gu Tingzhuo and Kong Zhenkan didn't know what Kong Yinzhi and Kong Xingxie were muttering inside, and they talked with Kong Yinzhi about how to deal with Yuan Keli's pressure to pay more and more officials and gentry together. Afterwards, he bid farewell and left.

Zhu Youxiao didn't go out after meeting Kong Shanggan, the representative of Nanzong. Recently, because of the hot weather, he didn't go out again but stayed in the house to rest.

However, Wang Chengen was sent out by him.

Sending Wang Chengen out to do errands was not for anything else, but because Zhu Youxiao learned from Wu Import that Kong Yinzhi had removed Kong Wenshi's lineage from the family tree and seized his farm and property, making Kong Wenshi's old wife and son weak. From then on, he had to rely on begging to survive, so he asked Wang Chengen to bring Kong Wenshi out, and let him Kong Wenshi see what kind of person the patriarch of the clan he protected, Yansheng Gong Kong Yinzhi, was like.

Kong Wenshi, who knows nothing, doesn't know this now, and he is sitting safely in the claustrophobic prison, looking at the few beams of light passing through the small hole, he can't help but smile wryly, while the It was a piece of paper, and Yuan Ke immediately prepared it for him so that he could write a suicide note.

The only thing he can rest assured about now is his child who is only a few years old and his wife who has raised eyebrows with him and has never had a single complaint for decades. He now feels a strong sense of guilt, but when he thinks of Kong Yinzhi's promise to himself To take good care of his wife and children for himself, and to send his children to study and take the imperial examination, he felt relieved, wondering if he would write down all his life experiences so that he could leave them for his children in the future, Let him avoid detours.

 Thank you book friend Huahua for the 500 book coins reward in the beautiful village, and book friend Xiaoyao?Rewards from people, romantic male gods

(End of this chapter)

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