Chapter 218 Suicide
Kong Zhenkan, the world magistrate of Qufu, paced anxiously in the county government office. Hearing the wailing sounds that tore the sky from the Yanshenggong Mansion, he was both scared and angry at the moment. He was also a member of the Kong clan. The relatives of the same clan are bearing His Majesty's monstrous anger, even if he is cold-hearted, he can't bear it.

Moreover, Kong Zhenkan is more worried about whether his own family will have the same fate. He really wants to see Zhu Youxiao now. If he can let his family go, let alone pay for the officials and gentry, he will exchange his life for him. He is willing to kill the whole family.

But now, his county office has been surrounded by regiments of Janissaries, and there are still two Janissaries with live ammunition standing in front of him. He tried to pray to these Janissaries

He begged himself to meet His Majesty, but the disciplined guards ignored him, and he also let his own people try to resist violently, but it was useless except to leave his master's bloody corpse.

However, in the two-story attic in the backyard of the county government, he was free. After hearing the sound of horseshoes, Kong Zhenkan ran upstairs in a panic, opened the window and yelled : "It really is my home, they can't go, can't let them go! Kong Yinzhi, Kong Yinzhi, what did you do, why did this happen!"

Kong Zhenkan went downstairs in a hurry as he said that, and when he was about to run out, he was blocked by the imperial guards: "Go one step further, and punish him for treason!"

Kong Zhen could not help crying, knelt down on the ground, regardless of her status as magistrate, and kowtowed like garlic: "Military lords, please do me a favor, don't let them go to my house, we didn't rebel, they all I don’t know, please let me see Your Majesty, I’ll expose Kong Yinzhi, I’ll expose him! I’ll draw a line with him!”

"It's useless to beg us, His Majesty ordered that we can't leave the county government for half a step until the governor's yamen comes. You know what you have done yourself. Your Majesty wants to kill your whole family, and we can't stop you. You can do it yourself." One day, a temporary commander of the Imperial Guard saw him crying miserably, so he said a few more words.

Kong Zhenkan didn't know that because of Kong Xingkai's recklessness, he directly attacked His Majesty Zhu Youxiao, which led to this series of vicious incidents, so he is still kept in the dark, except for watching his family members suffer the same fate , and can't do anything more.

However, just suddenly, Kong Zhenkan rushed towards the imperial guards like a mad dog, punching and kicking as soon as he came up.

Without even thinking about it, the imperial guards took up their bayonets and stabbed them. Kong Zhenkan, who had more than a dozen bayonets inserted, was bleeding all over his body.

But Kong Zhenkan laughed sadly. He didn't know why he suddenly faced the end of killing everyone, but he knew that he would not be able to escape the heavy punishment. The punishment of being late.

"Your Majesty's decree, Kong Zhenkan, the magistrate of Qufu County, participated in Kong Yinzhi's rebellion." Before the governor Biaoying officer who rushed over read the arrest order, he saw Kong Zhenkan's proud smile and immediately ordered to the person behind him. Said: "Go and tell Zhongcheng, Kong Zhenkan knows that he has committed a serious crime, and has committed suicide to apologize!"


According to Wang Ren, the inspector, he seemed to have guessed that he was here to catch himself after he knew that the imperial guards suddenly broke into Jinan Mansion.

When his servant quickly reported back that the imperial guards had rushed to the inspector's office, Wang Ren was even more sure that he could not escape the guilt.

He didn't even bother to guess why His Majesty would summon the imperial guards all of a sudden, but based on his experience as an official in the capital, once he got to this point, it would be difficult for an official who disobeyed his will to survive, and he regretted it very much. Because he was greedy for the filial piety of Yan Shenggong Kong Yinzhi and was tied to the thief boat by him Kong Yinzhi, but it was too late to regret it now, so he consciously ordered someone to prepare a white silk.

Wang Ren stretched his short and small neck into the circle surrounded by smooth and bright white silk, thought about the tens of thousands of acres of fertile land in his hometown and the millions of wealth he had accumulated, and couldn't help laughing. It was enough for his heirs to leave such a rich inheritance, but immediately he was also a little worried about whether His Majesty would still raid the house.

"Forget it, even if you ransack the house, you won't be able to steal the ten thousand taels of gold I hid in the cellar!"

After thinking about it, Wang Ren still ordered to his caring slave: "Old Geng, hurry back to your hometown and tell Madam, let him take the whole family and the gold and silver to flee to Penghu quickly to find my friend." Officer Zheng, come back after the limelight has passed, and remember to take out the ten thousand taels of gold."

After Wang Ren said that, he kicked off the table and stool with his legs and threw himself to death.


"What, according to the inspector Wang Ren committed suicide in fear of crime, and Kong Zhenkan also used his body to block the bayonet. These two people also have self-knowledge, but Gu Tingzhuo and others can't let them commit suicide again. There must be someone who parades them and then asks them to kill them. Otherwise, how can we deter civil and military officials in Shandong Province."

After Zhu Youxiao said that, he stood up and stretched his sore shoulders. After the drug treatment, the whiplash healed relatively quickly. Although he couldn't do strenuous exercise, walking and moving his hands were not a big problem.

Yuan Keli responded: "Your Majesty, please rest assured. Now that Gu Tingzhuo has been tightly bound, even with a cloth stuffed in his mouth, he can't kill himself by biting his tongue. He will be fed regularly every day by a special person. He must be tested by three people before he can be fed."

Zhu Youxiao was obedient and couldn't help asking Wu Jin: "Kong Yinzhi and the others also did this?"

Wu Jin nodded.

At this time, Wang Chengen came to report: "His Royal Highness Zhu Youjian asks to see you."

"There's no need to let him in, I'll go and see him and the three hundred fine cavalry warriors in person," Zhu Youxiao walked out of the gate with Wang Chengen's support, followed closely by the cabinet veteran Li Mingrui and the governor Yuan Keli Afterwards, Wu Jin, the head of the Dongchang stall, also followed.

At this time, there were already torches outside the gate. Zhu Youjian, who was covered in blood, and the three hundred elite riders behind him stood there straight like wood carving sculptures. No one spoke, their eyes were empty, their expressions were stiff, and the knife in their hands was still Unsheathed, the leading war horse shook its head and seemed to be a little uncomfortable stimulated by the smell of blood.

"Reporting to Your Majesty, except for the nine families of Kong Yinzhi who stayed in Beijing, who were handed over by His Majesty to Dongchang and Kong Yinzhi's father and son, all 0 people in Qufufu have been punished! Weichen has been piled up in Qufu City Go down to Beijing and watch, Your Majesty, please check!"

Zhu Youjian's face was still serious. He didn't know how many Confucian clansmen he had killed, but only by doing so could he gain the trust of his brother.

Zhu Youxiao could see that these Imperial Guard soldiers were already on the verge of mental collapse, and the continuous massacres had already caused a huge impact on their psychology, which would make them more cold-blooded fighters in the future, but at this moment they are also It is necessary to untangle their knots after killing people.

Therefore, Zhu Youxiao only said: "You officers and men have worked hard. Wang Cheng'en took my will to go to the youth buildings in Qufufu to select 0 prostitutes to serve the soldiers who will participate in the destruction of Confucianism. I will pay the money."

 Thank you book friend Haohan Tianyu for the reward of 1592000 book coins, book friend 1609020118473091000 book coins for the reward, fried ice for the reward of 500 book coins
(End of this chapter)

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