Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 257 Economic Work Conference

Chapter 257 Economic Work Conference
Compensating and subsidizing self-employed and middle- and lower-level commercial households undoubtedly allowed the Ming court not only to gain the understanding of the people in the south of the Yangtze River, but also the gratitude of self-employed and middle- and lower-level commercial households.

Such a measure will naturally reduce the obstacles to the collection of commercial taxes in the future, and at the same time, it will also allow those commercial households who were forced or voluntarily to register with the Ministry of Households to taste the sweetness after registration, because the subsidy of the court is based on the name list and registration at the time of registration. funds for compensation.

But the so-called registration at this time is not yet mature, and the process is very simple, and at most it is to register a store name or product name, and company registration and trademark registration are still in a state of confusion.

However, because it is simple and basically does not cost much money (the cost of receiving receipts and licenses for all households does not exceed one silver dollar), most shops and workshops in the Jiangnan area have received compensation.

However, those who were unwilling to keep pace with the times or those who were too stingy and unwilling to spend money at the beginning were not compensated.Those who did not register with the Ministry of Households naturally regretted it unceasingly, and it could be regarded as laying the groundwork for the deepening reform of the Ming Dynasty's economy and the support of a large number of commercial households when it carried out company registration and trademark registration.

Huo Weihua, Shangshu of the Ministry of Industry, Bi Maokang, the right servant of the Ministry of Industry and the doctor of the Ordnance Department, and other heads of the Ministry of Industry, the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Ordnance Department, and the Royal Industrial Company, Royal Bank, Huangzhuang and other royal capital groups also rushed to Jinling City this time. As soon as he came to Jinling City, he was invited into the Forbidden City by Zhu Youxiao.

Huo Weihua and others came this time to solve the countless negative impacts in the Jiangnan area caused by the intervention of the Royal Weaving House and the Royal Industrial Company and change the economic structure of the Jiangnan area, and to deal with the problems brought about by obtaining a large amount of profits and crushing countless peers as workshops. massive unemployment problem.

"Yesterday, the Ministry of Household Affairs in Nanjing presented me with 200% off the latest data on the unemployed and landless people in the ten prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River. The number of unemployed people in the ten prefectures in the south of the Yangtze River has reached as high as [-] million. This is a lot of data!
If it is true that these 200 million people rose up, they could form a 200 million army. My Ming Dynasty’s regular army did not add up to that much, so the situation is very serious. This is also the root cause of the demonstrations this time. They must be given jobs. Do it, have a meal!
In this way, no matter whether it is for their own family or for the whole country of Ming Dynasty, it will be beneficial and harmless. "

Zhu Youxiao said again: "Now, I asked you to come here to discuss how to solve the survival problem of 200 million people. Now you are all in charge of my millions of industries, and each of you is rich. Flowing oil is more profitable than salt administration and copper administration, so it has to bear certain social obligations.”

"Your Majesty, I have been in charge of the Tianxia project since the sixth year of Tianqi. I have traveled from south to north, and found a big problem, that is, the Tianxia station urgently needs to be renovated, expanded and even increased.

With the advent of four-wheeled carriages, the long-distance transportation of bulk goods has become more convenient, and the demand has become more and more vigorous. However, the world’s galloping roads are still suitable for two-wheeled carriages, especially between the two capitals. In this way, the pressure on water transportation can be reduced, and it can also avoid the interruption of water transportation in the event of blockage and flooding of the Yellow River, and the risk of taking the sea route.”

The first person to speak was Huo Weihua, Secretary of the Ministry of Industry.

Huo Weihua's idea is actually to build a national road across the north and south between the capital and Liudu. Now, with the four-wheeled carriage developed by the Royal Academy of Engineering after being approved by Zhu Youjia, it is not only used for military purposes, but also to the people in the pass from this year. sell.

The reason for the sale is that there is no way for the private sector to imitate many important parts, and the profiteer Gong Yonggu, the treasurer of the Royal Industries Company, only sells a complete set of carriages in order to make money, and does not sell a set of core parts separately.

As soon as the four-wheeled carriage was opened to the private market, it was greatly welcomed by the people. As Minister Huo Weihua of the Ministry of Industry said, the transportation of bulk goods in the private sector has become much more convenient, but the narrow post roads have indeed restricted them. The economy developed rapidly after the appearance of the four-wheeled carriage.

"Your Majesty, I have made an account. If a road is opened between the two capitals, it can not only share the pressure of water transport, lower the status of water transport, and reduce the impact of corruption in water transport on Daming. It can reduce the court's cost of water transport by about 300 million silver dollars, and at the same time promote the sale of goods between the north and the south. Based on the current scale of water transport, it can increase the scale by 600 million silver dollars.

If road cards are installed everywhere, the imperial court can increase its income by 400 million silver dollars every year, while the initial cost is only about 2000 million silver dollars, and the annual maintenance cost is about 100 million silver dollars. It will be profitable within four to five years. "

The engineering idea proposed by Huo Weihua has to be admitted as a very exciting idea. Building a road between the north and the south is equivalent to building a national road. This is a benefit both military and economically. A major event in Qianqiu.

But Zhu Youxiao did not express his opinion immediately. After all, such a large project requires a lot of manpower and material resources to support it. If the national strength can be maintained, it may be prosperous, but it may also be dragged down by this.

After all, if the 2000 million silver dollars are thrown down, it will take four or five years to start making money, but who knows what will happen in four or five years, whether there will be major natural and man-made disasters, whether there will be a major war, just like Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty. Usually end up with a country subjugated.

"Let me ask you, if this road is built, how many families' livelihood problems can be solved, and how many people can your project satisfy?"

How many employment problems a project can solve is an issue that Zhu Youxiao cares more about besides making money. After all, as a national capital, starting a project is not only about profit, but also how much it can stabilize the society. .

"About 30 people are needed. If we add more, 2000 million won't be able to fix it." After Huo Weihua finished speaking, Zhu Youxiao said: "50 people, if your project can satisfy 2000 people under the premise of 50 million silver dollars If you can build this national highway into two four-wheel lanes and two two-wheel auxiliary roads, and the wages of the workers remain the same, can you do it? If you can, I agree with you."

Huo Weihua shook his head without thinking, and said to Zhu Youxiao: "Your Majesty, the 2000 million silver dollars is already the result of careful calculation by the minister. Now it is too difficult for the minister to let 50 people build a two-lane road at the same time, unless You add another 1000 million to Chen."

"Well, Huo Weihua, you are really a vegetable marketer, bargain with me!"

At this time, Zhu Youxiao couldn't help scolding Huo Weihua. Huo Weihua blushed. He felt that it was impossible and he was unwilling to give up such a big project. After he came out, he felt that he, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, had nothing worthy of shining through the ages.

Therefore, Huo Weihua couldn't help but gritted his teeth in the end and said: "If Your Majesty adds another 500 million silver dollars, the old minister will obey the order, and I will do as your Majesty said. If it cannot be done, Your Majesty will kill the old minister!"

Huo Weihua calculated in his mind that it is impossible to manage 2000 million silver dollars plus 50 people. Adding 500 million, it can be regarded as doing his best, and maybe it can be completed.

"You are too old to die", Zhu Youxiao really wanted to kick away Huo Weihua, Minister of the Ministry of Industry who was bargaining with him, but realized that he was indeed in trouble, so he agreed to Huo Weihua's request, and asked Yang Shouchun, the head of the Royal Bank : "Can Royal Bank come up with 500 million now?"

"Reporting to Your Majesty, since the internal funds and treasury revenue have been included in the Royal Bank, and the salaries of civil and military officials, vassal kings, and soldiers' military pay have been deposited in the Royal Bank, the Royal Bank's movable funds have increased a lot, but the one-time expense Twenty-five million silver dollars is really too much, and I have to find a way to get it together."

Yang Shouchun's words are obvious, you can get it, but you can't ask for it anymore.

As the big steward of national capital, he is unwilling to lend money to national projects easily, because the loan interest rate of these national projects is low and the recovery cost is slow because His Majesty has to take care of these national projects. He hopes that his Royal Bank can Earn more money.

Huo Weihua wanted to hit Yang Shouchun.

Today's household department is basically doing statistics and file management, collecting money, food and national taxes, but the flow of funds is in the hands of Yang Shouchun, and even the salaries of officials are also in his hands. Distributed uniformly by Royal Bank.

As a result, the Ministry of Households has no way to embezzle salaries, the Ministry of Industry has no way to embezzle salaries, and it is difficult for generals to eat soldiers in the Imperial Guard, and it also avoids military officers' control over soldiers and the emergence of private soldiers.

This has not been done for the guards and frontiers to avoid causing a huge backlash from the military attache, so it is only aimed at the guards.

But in this way, no matter whether it is the high-ranking six ministers or the commander of the imperial guards outside the army, they all have to look at Yang Shouchun's face and hate him, but they can't move him because everyone knows He, the big backstage boss of the Royal Bank, is His Majesty the current emperor and the senior generals and dignitaries of the Imperial Guard.

"Your Royal Bank now deposits more than 500 million silver dollars at least, but now you just take [-] million more silver dollars and you are so stingy." Huo Weihua slandered a few words, but didn't say anything more.

Zhu Youxiao nodded, and came before Gong Yonggu, the person in charge of the Royal Industrial Company, Tim Zuo's servant of the household department.

"Gong Yonggu, isn't your Royal Industrial Company going to establish branches in Jiangnan, Huguang, Sichuan and other places this year? How many people can be accommodated? If necessary, I can use the place to help you immigrate these Jiangnan people to other places , this can also reduce the problem of uneven population distribution in our Daming area."

The Royal Industries Company now monopolizes 80.00% of the scientific research achievements of the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Academy of Sciences in the upstream, and the downstream is from the Ming Dynasty's new soap that is closely related to the people to advanced equipment such as four-wheeled carriages and large steam-powered water pumps.

It can be said to be the number one super technology company in Ming Dynasty.

It is less than a year now, and the profits obtained are already enough to cover the treasury revenue of Daming last year.

At the same time, the dozens of factories and affiliated training institutions that have been built or are under construction under the name of the Royal Industrial Corporation also support tens of thousands of families.

In the latest Ming Wealth List released by Daming Daily in June, Gong Yonggu's total personal wealth has already ranked third, surpassing several vassal kings, but the first is still King Fu.

Gong Yonggu is a little embarrassed, this Royal Industrial Company is not only His Majesty's property, but also his property. He is willing to grab more profits for His Majesty and Royal Industrial Company, but he is not willing to turn his Royal Industrial Company into A welfare organization pays a lot of costs for no reason to feed more ordinary people.

Moreover, His Majesty has long stipulated that the employees of Royal Capital Enterprises, whether they are officials or ordinary people, enjoy a salary three times higher than that of other private workshops, and they have to establish files, provide various subsidies and reimbursements, and even year-end rewards wait.

Otherwise, there would not be so many people who would rather not take the imperial examination but also enter the Royal Industrial Company.

But in this way, if one more person joins the Royal Industrial Company, it means that the Royal Industrial Company will spend a lot of money.

But Gong Yonggu didn't dare to answer directly that he was reluctant to pay. In order to relieve Zhu Youxiao's worries, he said euphemistically: "Nowadays, the Royal Industrial Company is in need of a large number of grassroots porters and escorts due to the increased demand for transporting a large amount of goods. Weichen discussed with several other responsible persons about personnel and packing workers, and the preliminary estimate is that about 3 people will be needed.”

"5 people! Judging from the research results of the Royal Academy of Engineering and the Royal Academy of Sciences this year, the Royal Industrial Company has to develop at least eight million-level industrial chains this year. It is just when there is an urgent need for employment. Don't wait until the time when Western and Eastern businesses Open it, and you don’t know anyone who can use it, so you have to hurry up and train it now, if you don’t have enough money, you can get a loan from the Royal Bank first, you are my own brother-in-law anyway, and the surname Yang will not give you face.”

Gong Yonggu looked at Yang Shouchun full of resentment, and said in his heart: "Come on, don't say that you are a son-in-law, even if King Fu wants to build Huayue Tower this year, if he wants to get a loan from the Royal Bank, he still has to take out [-] yuan." Acres of land as a mortgage, and I just want to build a factory warehouse in Chengdu, this guy also insists on providing proof of profits in Sichuan, otherwise he won't give him money, and he is afraid that he won't be able to pay it back, so he is very stingy. "

Yang Shouchun of the Royal Bank did not speak. He knew that because he was born as a Shanxi merchant and had no fame, his status was inferior to these officials, and now he was in charge of His Majesty's money bag and controlled all of Daming. His wealth reserve has blocked many people's way of making money, which made him so hated by others. There is no way to avoid it. As long as His Majesty still needs to use him, he can't back down.

Seeing that these people were full of resentment towards Yang Shouchun, Zhu Youxiao couldn't help coughing a few times. He knew that these guys hated Yang Shouchun, a hairless iron cock, but Zhu Youxiao hated this shopkeeper who was born in Shanxi I like it very much, because although this person abides by the rules and is almost to the point of rigidity, he can be flexible in the face of financial good and bad phenomena such as loans and investments.

Because of Zhu Youxiao's protection of Yang Shouchun, others did not dare to say anything, even Gong Yonggu could only swallow his anger.

But Zhu Youxiao is very happy to do so. It is not a good thing for these new chaebols who are supported by him to mix oil with honey.

 Thank you book friend etjojo for the reward of 500 starting point coins, and book friend 115****69100 starting point coins for the reward. Today, the two chapters are published together, so they will not be separated, because it is a complete plot.

(End of this chapter)

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