Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 296 The Emperor's Responsibilities

Chapter 296 The Emperor's Responsibilities

At the end of autumn and winter, the Empress Empress Zhang Yan sent a letter to Zhu Youxiao, saying that Concubine Hui Xu Fo was about to give birth, and the imperial doctor had seen it, and the fetal position was stable, so there is no need to worry too much.And Liu Rushi can also write some simple seven-character poems, which was praised by Mr. Neishutang.

Zhu Youxiao read Zhang Yan's letter, and suddenly felt a sense of melancholy, thinking that he had been away from the capital for half a year, and it was time to go back.

The political purpose of this southern tour has basically been achieved. From Shandong to Fengyang, and then from Jiangnan to Huguang, Zhu Youxiao has made a lot of noise. Everything is enough to cause the world to shake.

The emperor's departure from Beijing, coupled with the fact that imperial guards were set up in several important positions, that is, imperial power that can be used at any time, caused the entire system of civil servants and gentry to imprison imperial power to collapse in an instant, and the emperor's influence also broke through the gentry This level of obstruction directly exerted influence among the low-level people, directly shaking the role of the gentry as the spokesperson for the bottom-level people.

Prior to this, the scholar-officials would dissuade the rulers from collecting commercial taxes on the grounds that they would not compete with the people for profit. In fact, it was because they would naturally substitute themselves as the spokespersons of the people at the bottom, and naturally confuse their interests with the people. It seems normal and right for them to kidnap their interests.

But Zhu Youxiao directly spared them this time, and even directly proved with his actions that it was himself, the emperor, not the scholar-bureaucrats who really represented the interests of the people at the bottom.

Zhu Youxiao knew that Yan Yingyuan had some friendship with Gu Sanmazi, so he asked Yan Yingyuan to appease Gu Sanmaozi before taking office. Now, as Zhu Youxiao expected, Yan Yingyuan's appeasement to Gu Sanmazi has been successful, and Gu Sanmazi has agreed to join him. The imperial court is willing to donate all its troops and ships to be reorganized by the Imperial Guard, but the requirement is to be incorporated into the Imperial Guard system.

Zhu Youxiao readily agreed to Gu Sanmazi's request, and promised to let Gu Sanmazi be the commander of the imperial guards, and in the future lead a navy to establish guards based on the coast of Denglai, Liaodong Peninsula and Liugong Island. The Beiyang Navy, but the premise is that Gu Sanmazi has to go to the Royal Military Academy to participate in the third phase of the officer training assessment.

Although Gu Sanmazi is a pirate, he is also a righteous bandit at sea. He often robs the rich and helps the poor. Although he is a corrupt official, he still has a sense of awe for the court, especially after learning that His Majesty is free of corvée and rests with the people. , I want to learn from Song Jiang even more.

Of course, it is not that none of his subordinates warned Song Jiang about the possibility of a cunning rabbit and running dog cooking based on the ending of Song Jiang's later fate, but after Yan Yingyuan's persuasion and seeing His Majesty beheading the offending vassal king on the Qinhuai River, he resolutely chose In order to accept Zhao'an, he also firmly believes that His Majesty is not Song Huizong.

But now Zhu Youxiao asked him to go to the Royal Military Academy for advanced studies, and he still needs to participate in the third training for officer cadets, and Zhu Youxiao has clearly told him that if he doesn't go, he will not become the commander of the Imperial Guard , can only start with a soldier.

Gu Sanmazi doesn't understand why His Majesty is doing this today, and he doesn't have to be an official, but he really doesn't want to go to any school to learn.

But Yan Yingyuan told him clearly that if he wanted to be a chancellor, he could only come from the Imperial Academy, and in the future, if the military officials in the world wanted to be rich, they could only go through the Royal Military Academy, because the students who passed the Royal Military Academy would be able to enjoy royal capital shares upon graduation. It can be seen that this is His Majesty training his own soldiers.

Moreover, the chief instructors who directly lead these military students are the military officials and the internal ministers of the Ministry of Rites, and the contacts they build are not compared with ordinary military officers.

Therefore, under Yan Yingyuan's persuasion, Gu Sanmazi, who was still a little bit unwilling to be mediocre in his heart, finally decided to give up the idea of ​​being a rich man in the south of the Yangtze River and relying on the official title bestowed by the court to live around, and resolutely obeyed His Majesty's will in white Go north to Beijing.

After Zhu Youxiao learned about it, he directly ordered Dongchang to say: "Pass a decree to Liu Ruoyu. In the third training of military officers, no matter how bad Gu Sanmazi is in the exam, he must be admitted at one time and treated as an excellent student. The training must be three times stricter. He is different from Qi Changguo. Qi Changguo has a long history of education, background and background, and his life is too smooth without setbacks. However, he has good self-discipline and a talent for self-study, which can make him a good soldier in the military. Only by free play in the school can a unique general be cast, and Gu Sanmazi is a group of wild horses, but because of his humble background and former pirates, he is reckless on the surface but cowardly in his heart, so he must put the reins on this wild horse , let him understand the rules, but at the same time, you must affirm him more, this kind of person, if you treat him well, he will respect you very much."

As the emperor of a dynasty, whether it is scientific research and manufacturing, ideological education, or soldier training and training of future military personnel, it is difficult for Zhu Youxiao to do everything by himself, because it is simply unrealistic.

It is impossible for him to invent and create with peace of mind like the protagonists in many time-travel novels, and then calm down the world with a shock of the tiger's body, and once he becomes the emperor, he will not be able to spare enough time to tackle a specific problem , such as the manufacture of Mini bombs and the development of steam locomotives.

Therefore, Zhu Youxiao first established the most basic scientific research system, from talent training and education to the selection of scientific research topics, team appointment and application promotion, as well as project fund distribution rules and incentive measures, in order to make scientific research not only Zhu Youxiao The matter of the traveler alone is the matter of the entire Ming Dynasty, and at the same time, it will allow Da Ming to truly change the previous situation of loose sand technology research.

The same is true for military training. Even if Zhu Youxiao exhausts himself to death, it is impossible for him to train an excellent military commander with modern strategic and tactical literacy. People in Daming, like his understanding of scientific theories, are actually not as good as Sun Yuanhua and Song Yingxing.

The advantage he has is that he knows the historical knowledge and civilization development trajectory of the next few hundred years, and the experience of some outstanding scientists, military strategists, and even outstanding talents in other fields, and then provides guidance and inspiration to people today.

Now guiding the Royal Military Academy on how to treat Qi Changguo and Gu Sanmazi, two types of people with different backgrounds and different characteristics, to teach students in accordance with their aptitude is the most meticulous thing that Zhu Youxiao can do. For others, he will not overstep it.

As the supreme ruler of the empire, Zhu Youxiao needs to know more about how to use talents and how to use them to realize his grand plan of governing the country.Zhu Youxiao is not an excellent human resources manager, but he knows how to use what kind of people to solve what kind of problems.

Now that the eight years of the apocalypse of Ming Dynasty have come to an end, although drastic and deviant actions have begun in some places, they have not caused major turmoil. This makes Zhu Youxiao very pleased, at least it proves that every step he is taking now is correct. of.

(End of this chapter)

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