Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 313 Yang Sichang's Opinion

Chapter 313 Yang Sichang's Opinion

Yang Sichang's sudden utterance of such a word really shocked Zhu Youxiao and other officials present.

Sun Chengzong, Lu Xiangsheng, Wang Zaijin, Sun Chuanting, etc. were all frontier officials who had guarded the border for several years.

However, this Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War who had the least actual combat experience became the first main combat faction for His Majesty Yang Sichang who was in charge of the military pay!

Chang Yanling of the imperial guards, Mao Wenlong, the commander-in-chief of the border town, and others all raised their heads and looked at Yang Sichang, an official of the Ministry of War, who was slightly fatter and shorter than a tough guy.

But at this moment, they feel that this Yang Shilang in front of them seems to be a real hero who has a personality similar to their warriors. Why should they think so much about their own people being killed, just one word, just hit.

If it weren't for the fact that all the people present were their immediate superiors, and even His Majesty the Emperor, they really wanted to salute Yang Sichang.

Wang Zai Jin's face showed a little anger. He always advocated the alliance with Mongolia and fortified the walls and cleared the wilds in the Shanhaiguan area to resist the establishment of slaves.

It is precisely because of this that Zhu Youxiao insisted on letting him do the strategy of Liaodong, and did not let Yuan Chonghuan replace him, and let him take full charge of the defense in the Shanhaiguan area.

But that was in the seventh year of the Apocalypse, the court had no money, so it could only adopt Wang Zaijin's strategy of focusing on defense. Wang Zaijin may not be activated.

Sun Chengzong's face is also a little lacking. He is considered the most senior official among the officials in Liaodong. Almost all the governors and chief military officers in front of him are single-handedly selected and reused by him, and he is the teacher of His Majesty the Emperor. Even Wei Zhongxian When he was in charge of Chao Gang, he didn't dare to put him to death.

Now, Yang Sichang, the left servant of the Ministry of War, is singing against himself in front of His Majesty, which is a bit frivolous.

Of course, for Sun Chengzong to have today's prestige, he is naturally a magnanimous person, and he didn't hate Yang Sichang because of it. He just stroked his beard slightly and waited for His Majesty's reaction. If His Majesty wants to punish Yang Sichang for his wild words, he might be able to intercede. Lest such an outspoken minister who dared to make a different voice be abandoned.

But to the surprise of all the people present, Zhu Youxiao just smiled slightly, and said in surprise: "Tell me, why did you fight!"

"Yes! Back to Your Majesty, since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, it has been known to the world for its strength. In the past, the Taizu seized the Mengyuan world and returned the northern homeland to the Han people. Daming still did not learn from the Song Dynasty and surrender to the enemy because of this;

Although Jiannu is strong, my Ming Dynasty still has the heart to put down the rebellion. Now it’s just a small barbarian who invades our border and kills my people. If my Ming Dynasty bears the humiliation because of this, how will I face the people of the world;

Furthermore, his Mongolian tribes have long since declined into a mess of scattered sand. With the current national strength of our Ming Dynasty, why should we be afraid of him uniting with Jiannu!

My Ming Dynasty is not Liu Bei and Sun Quan. Since I want to conquer the land outside the customs and revive the country’s prestige, sooner or later I have to fight against these two forces. Fighting separately is also fighting, and fighting together is also fighting. My Ming Dynasty can afford it, but they can’t afford it. ! "

Zhu Youxiao was moved by Yang Sichang's remarks, not only Zhu Youxiao, but even the commanders-in-chief of the Imperial Guards and the commander-in-chiefs of the border towns who were present all nodded in agreement.

And Sun Chengzong and other civil servants couldn't say anything more. Since His Majesty did not directly order Yang Sichang to be punished, it means that His Majesty agreed with Yang Sichang's intention.

Even if they want to fight, they don't really want to oppose it, and they also think that what Yang Sichang said is reasonable. Even if Da Ming is now an enemy of these three forces at the same time, there is no big problem, at most it is complicated.

"Jiandou, talk about it. If we want to fight Horqin, how should we fight?" Zhu Youxiao suddenly stood up and walked to the front of the map. Turning a deaf ear, Zhu Youxiao guessed that Lu Xiangsheng probably made the same decision as Yang Sichang, but according to Lu Xiangsheng's character of planning before acting, he would only express his views after coming up with a strategy of persuasion.

And precisely because of this, Zhu Youxiao chose to ask Yang Sichang instead of disturbing Lu Xiangsheng first. At this time, he directly asked Lu Xiangsheng how to fight.

As Minister of the Ministry of War, Lu Xiangsheng was able to quickly sort out his own set of battle plans for how to dispatch troops to fight. Seeing His Majesty suddenly asked, he immediately walked to the front of the map with a piece of chalk, and drew two lines with the capital as the origin. There are two arrows, one is bent directly from Xuanhua to the Khalkha Ministry and then the arrow goes straight to Horqin's right wing, and the other arrow points directly to Shanhaiguan.

"Your Majesty, if you want to completely subdue Horqin's troops, go all the way directly from Xuanhua, borrow the way from Chahar and Khalkha, go around to Mobei, block Horqin's westward escape, and go out all the way through Shanhaiguan. Liaoyang used the stronghold to attack Horqin's left wing, and thus prevented Horqin's tribe from jumping over the wall to vote for Huang Taiji; as for borrowing from the Chahar and Khalkha tribes, the King of Liaodong Jinglue could contact Jin. The relationship between the two ministries has been maintained very well, and if another important official is sent on a mission with gifts and threatened with trade, the two ministries will not refuse;

Going all the way through Shanhaiguan, you can order the Wuxiang Ministry and Jiannuer Emperor (according to the agreement, Huang Taiji can be called emperor, but he can only be the son emperor) not to fortify the wall and clear the country, and not to collude with rebels. This is clearly a warning, but it is actually a tell They, my Daming is going to target the Horqin tribe, with the cunning of Wu Sangui and Huang Taiji, they will definitely not easily choose who to support, so they will pretend not to know and ask my Daming to fight the Horqin tribe. "

As soon as Lu Xiangsheng said this, he was robbed by Yang Sichang. Yang Sichang suddenly stood in front, cupped his hands at Zhu Youxiao and said, "Your Majesty, Mr. Lu Ge is still debatable. In my opinion, there is no need to go out of Shanhaiguan on this road. Regardless of whether Shanhaiguan is attacking Horqin or not, Wu Xiang's department will definitely stop it, because they know that once I add troops to Liaodong, the threat to him will definitely be greater, so they will definitely hinder it!
From my point of view, it is better to take the sea route directly, and then attack the left wing of Horqin in a way that cannot be defended. At that time, whether the slaves of the Wu Xiang tribe support Mongolia or my Ming Dynasty will have nothing to do about it. In order not to offend my Ming Dynasty, Even can only continue to remain silent. "

"I passed on my decree to grant Tian Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of War, King Jinglue of Liaodong as envoys in Jin Dynasty, and Wen Tiren, Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Rites, as deputy envoys. They will go to Chahar and Khalkha to discuss the matter of borrowing. Transport our army from Jinmen to the Liaodong Peninsula, and at the same time announce an order to Wu Xiang and Huang Taiji, ordering them to assist in attacking the Horqin tribe, otherwise they will be severely punished!"

As soon as Zhu Youxiao's decree was announced, all the officials expressed their surprise. For the first time, they found that His Majesty is so bold that he wants Wu Xiang and Huang Taiji to also assist in attacking Horqin.

If it wasn't because Zhu Youxiao was the emperor, many ministers wanted to scold him: "Stupid!" Because it would be impossible for Wu Xiang and Huang Taiji to attack Horqin's troops!
 Thank you book friend Rou Zhihu for the reward of 1000 book coins. It’s time to thank him. I often see him rewarding, so I can’t be lazy anymore
(End of this chapter)

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