Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 324 "8 princes" unite against the Ming Dynasty

Chapter 324 "Eighteen princes" unite against the Ming Dynasty

On the grassy prairie, the river as clear as a jade belt winds along the snow-capped mountains and flows into the distance. You can see dense flocks of sheep everywhere, countless girls in costumes and white sheep scattered on the prairie The tents all show the richness and tranquility of the royal court of the Khalkha tribe.

Chechen Khan, the leader of the Khalkha tribe, also enjoyed the peace in front of him. He drank pure kumiss, embraced the plump beauty, and pulled the roast leg of lamb into his mouth, feeling extremely refreshed.

Although he already knew that Daming had dispatched tens of thousands of soldiers and horses to attack the left banner of the Zhasak tribe, he did not think that Ming's soldiers and horses could really attack his own Khalkha tribe, especially his own. The tribe was overwhelmed, and even in order to show his responsibility as the leader of the entire Khalkha tribe, Chechen Khan decided to gather tens of thousands of cavalry near Kulun to wipe out the Ming army that had intruded into his Khalkha tribe. He also intends to take advantage of this to get rid of the Chahar tribe. The reason is naturally that the Chahar tribe is ashamed of the Changshengtian and has formed an alliance with Daming who stole the Yuan Dynasty.

For this reason, Chechen Khan, the leader of the Khalkha tribe, one of the largest tribes in Mongolia, sent a special envoy to contact the other tribes of the Khalkha tribe, preparing to gather all the cavalry of the Khalkha tribe to wipe out the troops of the Ming Dynasty in one fell swoop. economic benefits.

But just when Chechen Khan was immersed in his own Khalkha tribe and could give Daming a Saarhu like a slave, there was a mess of horseshoes outside.

Chechen Khan came out and saw that his son had rushed back with his Chechen Khan cavalry, but judging by the scattered formation, demoralized morale, and empty hands, it didn't look like they had returned from a victorious battle.

Some herdsmen realized that their sons or brothers had not returned, that they had become the dead souls of the enemy, sobbed and cried, and even knelt on the ground, praying to the Longevity Heaven.

Mutar finally got rid of the pursuit of the West Route Army of the imperial guards and returned to the royal court smoothly. As soon as he came back, he immediately said to his father Chechen Khan: "Father Khan, we are defeated. The Ming army has the blessing of longevity." , they can breathe fire, they can even cast spells, so that our war horses dare not move forward, their firearms are not afraid of strong winds and rain, their knives are also extremely sharp, and one of them with one arm can even cut off A fine horse..."

As soon as Mutar got off his horse, he grabbed Chechen Khan and chatted endlessly about how powerful the Ming army was. The other cavalry also lowered their heads silently. These former warriors of the Khalkha tribe had to admit that they The Ming army encountered was not the group of soft packs in red clothes whose legs were weak when they saw cavalry.

Chechen Khan did not expect that his son, who had always been arrogant and self-proclaimed brave and invincible, would be so defeated this time, but he had to admit that judging from the performance of his returned Khalkha cavalry, his Khalkha tribe was indeed defeated by the This Ming army.

This surprised Chechen Khan. He couldn't help but look at the Han captives who were chained next to the tent and were making iron tools for their own tribe. teachers on a par.

"When will the Han people bully my son who is blessed by the eternal life again?" Chechen Khan said to himself, and took Mutar back to his king's tent.

"Imperial Guards?" After hearing Mutar's story, Chechen Khan fell into deep thought. As soon as he went deep into the desert of Khalkha, his understanding of the Ming Dynasty that occupied the land inside the pass never diminished. I also know that in recent years, His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty has re-organized an imperial guard army, and even this imperial guard army successfully resisted the attack of the Jiannu Eight Banners elite cavalry in Gyeonggi. At that time, he did not believe it, thinking that the Ming Dynasty Deliberately exaggerated the results.

After all, the Ming court did a lot of things like this, and killing a few Tartars would be a great victory.

But he, Chechen Khan, did not expect that the Imperial Guards had actually defeated his Khalkha cavalry, and judging by his son's expression, it seemed that the defeat was a bit miserable.

Chechen Khan began to regret whether it was a correct decision to support the Horqin Ministry, but now he is already riding a tiger, and he can only go one way to the dark.

In his mind, the strength of this Ming army might not be underestimated, but fortunately there were not many of them. According to what his son said, the number of cavalry was no more than [-], otherwise he would have wiped out his son's cavalry.

Since there are not many people, he can mobilize more cavalry to eliminate this force that can threaten the political ecology of the grassland.

"Immediately send someone to tell Horqin the news that the Ming army united with the Chahar tribe and intends to annex our Mongolian tribes in Monan. At the same time, ask him to immediately mobilize heavy troops to help. Since Zhu Youxiao wants to learn from his ancestors to conquer our grasslands , then the Khan will let him be Ming Yingzong once! When the time comes, go to the capital, capture him alive, and let him be a prisoner for once!"

According to Chechen Khan's idea, the Horqin tribe can mobilize [-] fine cavalry, and the other tribes of the Khalkha tribe can mobilize [-]. In addition to the remaining cavalry in the department, they can mobilize [-] fine cavalry, or they can compete with this Ming army. World War I.

Moreover, Chechen Khan also decided to ask for help from the Wu Xiang Department and Jiannu. These two forces are Ming's strong and deadly enemies. Chechen Khan believes that they will not be willing to see the Ming army easily occupying the entire Monan, which will pose a threat to them. The situation of attacking from both sides.

Oba of the Horqin tribe was also very surprised when he learned that the Khalkha tribe had been attacked by the Ming army and that the Khalkha tribe had suffered heavy losses. He did not expect that the Ming Dynasty would attack from the direction of Chahar and Khalkha. attack.

"Could it be that Zhu Youxiao's appetite is so big? Could it be that he thinks that all the tribes of Monan Mongolia are made of mud?" Auba said angrily. In his opinion, the battlefield will happen in this way The Khalkha tribe is also good, so that the fertile land of Horqin Prairie will not be affected by the war.

Therefore, Auba immediately mobilized [-] elite cavalry without hesitation, and led the three elite cavalry to the Khalkha tribe with his son Badali as the commander.

At this time, Wu Xiang's [-] Guanning Army also left Jinzhou City and drove straight towards the right wing of the Horqin tribe, but at this time, Wu Xiang also received a request for help from the Khalkha tribe.

"The imperial guards actually attacked from the Chahar Department. No wonder my Liaodong scouts didn't find any large army gathering. This Zhu Youxiao seems to be far away, but his wolf ambition is clearly revealed. He attacked the Horqin Department. For the sake of name, take the opportunity to unite with the Chahar Department, annex the Khalkha Department and the Horqin Department, and then form a siege around us, this is not a vicious move!"

As Wu Sangui said, he cupped his hands and said to Wu Xiang: "Father, from the perspective of my sons and daughters, it seems that we should change the direction of our march. Now that we have led our troops out, we will simply go straight to the Khalkha tribe and encircle and wipe out the Ming Dynasty together with the Mongol Tartars. Army, get rid of this vital force, and the Ming court will not dare to touch me, Ning Jin, for a few years! As for when the court finds out, we will deny it, saying that we were indeed ordered to attack the Horqin tribe. He doesn’t know anything about the battle situation in the Ministry, so he, Zhu Youxiao, will have to believe it if he doesn’t believe it!”

Wu Xiang had always been obedient to Wu Sangui's words, so he immediately agreed to Wu Sangui's proposal, immediately made preparations overnight, held a ceremony on the second day, cut off the Ming character army flag, and replaced it with a Liao character flag, and on the spot Zhu Youxiao's [-] crimes were read out, such as favoring eunuchs and entrapping Zhongliang, anyway, all the crimes that Zhu Youxiao was punished in the history of the Qing Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty were settled in advance by Wu and his son.

Then, the Guan Ning Army of Wu Xiang's Department galloped decisively and immediately into the Khalkha Department.

Under the urging of Liu Zongzhou and Shi Kefa, Huang Taiji also brought [-] armored soldiers and [-] Han and Mongolian Eight Banners soldiers to Horqin.

But when it comes to attacking the Horqin Department, he is also pretending that the marching speed is extremely slow, and he has to stop every three miles, and stop every ten miles. The slightest intention of war was that Horqin's tribe did not prevent Huang Taiji's cavalry from entering, and Hong Taiji's army did not wantonly loot in Horqin's tribe.

However, not long after this, Huang Taiji also learned the news that the Khalkha tribe had suffered heavy losses from the Ming army. He was also surprised by this. Kabu will be defeated by the Ming army.

Huang Taiji really had to admit that the Imperial Guards of the Ming Army had sharp firearms and a strong combat quality, but Huang Taiji didn't think that once there were enough cavalry, and they were on the vast grassland, they would really be afraid of such firearms. The winning army.

What's more, Huang Taiji himself has now brought firearms troops and cannons, these are the results of his one-year painstaking efforts.

"I sent an order to leave 3000 people pretending to be the main force to join the Tuxietu Department of the Horqin Department, and the rest followed me to the Khalkha Department immediately. If the Ming army wants to attack the Khalkha Department, I have to ask if I can agree!"

As Huang Taiji said, he personally led 1 people to the Khalkha tribe, and ordered them to go back to Shengjing to transfer another [-]. When he thought about entering the customs back then, if he brought more people, he might finally kneel down It's not himself, it's Zhu Youxiao, so now he no longer dares to pinch the combat soldiers skillfully just right.

In this way, over a period of time, more than 3 troops gathered towards the Khalkha tribe, and the West Route Army only had more than [-] people, but they mobilized several powerful enemies in Liaodong and Mobei. No one expected this, including Zhu Youxiao. At the beginning, he really just wanted to use preferential policies for economic interests to make the Khalkha tribe agree and unite, so that the war goal of attacking the Horqin tribe on two fronts could be fulfilled.

But Zhu Youxiao didn't expect that these powerful enemies outside the pass wanted to create a bigger Saarhu, and wanted to concentrate their superior forces to annihilate his own West Route Army, thereby destroying Ming's elite.

The Chechen Khan of the Khalkha tribe did not expect that he could gather the "Eighteen Princes" in such a short period of time. When he thought that there would be an army of more than [-], and he would have the most elite cavalry in the whole outside the pass, he Then he had the ambition to defeat the edge of the Ming army in the Khalkha tribe.

But they ignored the most important point, that is, they still don't know how strong their prey is, the specific number of people, or even the equipment. They are too lazy to find out, and they don't even bother to check the most specific location.

Although Huang Taiji is also aware of the so-called truth of knowing yourself and the enemy, Wu Sangui also knows it, but now everyone is an independent military force, no one can unify the other, and no one wants to let their soldiers and horses face the Ming army alone, so Just wait like this, waiting for the Ming army to attack. Anyway, one's own soldiers are good and strong, so there is no need to be afraid of the Ming army's tricks and tricks. After all, in the face of absolute military strength, any tricks and tricks are paper tigers.

This is what Huang Taiji read in the Da Ming Daily, and now he really believes in this truth.

However, these military aristocrats outside the pass seem to have overlooked the existence of a powerful intelligence system that is not only the imperial guards but also the Jinyiwei in Ming Dynasty. He also already knew the movements of these military nobles, and asked the West Route Army to suspend the attack, dragging the [-] troops gathered with these military nobles.

And Zhu Youxiao's "staff department" has shifted its attention to the territory of Liaodong.

Yang Sichang, the left servant of the Ministry of War, was already smiling, and pointed to the sand table and said to Zhu Youxiao: "Your Majesty, please see, in the current land of Liaodong, the troops in the Ningjin area are no more than [-] old and weak in the Wuxiang tribe, and the Tartars The Ministry is only in Shengjing and there are heavy soldiers. In order to defeat our West Route Army in the Khalkha Department, the Horqin Department is an army of the whole country. Now the Horqin Department is not only women, but also children and old people. Once our East Route Army is guarded When the First Army, Second Army, and Fifth Army landed, it can be said that wolves go after sheep, and they can bite wherever they want!"

"Very good. To fight a war, we must invigorate the war. Now let Huang Taiji be happy and tell Obai of the West Route Army that he can show the enemy weakness. For the landing operation of our Eastern Route Army, at the same time, I ordered to continue to send more Jinyiwei manpower, and we must make sure that they will not find out the clues!"

Not long after Zhu Youxiao said this, Chang Yanling's First Army has gradually begun to dock. In order to be able to adapt to the long-term sea travel, they have done short-term adaptation training before, but there are still many soldiers showing up The performance of seasickness, when boarding the ship and docking, he had to start to replenish supplies and rest with the help of Dongjiang soldiers.

When another half month passed, on the side of the West Route Army, Oboi indeed led the third army to attack a tribe in the Khalkha tribe, but was surrounded by tens of thousands of cavalry, but Oboi's third army did not care about fighting. , retreat quickly.

However, the Fourth Army has been concealed and has not taken any further action.

However, the Khalkha and Horqin tribes as well as the Wuxiang tribe and the Jiannu people also tasted some sweetness because of this, and shifted their attention to this side more and more, eager to find the main force of the Ming army this morning and eat it. drop them.

In order to carry out the cover mission for the full landing of the Imperial Guard's East Route Army, the Fourth Army had to expose itself in advance and immediately attacked the Khalkha Department.

But because of this, [-] cavalry were immediately besieged, and the third army had to come to the rescue, and the last [-] cavalry surrounded them.

(End of this chapter)

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