Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 334 The Embarrassed Huang Taiji

Chapter 334 The Embarrassed Huang Taiji
Zhu Youxiao has already promulgated the imperial decree, that is, Liu Zongzhou will be appointed as the governor of Monan, and Shi Kefa will be the inspector of Monan and the governor of the censor.

It may be a good choice for these two loyal officials from the Donglin Party to govern Monan. In Zhu Youxiao's view, what Monan needs most today is Confucianism and the establishment of ritual order.

However, these two famous Neo Confucian ministers are perfect, not to mention that they have been envoys in Jiannu Shengjing for so long, and they have a certain understanding of the outside world.

Of course, Zhu Youxiao didn't let them continue to serve as envoys in Jiannu, and there was another purpose, which was to mark that Ming's attitude towards Jiannu would change, and the evacuation of the envoys was only the first step to start the war .

Now that the Ming Dynasty has completely occupied the entire Monan Mongolia, as long as the ruling system is completely consolidated in Monan, it will be difficult for Jiannu to stage the drama of entering and looting from Monan Mongolia.

However, Daming was able to use the Monan and Liaodong bases to launch an attack on Jiannu Shengjing at any time. Not only that, but Zhu Youxiao had ordered the cavalry of the Second Brigade of the Third Army of the Imperial Guard to rush to the Far East immediately to restore the Nuer Gandu Division. The Ming Dynasty system was restored in the present Xing'an Mountains area. At the same time, Mao Wenlong led his Dongjiang soldiers to Miaotun (Sakhalin Island) and Ezo Island by sea to restore the officials in these places and encourage land reclamation in these areas.

This was done not only to complete the siege of the area controlled by Jiannu, but also to establish the Chinese ruling system and cultural system here this morning, so as to avoid being later occupied by Tsarist Russia.

After learning that Mao Wenlong and Long Tengwen, a member of the Second Brigade of the Third Army, had arrived in Miaotun and Yeyi Island, Zhu Youxiao directly established the Far East Chengxuan Political Envoy Division to replace his original Nuer Gandu Division. Function.

Let Mao Wenlong directly serve as the governor of the Far East, while Long Tengwen serves as the governor of the Far East, and encourage the two forces to expand their territories to the west, that is, the direction of Luocha Kingdom, and the other to expand their territories to the north.

Of course, these are just assumptions. The key task for the two now is to establish a ruling system in the Far East.

Zhu Youxiao's actions in Monan, Liaodong and the Far East naturally attracted Huang Taiji's attention, and making Liu Zongzhou and Shi Kefa no longer serve as envoys also made him realize that Ming was targeting himself and his own Qing.

Huang Taiji also knew that once Daming gained a firm foothold in these three places, he would be completely trapped to death.

Originally, his own Qing Dynasty could unite the Mongolian tribes and achieve the purpose of bullying Ming Dynasty by deterring North Korea, but now the Mongolian tribes are gone, and North Korea is not willing to bow down because it has defeated him.

Even with himself, a Ming army began to appear in the north of the Qing Dynasty.

Huang Taiji felt that he had to take action to curb Zhu Youxiao's encroaching strategy and break the encirclement of Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, while pretending to be indifferent and leading his group of princes Baylor and other princes to see off the two envoys Liu Zongzhou and Shi Kefa back to Daming, he secretly gathered the Eight Banners to prepare to launch an attack on a weak point of Daming at any time.

Huang Taiji and the Manchurian military aristocrats he represented knew very well what they were good at, and they also knew what the best solution would be if they encountered this kind of siege by step by step.

In their view, the best way to do this is to take the initiative to attack and break them one by one, and this method has also appeared before. Every time Daming stationed troops and built a castle, Jiannu would definitely attack before it was fully consolidated. Destroy and loot your strategic resources to replenish yourself.

In this way, over and over again, the money spent by Daming to build castles and side walls supported Jiannu, and Jiannu grew step by step.

In order to avoid this situation, Zhu Youxiao did not completely withdraw the troops of the imperial guards and let them control various key points. At the same time, he also let the herdsmen join the army to form the Ming Mongolian cavalry, and let them guard their homes by themselves.

But no one can be sure when Huang Taiji will launch a sudden attack, and there is no way to predict which of these places will be robbed.

In order to prepare in advance, Zhu Youxiao also asked the Ordnance Department to set up a branch in Shanhaiguan, Liaodong. In order to reduce the logistical problems caused by space transportation, he simply moved part of the production line to Shanhaiguan to achieve ready-to-use equipment.

At the same time, Zhu Youxiao also ordered Jinyiwei to continue to expand its scale and further improve its intelligence system.

In the pass, the recruitment scale of the imperial guards continued to expand. The expected number of officers in the fourth phase of the Royal Military Academy tripled compared with the third phase, and the number of recruits also increased from 30 to [-].

Most of the wealth accumulated by the feudal lords of the Horqin and Khalkha tribes has been transported into the customs one after another, while the herdsmen and immigrants in Monan, Liaodong, and the Far East have just started production, and there is no food harvest yet. However, Huang Taiji still cannot rely on robbery to obtain enough survival resources for his tribe, and currently he can only rely on the aid specified in the trade agreement with Ming Dynasty.

Therefore, this is also the reason why Huang Taiji did not turn against Daming immediately, and had to hand over Wu Xiang and Wu Sangui and his son under Lu Xiangsheng's repeated urging.

Ever since Huang Taiji attacked the Horqin Tribe and killed the son of Khan Tushetuhan of the Horqin Tribe, Badali, the Mongolian Eight Banners within Jiannu had already developed some dissatisfaction with Huang Taiji since he restored friendly relations with Ming Dynasty. As a Horqin tribe, Bumbutai also secretly hated Huang Taiji.

In Bumbutai's view, his Horqin tribe can be said to have unreserved support for the Qing Dynasty, otherwise he would not have married himself, and even in order to further strengthen the relationship between the two, he is going to marry him who is now Hai Lanzhu, who was robbed by the Ming army, also married, but who knows, her husband, the emperor who has the ambition to conquer the world, helped the Ming court to destroy his own Horqin tribe and killed countless people of his Horqin tribe in a blink of an eye. , and even behaved more ruthlessly than the Ming army, the purpose was just to prevent the Ming court from getting more population.

Therefore, Bumbutai avoided seeing Huang Taiji on the grounds of illness.

And Huang Taiji himself was in a very difficult situation at this time. In order to avoid a major conflict with Ming Dynasty now, he sacrificed his ally, the Horqin tribe, and even made his concubine feel bad for him, which affected the Mongolian tribe. the obedience of the people to themselves.

Not only that, but I also had to watch the pearl of the prairie that made me ecstasy-Hai Lanzhu be sent into the city like this, and even had to hand over the Wu family and his son in order to satisfy the Ming court, to show that I abide by the sincerity of the agreement.

 My head hurts a lot today, and Calvin is also very serious. Let’s make up for it for the time being. I will make up for the owed one on the weekend.

(End of this chapter)

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