Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 338 Hailan Pearl Noodle Saint

Chapter 338 Hailan Pearl Noodle Saint

In front of him is a glass mirror that can clearly illuminate the eyelashes of a person, a pink liquid in a small transparent glass box, and a willow window inlaid with stained glass.

The flowered tulle curtain outlines a soft arc, and the figurine on the exquisite metal box can make moving tunes while turning, while the things in the wooden box hanging above are always placed, And very regularly at the same time interval to make a sound like metal impact.

This is the inner room of Daming's palace. It seems that everything in it is very fresh and exquisite, but Hai Lanzhu still feels a little nervous and apprehensive.

She didn't know what she would face next, and she also thought about committing suicide, but from the moment she was caught, there were people around her all the time, and she even wanted to hide a dagger or use other sharp weapons to kill Zhu Youxiao. The Emperor Ming took the opportunity to kill him while enjoying himself!Avenge your tribe and your father!

But now, except for the wreath and the silver ring and golden lock on her body, all sharp jewelry was confiscated, and even the peak on the crown of her head was replaced with a dome.

She had no choice but to walk towards Kunning Palace honestly under the guard of two maids, still wearing her previous jade-white Mongolian suit, with long arrow sleeves, high boots and thick collar, and a small man who can hold The waist was tied very tightly, and there were two or three jade pendants hanging from the jade belt, among which were gifts from Huang Taiji, Wu Sangui, and Mutar from the Khalkha tribe.

These may be regarded as love gifts, and they can also be regarded as signs of a man's love for a woman. Hai Lanzhu did not agree to marry them, but he did not refuse their gifts. This is the glory of his daughter's family.

But the master in the Forbidden City didn't give him any gifts, and even destroyed his home, but now he wants to be his man!
Hai Lanzhu felt an inexplicable resentment in her heart, but she was also naturally curious about everything in front of her and what she was about to face, including these red walls and green tiles, colorful eaves and carved railings, and princes and nobles who looked younger than her own tribe. There are also gorgeously dressed palace people.

"This is Daming! No wonder the men of the grassland want to enter this prosperous land for generations." Hai Lanzhu looked up at the Dragon Pavilion and Phoenix Tower, as if vaguely looking forward to seeing the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, and also I began to imagine that if I really lived here, it might be another scene, without the company of sheep and the boundless grassland under the sunset, without white felt, and without the melodious tune of the Matouqin, but maybe I could experience a kind of mastery. Wealth and glory.

Instinctive vanity and hatred for the robbed home were like water and fire in the mind of this 19-year-old girl, but before the winner was decided, she was in front of Emperor Zhu Youxiao and Empress Zhang Yan. .

"Kneel down!" Although Hakka is only Zhu Youxiao's wet nurse, she has great power in the harem, especially in this Kunning Palace, where her power can directly kill disobedient court ladies and eunuchs.

When she saw Hai Lanzhu's gorgeous appearance, she couldn't help but feel a crisis for her empress. One Xu Fu was enough to cause headaches, but now with such a vixen, Ke Shi felt that she had to Show off the prestige for the queen Zhang Yan.

Hai Lanzhu just glanced at Zhu Youxiao from a distance, seeing that he was still young and didn't seem to be fat, but he couldn't see his face clearly from a distance. His eyes looked normal, but it was also difficult to see. Find out what's going on in his heart.

Being scolded by the charming lady next to her, Hai Lanzhu knelt down in fright, the plump peach petals on her chest trembled slightly, as if they were about to pop out, her round jaw lowered slightly, Only the cheeks on both sides are exposed, and the nose is enlarged.

This era is no different from the 21st century. In an era before plastic surgery technology, it seems that those who can be called beautiful can also be matched with the word "natural".

Zhu Youxiao is not the kind of person who loves beauty, but he also has a heart for beauty. The jade beauty in front of him, who was supposed to become Huang Taiji's favorite concubine, knelt in front of him at this moment, waiting for his disposal.

This is a very fulfilling thing for any man, and Zhu Youxiao is no exception. He bluntly kept his eyes on Hai Lanzhu.

And he also knew that Ke Shi's scolding was also because his eyes were too hot. Looking at the innocent but not easy-going smiling faces of Queen Zhang Yan and Xu Fu, Zhu Youxiao had no choice but to Withdrawing her greedy eyes: "Get up."

Now that he is the emperor, Zhu Youxiao naturally knows that the struggle in the harem is also a problem he has to face. Fortunately, there is no such thing as foreign relatives in the Ming Dynasty, so there is no need to worry about the harem issue affecting the government.

But I will definitely have a lot of women in the future, this is not something I can stop, because sometimes even women cannot escape political manipulation.

Just as men will sacrifice for politics, women will also become vassals of politics.

"You are the Hailanzhu of the Horqin tribe, the pearl of the grasslands of the Mongolian tribes, the number one beauty outside the customs that my imperial guards of the Ming Dynasty even used to capture you alive as a gift to His Majesty? Seeing you now, you really have a special charm, since you are here You don’t have to be cautious, but don’t harbor bad thoughts.” Empress Zhang Yan’s mood has changed slightly since Xu Fu’s birth, but she can also treat the fact that there are more and more women around Zhu Youxiao rationally. , although it is not as aggressive as Ke's, but there is a sharp edge in what he said.

Zhu Youxiao is not very in the mood to watch the realistic version of this Gongdou drama. As a man, he is more interested in berating Fang Qiu and pointing out Jiangshan. But he can only turn a blind eye to this kind of drama between women. Turn a blind eye, since Hai Lanzhu is here now, there is no need for him to be a moral saint, but he will not really just want to look at a woman when he sees it.

So, Zhu Youxiao stood up and leaned forward a little, crossed his legs, and asked, "Can you dance?"

Hai Lanzhu didn't dare to look up, but still nodded: "Yes!" At the same time, he was secretly surprised that His Majesty the Emperor of Ming Dynasty didn't immediately give the order to execute him, and what the queen said just now seemed to indicate that he didn't want his life Meaning, now it seems that I really want to become this person's woman.

Hai Lanzhu began to stretch her stiff body, exuding a trace of body fragrance while moving around, and the crisp bell sound added a bit of liveliness.

Zhu Youxiao had to admit that he was a little moved. He left here without watching Hai Lanzhu's dance. Wang Chengen chased after him: "Your Majesty!"

"Let her serve tonight", Zhu Youxiao said and went directly to the direction of Qianqing Palace. It will be an hour later that he will come to Qianqing Palace to work on the evening shift, but now he has to leave early, Otherwise, he would lose his mind because of Hai Lanzhu's dance, and eagerly immerse himself in the nest of joy.

(End of this chapter)

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