Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 357 Don't Forget Saarhu

Chapter 357 Don't Forget Saarhu
Li Sutai wanted to die now, but he couldn't scold him. His mouth was stuffed with horse feces by soldiers of the imperial guards, he was tied to a prison cart, and he was escorted out of Guangning City.

This senior official who would have been the governor of Fujian and Zhejiang in history ended his historical destiny ahead of schedule.

But a person like Li Soltai is just an insignificant figure in the long river of history, and the change of his fate can't even cause a slight disturbance, even though he made all his family members die for Jiannu.

At the end of summer and autumn, red leaves replaced green flowers, Zhu Youxiao wandered in the imperial garden to digest his lunch, Hai Lanzhu followed behind, holding a small plate with a box of fish food in his hand.

When bored, Zhu Youxiao would throw a handful into the Bitan from time to time, causing the koi to leap out of the water and devour the chyme floating on the water.

Zhu Youxiao couldn't help thinking, looking at the whole of Ming Dynasty, maybe he is this fish-feeding man now, it seems that the right to survival of the whole world is in his hands, and one of his decisions can affect the livelihood of billions of people.

This kind of feeling is good, but people will never be satisfied. According to the report of Shang Zhouzuo, governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, the red fan ghosts used the reason that the survivors of the Song Dynasty in exile in Nanyang intended to rebel, and united with the local aborigines to massacre the Han people. A large number of Han Chinese in exile fled back to Qiongzhou, so Shang Zhouzuo asked for instructions on how to deal with these returned Han Chinese.

After hearing this, Zhu Youxiao was really angry for a while, and smashed the glass mirror in anger, but afterwards he found that as the emperor of Ming Dynasty, he had nothing to do with this kind of foreign barbarians outside the border!
This is the fate of having no maritime rights and interests. The current Beihai Fleet can only control the Bohai Sea and the Yellow Sea. The entire Nanyang Sea is basically still the sphere of influence of Zheng Zhilong, Li Kuiqi, Buddha Wolf Machine and Red Fangui.

Zhu Youxiao could only instruct Xiong Wencan, who was negotiating with Zheng Zhilong in Fuzhou, to convey his will to Zheng Zhilong, and let Zheng Zhilong send troops to teach the red ghosts in Java and the stupid local barbarians.

Even, Zhu Youxiao told Xiong Wencan that as long as Zheng Zhilong was willing to send troops, the imperial court could pay him the military salary and relax certain conditions for appeasement.

In order to deal a certain blow to these forces outside the country who do not respect the existence of Ming Dynasty or even ignore the hegemony of Ming Dynasty, and to make these Nanyang powerhouses restrained to a certain extent, Zhu Youxiao, as an emperor, had to bow down and ask for a pirate leader. But he still had to admit that he was really aggrieved by doing this, and felt like he wanted to hit someone but couldn't.

Even Zhu Youxiao directly vented his anger on Yang Sichang because of this, blaming Yang Sichang, the servant in charge of the Ministry of War, for having nothing to do with his compatriots being massacred, so he directly fined Yang Sichang with half a year's salary.

Yang Sichang himself was naturally dumbfounded, but there was nothing he could do. Who let him manage the Ministry of War now? In modern times, he is equivalent to the executive deputy minister of the Ministry of National Defense, but he can only watch his compatriots being slaughtered. It seems that he should bear the responsibility. Take responsibility.

Although Yang Sichang, the left servant of the Ministry of War, has been blamed, Zhu Youxiao has been in an unusually irritable mood recently. He was walking around well at the beginning. When he saw the Bitan in the imperial garden, he thought of Nanyang thousands of miles away, and thought of countless The compatriots were beheaded by a group of stupid people under the butcher's knife, like pigs and dogs, but Da Ming couldn't help it, he couldn't help getting angry, and directly threw the plate in Hai Lanzhu's hand, including the fish food, into the pool , aroused a big wave.

"Back to the palace!"

Zhu Youxiao walked towards Kunning Palace angrily, and Hai Lanzhu, who had already changed into the palace costume of the Ming court, hurriedly followed. Although there was no plate in his hand, he was still trembling. It's too moody, Hai Lanzhu doesn't know when she will be executed by him.

However, just as Zhu Youxiao was walking towards Kunning Palace, Wang Chengen came to Zhu Youxiao in a hurry at this time: "Reporting to Your Majesty, Concubine Hui has returned to the palace and has successfully assassinated Li Yongfang. At the same time, Senior Supervisor Lu Ge also handed over a memorial, saying that Guangning City has been recaptured with lightning speed, and Guangning City, which has been lost for eight years, has returned to my hands, Daming, congratulations!"

Zhu Youxiao took over the memorial from Wang Chengen, and browsed it roughly. He knew the importance of Guangning City. As an important stronghold on the Ningjin defense line, Guangning City was defeated by 13 troops. The entire army was annihilated, and Sun Chengzong's strategic concept was broken, and the Manchu Qing was further strengthened.

If it weren't for the great trauma left by the fiasco of Guangning City, Zhu Youxiao wouldn't have often used this example to tell the students of the Royal Military Academy, and even the officials of the entire Ming Dynasty, that you can In other words, it is precisely because Zhu Youxiao deliberately exposed the scars of Guangning's fiasco in order to enhance the shame of the scholars of the Ming Dynasty that now that Guangning City has been recovered, everyone in the Ming Dynasty feels even more excited and excited.

Even Wang Chengen is the same. Although he is just an eunuch, he has become a "patriot" under the influence of Zhu Youxiao, and he has a deep affection for Guangning City. After Guangning City returned to Daming, he couldn't wait to come to Zhu Youxiao.

"Your Majesty, now that Guangning City is back in our hands, it means that the situation between us and Jianu has returned to the state of the second year of the apocalypse, but it is actually more optimistic than the second year of the apocalypse, because we still control the Monan area. It can be said that in less than a year, we can easily take back Shenyang, and then occupy Hetuala, the lair of slavery, to completely eradicate this former formidable enemy outside the pass!"

Wang Chengen said very excitedly that the current emperor, Zhu Youxiao, held military meetings at every turn, which made him, the eunuch with the palm seal of the supervisor of ceremonies, start to have a bit of a habit of strategizing, so Zhu Youxiao was not allowed to speak, so he I spoke up first.

Due to the recovery of Guangning City and the decapitation of Li Yongfang, a big traitor who took refuge in slavery, Zhu Youxiao's mood began to improve, so he didn't care about Wang Chengen's arrogance of showing off his military strategy with the seal of the chief inspector , and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Why, do you want another Saarhu?"

Salhu?Wang Chengen was stunned for a moment, but he couldn't say anything more.

If we can say when the Ming Dynasty began to attach importance to building slaves and regard building slaves as its great enemy, it would be Saarhu!
These three words left too much pain to the people of the Ming Dynasty!
It caused a central dynasty to lose its conceit and ignorance while also losing the courage and fighting spirit accumulated in the past after the three major Wanli expeditions.

"Pass the decree, let Concubine Hui and Xu Xianchun wait in Qianqing Palace, and I will go and see them in person." After Zhu Youxiao said that, he changed direction and walked towards the front court. Wang Chengen also hurriedly followed, but he didn't dare Say one more word, and he must not dare to be beaten back by His Majesty.

(End of this chapter)

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