Chapter 359
The enraged Huang Taiji slumped down on the chair after roaring, the veins on his fists bulging. Fan Wencheng's death and Li Yongfang's death made him feel more and more terrible about Jin Yiwei.

"It's just pervasive!"

Huang Taiji said to himself that he thought that Li Yongfang could completely defend Guangning City, and that he could attack Jinzhou after he had accumulated enough strength on his side.

At that time, he and Li Yongfang's Han Eight Banners can continue to squeeze Daming to the west of Ningyuan City, and he can also gain contact with Lindan Khan's department, and even gain access to the sea.

As a smart Tartar, Huang Taiji did not really watch the sky from a well. He also had his own source of information. He also learned the news that the Ming court had defeated the Zheng’s pirate group in the Ryukyu naval battle. After the Jinmen area not far from outside the customs, he also felt even more uneasy.

At the same time, Huang Taiji also began to regret that he agreed to let Dorgon sign the bullshit agreement. He originally thought that he would return the deserted Liaodong Peninsula looted by his Qing Dynasty to Ming Dynasty, so that he now has no outlet for the sea. Even now it is still compressed in the east of Jinzhou, and it is extremely inconvenient to cross the Saishan Mountains in order to go to sea in this area.

But now Huang Taiji regrets that he doesn't need it, and what's worse now is that Guangning City is also lost, and his Qing Dynasty can only be huddled in this land north of the Liaohe River.

However, Huang Taiji is not willing to just sit and wait like this. What he hates the most now is the Jinyiwei. This organization that was originally only showing off its power in the pass has repeatedly violated his own inverse scales. Huang Taiji feels that he must take some measures.

"Decree to strictly examine the Han people who belonged to various places:

Those who do not want to shave their hair shall be beheaded immediately!
Those who don't want to learn Manchu language will be killed immediately!
Anyone who leaves the city without my will will be executed immediately!
Every Han family is numbered, and every Han family is counted in the register. Every ten households is a Jia, and every ten Jia is a guarantee, and they are assigned to a designated area for living.Jiazheng Baozheng in the area to which it belongs is also cut immediately!
Banner households are no longer allowed to keep slaves of unknown origin, and their slaves must also be registered. If any slaves are lost, all their slaves will be killed, and their masters should also be removed from their titles! "

The rampant activities of Jin Yiwei made Huang Taiji start to closely monitor the Han people who belonged to them. This was undoubtedly a heavier blow to the Han people who were still in the territory controlled by Jiannu (also called the occupied area). The common people who maintained the customs and language of the Han people began to have to shave their hair and change clothes. They had a certain degree of freedom of trade and activities, but now they had to be confined in a specified space like prisoners to produce living resources for the nobles of the Qing Dynasty.

However, this strict monitoring measure has no effect on the real traitors, especially some literati who took refuge in the slaves. They now spontaneously regard themselves as the courtiers of the Qing Dynasty. Before the Manchu language order, they had consciously started to shave off their hair, learn Manchu language, and take pride in wearing mandarin jackets.

There are even people like Li Sutai who have completely regarded the emperor Huang Taiji as their master, and under the deep Confucian ideology, they even wanted to bury him in the Qing Dynasty.

Although they concealed their selfishness of betraying the nation and Daming with the idea that since they are citizens of the Qing Dynasty, they should respect the emperor as the monarch, Li Yongfang's head still made them realize that it is not enough to rely on themselves to deceive themselves. I don't choose to forgive you because of this. These traitors, especially those with relatively high loyalty, can at least feel that their lives are greatly threatened.

Zhu Shichang was originally a guerrilla in the Ming Dynasty. He surrendered to Nurhachi in the first year of the apocalypse and became the city guard of Shengjing. There are a lot of them, but they can be counted, at least you can rob the wealth of the Han people from time to time, as long as you don't rob the Manchus and the Manchus' coated slaves, even if someone dies, the higher-ups will not blame them.

Therefore, Zhu Shichang enjoys the feeling of being able to use the power of building slaves to dominate in front of his compatriots, but now the Han people who have taken refuge in building slaves, especially their senior officials, have been assassinated by Jin Yiwei one after another, making him no longer stable. The mood to oppress the Han people in the Jiannu-controlled area.

Fortunately, Huang Taiji, like Nurhachi, still trusts Zhu Shichang and let Zhu Shichang be in charge of the city defense of Shengjing City, but Zhu Shichang always has a premonition that he will be accidentally assassinated by a Jinyi guard lurking in Shenyang City.

Although now he is doing his best to implement Huang Taiji's purge policy, killing many innocent people, and extorting and looting a lot of money along the way, he still dare not leave the house and hides in the At home, other matters are fully entrusted to his subordinates.

Even at home, Zhu Shichang would be awakened in the middle of the night whenever there was a disturbance, and he would be covered in cold sweat from fright. After half a month like this, he lost more than ten catties and added countless gray hairs even though he was not sick.

When he went to Hongwen Hall to meet Huang Taiji, even Huang Taiji felt very surprised, and of course he understood what he was afraid of, so he could only persuade him with good words, and gave him a third-class ahaha Fan's title.

However, Zhu Shichang had no intention of being happy at all.

Also like Zhu Shichang, Bao Chengxian, who surrendered to become a slave in the second year of Tianqi, was even more frightened than Zhu Shichang.

Bao Chengxian, as a bachelor of Hongwenguan, knows military aircraft as well as Fan Wencheng, and is even more clear about the current situation outside the customs than Zhu Shichang. He knows that now Ming has controlled Monan and Ningjin, and the so-called Qing has actually fallen into three sides of Ming. Surrounded.

Therefore, Bao Chengxian, who is more flexible, did not have the "enlightenment" that he was determined to be buried with Jiannu like Li Sutai, nor did he have nothing but fear and fear like Zhu Shichang. He actively sought to contact Sheng through various means. Jin Yiwei in the capital, and wanted to pass the news of his return to Daming to Jin Yiwei.

And Bao Chengxian was very lucky, he also participated in this cleansing activity against Zha Jinyiwei, but unlike Zhu Shichang who blindly took advantage of this to plunder the people and made a fortune, he used this to catch a secret of Jinyiwei in Shengjing City However, he used his power to let these Jinyiwei go, and passed the news of his return to Daming to Zhu Youxiao through these Jinyiwei.

Zhu Youxiao did not express his opinion immediately after learning about it, because he is also very entangled now. According to his original intention, these traitors who betrayed Ming Dynasty are people he hates very much, and there is no other ending except cutting him to pieces!

But when I think about it, since Nurhachi raised his troops, there have been many Han people who have turned to Jiannu. If he blindly kills them, will these traitors be more determined to follow Jiannu and make it more difficult for him to destroy the Manchus.

(End of this chapter)

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