Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 370 Zheng Zhibao Besieged

Chapter 370 Zheng Zhibao Besieged

What Gu Sanmazi said stunned all the officers of the South China Sea Fleet.

Most of these officers are of professional background and even have experience in naval warfare after the Ryukyu naval battle. They can't believe that their chief military officer is making such a joke at this time, and they want to eat Zheng's ship that is several times their own. Team.

And Zheng Zhibao didn't think that he had become Gu Sanmazi's prey.

Seeing Gu Sanmazi and his South China Sea Fleet running around like headless chickens on the sea, and even almost ran to the direction of Nanyang, he even became a little contemptuous, saying: "Hmph, this Gu Sanmazi has the courage However, before I fired the cannon, I was so scared that he peed his pants, haha!"

"That's right, if it wasn't for the uncle's repeated urging not to start the war lightly, with Gu Sanmazi's courage, we can definitely teach him a lesson, and it can be regarded as revenge for the second master!"

Zheng Zhilong's general Shi Yuancheng, who came with Zheng Zhibao, also replied, and Zheng Zhilong had no choice but to punch the railing.

Although Zheng Zhibao also wanted to feel the shame of his second brother being captured, Zheng Zhilong had too much authority in the Zheng family, so he had to obey.

But Gu Sanmazi has no scruples at all at this time, Zhu Youxiao has long given him the right to act cheaply, and he himself is a person who thinks leaps, so even though other officers are concerned about Gu Sanmazi's desire to use the South China Sea Fleet to eat Zheng Zhibao's fleet There were objections to his idea, but he did not object to Gu Sanmazi's decision.

From Gu Sanmazi's point of view, the group of Zheng's fleet that was following behind him and trying to threaten him simply had no brains, thinking that he had a large number of ships and that this area was his own territory, so he could do whatever he wanted.

But these proud Zheng fleets forgot the saying that soldiers never tire of deceit. They didn't know that the South China Sea Fleet in front of them was not a mouse they could tease, but a cunning fox.

Originally, Gu Sanmazi just wanted to test it to see if the Zheng fleet would be fooled, so he decisively ordered the entire South China Sea Fleet to change its original course and sail to the south of Luzon.

However, Zheng Zhibao's fleet did not see through Gu Sanmazi's tricks. After chasing the chicken coop from the Zhoushan area, they thought that the South China Sea Fleet was really frightened and panicked when they fled.

But after passing the chicken coop, Gu Sanmazi decisively ordered the South China Sea Fleet to turn around as soon as they reached the waters near Luzon, and quickly seized the upper wind, and then directly bombarded Zheng Zhibao's fleet.

Zheng Zhibao's fleet chased the South China Sea Fleet all the way and never thought that they would really eat the South China Sea Fleet, so they didn't pay attention to seize the upper air. As a result, when they were hit by the South China Sea Fleet head-on, they were caught off guard and were passively beaten.

The fierce artillery fire directly pressed Zheng Zhibao's fleet, causing countless waves to be stirred up on the originally calm sea, and the fire bloomed like fireworks on the thousands of miles of blue waves.

Thanks to Zheng Zhibao's fleet, most of the fleet has been equipped with the latest artillery of Frangji, but now they have lost the opportunity to fight back.

Gu Sanmazi couldn't help being overjoyed, and said with a smile: "The Zheng family is nothing more than that, I really don't know how they got so big."

As he said that, Gu Sanmazi saw that Zheng Zhibao's fleet also began to change direction, and seemed to be ready to break the situation at the expense of a small part of the fleet, so he immediately ordered: "Retreat directly, change course, and head towards Leizhou!"

Immediately, the ships of the South China Sea Fleet immediately stopped shelling, and quickly changed direction like a school of fish following the ocean current and headed northwest, sending white waves to Zheng Zhibao's fleet.

The Zheng Zhibao fleet just turned around and launched the first round of shelling, but found that all their shells were thrown into the sea and fed the fish.

Zheng Zhibao felt as if he had punched the cotton with his fist. He couldn't help being irritated and ordered his fleet to catch up immediately. He seemed to have completely forgotten Zheng Zhilong's entrustment to him not to start a light war with the South China Sea Fleet.

Gu Sanmazi saw Zheng Zhilong's fleet approaching aggressively through the binoculars, a sly smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and ordered: "We will reach Dongsha ahead, there are many hidden reefs in that area, the small boats will stay here to lure Zheng's fleet, The big ship immediately evacuated from the east and west sides to hide, and the Yuqian directly met the enemy, luring Zheng's pirate ship to come this way!"

After finishing speaking, Gu Sanmazi personally drove the steam-powered warship Yu Qian towards Zheng Zhibao's fleet.

Now Zheng Zhibao also knows how powerful this kind of iron-clad warship is, and he no longer exposes his side's flanks foolishly, but immediately turns around and encircles the "Yu Qian" with ten soft sailing ships as the vanguard. , Attempt to directly trap the "Yu Qian" to death!

But when Zheng Zhibao began to gradually surround the "Yu Qian", the "Yu Qian" suddenly escaped from the gap with a silhouette, and Zheng Zhibao couldn't help being furious when he saw this, and ordered the fleet to continue to pursue , Seeing many small boats of the South China Sea Fleet in front of them trying to block them with gunpowder, they simply ordered their own fleet to speed up and ram them directly, trying to sink these small boats before they could exert their power.

But when his ships came in, they all collided directly on the reef, with a bang, because they were too eager to hit and sink the small boats of the South China Sea Fleet, and the speed was very fast, causing many fleets on Zheng Zhibao's side to be smashed directly, countless The sea water poured in.

However, these hidden reefs had no effect on the small ships of the South China Sea Fleet, because they had a shallow draft, and quickly turned around and threw liquid explosives at these Zheng Zhibao's fleet.

At the same time, the "Yu Qian" and other large warships also appeared nearby and launched a general attack on Zheng Zhibao's fleet.

Zheng Zhibao's fleet was like a tank army stuck in a muddy puddle. It became powerless and could only be scuttled by the warships of the South China Sea Fleet one by one.

"Bastard, this Gu Sanmazi, I must kill him!"

Seeing his favorite warship gradually sinking into the bottom of the sea, Zheng Zhibao, who had already changed his flagship, hated Gu Sanmazi so much that he gritted his teeth, but Shi Yuancheng and others hurriedly persuaded him, and said: "Third Master, please calm down, We just accidentally fell for Gu Sanmazi's trap, but that doesn't mean we have no chance to break through, as long as we work together, we will be able to break out of Gu Sanmazi's encirclement!"

After Zheng Zhibao heard about it, he had no choice but to order the warships of the headquarters to break through, but now Gu Sanmazi has tightened the encirclement circle, and quickly formed an encirclement circle with five small ships and a large blessing ship, while Yu Qian belongs to the vanguard , rampantly attacked these Zheng's pirate ships in the encirclement.

For a while, Zheng Zhibao's fleet began to gradually realize that the fleet of the headquarters had no way to break out of the siege. Once a warship attacked rashly, it would be sunk by the "Yu Qian" decisively as a target.

It didn't take long for Zheng Zhibao's fleet to run out, and Gu Sanmazi also narrowed the encirclement until finally completely surrounded Zheng Zhibao's warship.

(End of this chapter)

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