Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 376 Unconfident King and Confident Officials

Chapter 376 Unconfident King and Confident Officials
Originally, Zhu Youxiao was extremely angry when he learned about the siege of Guangzhou. He did not expect that these Western fans would be so bold. In order to gain control of Macau, they would not hesitate to challenge the bottom line of Ming Dynasty and surround the whole of Guangzhou. city ​​and killed several civilians.

For this reason, Zhu Youxiao even ordered Yang Sichang, the left servant of the Ministry of War, to start mobilizing the Imperial Guards near Gyeonggi and the newly recruited Imperial Guards in Sichuan, Huguang, Nanzhili, and Gyeonggi to gather in Guangdong and Guangxi immediately, and ordered the North Sea Fleet and the East China Sea The fleet prepared for the battle in advance, in order to deal with the very likely situation where Daming would not only fight against Zheng's pirates, but also against Frangji.

Zhu Youxiao doesn’t want to make a big move at this time. After all, the strategic resources of the entire empire are not fully prepared at this time. The expansion of the imperial guards, land, sea and air (the flight battalion is barely counted as the air force) has not yet been completed, but now the sovereignty of Ming Dynasty is being threatened. Therefore, Zhu Youxiao had to do a good job of breaking the boat and gathering the strength of the whole country to prepare for the invasion of foreign enemies.

However, as ministers, Li Mingrui and Yang Sichang did not think that they were so nervous because of the challenge of Frangji. As people from the Ming Dynasty, Li Mingrui and Yang Sichang did not have any vigilance against Westerners like Frangji , far less attention than they paid to the Tatars' invasion and looting of the customs, and even in their view, this kind of incident was not as good as the previous civil uprising, after all, these can lead to chaos.

Looking at the Ming Dynasty and even the entire history of China, there has never been a historical event in which the rebellion of foreign barbarians from the south led to the overthrow of the entire central dynasty.

Officials such as Li Mingrui and Yang Sichang did not subjectively feel that these Western fans represent the source of advanced production and development methods in the world today, so they have no fear of these Western fans. What kind of existence is Lang Ji, and he has to worry that Daming will go through an Opium War like the late Qing Dynasty in later generations.

Although Zhu Youxiao is now confident enough that his Ming Dynasty will not be reduced to a semi-colonial and semi-feudal country like the late Qing Dynasty, when he learned that these Westerners began to besiege his Guangzhou city, he had to become vigilant conditionally, and Worries will arise that Daming will gain a large loss in a short period of time.

Yang Sichang didn't want Zhu Youxiao to deal with an overseas barbarian at the cost of mobilizing the power of the whole country, so he had to risk touching the dragon's scales before performing the task and said to Zhu Youxiao: "Your Majesty, these Flangji people It's just a group of barbarians from Europa. With their strong boats and cannons, they think they can traverse the entire sea, and dare to provoke me, Daming. According to me, it's just Yelang's arrogance. Otherwise, they wouldn't be killed. A pirate from the Zheng clan squeezed them out, so I think that the siege of Guangzhou city this time is nothing more than going to war, and the troops from Guangdong and Guangxi can be dispatched."

"Perhaps as you said, we don't have to do this, but what I am most worried about now is whether these Western fans have joined forces with Zheng Zhilong and other pirates, otherwise they would not dare to surround my city of Guangzhou. The sea front will not be one enemy but a group of enemies!"

After Zhu Youxiao said, Li Mingrui also stood up and said: "Your Majesty, no matter whether Zheng Zhilong joins forces with Fu Langji and other Westerners, they can only roam the sea. Even if they attack one or two of my cities, I, Da Ming, can do it." Cut off their supply and force them to evacuate, and in addition, as Wang Tianguan of the Jiajing Dynasty said, as long as our Ming Dynasty’s artifacts do not fall in the West, it will be difficult for the Western Fanyi to occupy half an inch of our Daming due to the advantage of geographical advantages. land!"

Zhu Youxiao didn't know who gave these Ming officials such great confidence. Perhaps to them, Fu Langji was really nothing, and the Wang Tianguan Li Mingrui mentioned was an official from the Jiajing Dynasty to the Ministry of Officials. Wang Hung, who commanded a Tuen Mun naval battle against the invasion of Frangji when he served as the deputy envoy of Haidao in Guangdong, and won a complete victory in this battle. The firearms technology that Daming originally lagged behind narrowed the gap with the West again, and laid the foundation for the three major Wanli expeditions in the future.

Now Li Mingrui is trying to persuade Zhu Youxiao with Wang Hung's words, just to tell Zhu Youxiao that the speed and scale of Daming's artillery and hull are no less than that of Frangji, so there is no need to worry about the combination of Flangji and Zheng Zhilong. It will pose a big threat to Ming Dynasty after rising up, at least its influence can only be limited to the coastal area, and it is impossible to cause turmoil in the entire interior of Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Youxiao also understood what he meant, but still asked Yang Sichang to continue to prepare the troop deployment plan, and ordered Li Mingrui to be on standby at Xinuange at any time, at least not to issue the order immediately, waiting for the latest news from Shang Zhouzuo in the south.

At this moment, there was an urgent sound of horseshoes outside, and his voice shouted: "Great victory! Our South China Sea Fleet defeated Zheng Zhibao's fleet in Dongsha and sank 43 enemy ships!"

Although Gu Sanmazi lured Zheng Zhibao's fleet to Dongsha, Zheng Zhilong and other pirate forces were not informed of the news that the South China Sea Fleet had taken the initiative to attack Zheng's pirates in time, and because of Zheng Zhibao's embarrassing escape, Zheng Zhibao was completely absent. He obtained a little bit of evidence about the naval battle between the South China Sea Fleet and himself, but as an official of the court, Gu Sanmazi took the initiative to order someone to pass the news to Jin Yiwei stationed in the fleet when he left Dongsha.

However, when Jin Yiwei passed the victory of Gu Sanmazi's victory over Zheng Zhibao to Zhu Youxiao through the middle gate instead of passing it through the Jinyiwei Beizhen Fusi and Si Lijian in an expedited way of [-] miles, Zhu Youxiao After hearing this, he didn't feel happy at all. He couldn't help being furious, and directly slapped the pen in his hand on the case:

"What is this Gu Sanmazi doing! Didn't I repeatedly tell him not to start a war with the Zheng family unless it is absolutely necessary! Now he dares to go against my will, it is really arrogant!"

Zhu Youxiao said angrily and then sat back. He had to admit that Gu Sanmazi was a very skilled naval officer, but now he began to wonder if this Gu Sanmazi was a little overjoyed, and dared to open it in disregard of his own instructions. end of war.

"Your Majesty, as the saying goes, you will not accept the orders of the emperor abroad. Maybe things are not as we imagined. Even if this Gu Sanmazi has the courage to disobey your majesty's will, and your majesty, you have given him the opportunity to do things cheaply." Quan, it’s a matter of emotion and reason, why don’t you inquire about the specific reason before making a decision.”

Li Mingrui's remonstrance is very pertinent, and Zhu Youxiao is not someone who can't listen to it. Although Li Mingrui and Yang Sichang seem to be deliberately confronting him today, Zhu Youxiao still showed his mind as an emperor. Showing an angry look, he nodded and said, "You're right, let the Jinyi Weixin who is kneeling outside come in, and I will ask him carefully."

The sea is not like the mainland, and it is difficult to build fixed post stations and postmen. Therefore, only Jin Yiwei plays the role of this information transmission. They often pretend to be fishermen, or lurk among various pirate forces, and even in some coastal areas. The stronghold has its own Jinyiwei contact point, and there are also Jinyiwei offices in each army that hang the same sign as the Military Law Department.

Therefore, after Gu Sanmazi defeated Zheng Zhibao, his message delivery was handed over to Jin Yiwei's own messenger.

The Jinyi Wei messenger was brought in by Wang Chengen, and he knelt in front of Zhu Youxiao and handed over a secret note box written by Gu Sanmazi himself.

Zhu Youxiao didn't ask the Jinyi Wei messenger immediately, but first unlocked Gu Sanmazi's secret music box with a key, and looked at it.

In order to monitor all the officials, Zhu Youxiao did not intend to rely solely on Dongchang, which is currently in charge of Daming's internal stability maintenance work. He gave the officials of the second rank and above of Daming a secret call, which can be regarded as exacerbating the infighting among the officials themselves. Fight, to prevent them from condensing into a rope to fight against their own king.

And Gu Sanmazi is now the commander in chief, he can be regarded as a second-rank senior member, so he also has the privilege of secret performance.

But what Zhu Youxiao didn't expect was that Gu Sanmazi's handwriting was so bad!So bad that Zhu Youxiao, who was a little displeased with Gu Sanmazi's rash move, couldn't help laughing when he saw this word, but in the end he couldn't help reading it, and couldn't help but read: "Your Majesty , I, Gu Sanmazi, know that you said that you didn’t let me beat Zheng Zhibao because you didn’t want the court and the Zheng family to tear each other apart, but Zheng Zhibao stared at us all the way and kept showing how stupid he is. I had to teach him a lesson if I couldn't bear it;
However, rest assured, Your Majesty, I, Gu Sanmazi, know how to measure, and I dare not delay His Majesty's wishful thinking, so I deliberately lured Zheng Zhibao to Luzon. Go away early, I will not deal with him, but he himself sent him to the door. When chasing me, he kept chasing him. He didn't know how to set up the formation and observe the terrain of the nearby sea area. I really couldn't stand it and could only eat it. If you leave him, it will be like a beautiful girl stripping naked in front of you. If you don't do it, it will be a real loss. However, this humble minister is indeed against His Majesty's will. If His Majesty wants to give Zheng Zhilong an explanation, Small ministers can suffer. "

After reading this Gu Sanmazi's memorabilia, Zhu Youxiao still couldn't help smiling, and pointed to Gu Sanmazi's melody: "Okay, Gu Sanmazi, I have convinced you, Yang Sichang, You order the Military Selection Department of the Ministry of War to recognize Gu Sanmazi's achievements in defeating Zheng Zhibao this time, and give him an extra point for being promoted to a higher rank in the future, but the deeds of this battle cannot be admitted, and no one is allowed to disclose it no matter who asks. Any information is not allowed to publicize this matter."

The reason for doing this is because Zhu Youxiao still does not want to admit the existence of this naval battle to the outside world, and whether the imperial court is involved in it, and even directly blame Gu Sanmazi if necessary, but now Zhu Youxiao has to I really admire Gu Sanmazi's courage and wisdom. It can be said that he is a commander who is rough but fine.

First of all, Gu Sanmazi has already emphasized to himself that Zheng Zhibao is too stupid to fall into the trap again and again. It would be a pity if he does not teach him a lesson. Moreover, Gu Sanmazi himself deliberately lured Zheng Zhibao to a farther place to attack It can be regarded as thoughtful, even if he offered to bear the consequences willingly, it can be seen that he is still responsible.

Because of this, Zhu Youxiao couldn't help but change his attitude towards Gu Sanmazi from anger to love.

"Pass the decree to Gu Sanmazi. I will allow him to continue to act in secret in the South China Sea. He doesn't care about the Zheng family's pirates. I am the emperor of the Ming Dynasty. I don't want to save face in front of a pirate leader. I just don't admit it! But violated The matter of my will cannot be ignored so easily, but for the sake of his great victory, he is allowed to commit crimes and make meritorious deeds, and immediately assist the governor of Guangdong and Guangxi, Shang Zhouzuo, to resolve the siege of Guangzhou and the revocation of the right of residence in Macau!"

After Zhu Youxiao finished speaking, he asked the Jinyiwei courier to retreat first, but not long after, another courier who was in a hurry for [-] miles came with the voice of "great victory".

The three of them couldn't help being taken aback, and they couldn't help but listened intently to the voices outside.

It was Yang Sichang whose ears were sharper, who was the first to hear the content clearly, and hurriedly said with a smile:

"Reporting to Your Majesty, it is the news of Macau's great victory!
Based on Weichen's speculation, Gu Sanmazi was afraid that after defeating Zheng Zhibao, he did not go to Guangzhou City immediately, but found another way to attack Macau while Flangji and others went to Guangzhou City, so that Macau belonged to Ming Dynasty again!And in this way, the rear of these Frangji fleets will be cut off, and the siege of Guangzhou will naturally be solved! "

Hearing what Yang Sichang said, Li Mingrui couldn't help laughing and said: "Young Minister Yang is amazing, as if he had personally witnessed the scene, but I don't know if your speculation is true?"

Zhu Youxiao was also a little excited. As for the place of Macau, he has a deeper feeling for it as a descendant.

Although it is clear that the unequal treaty that Macau was leased for a long time was signed in the late Qing Dynasty, it was the first place that was controlled by foreigners for hundreds of years after all, and it was a humiliation that Zhu Youxiao, the Ming emperor, could not tolerate.

As soon as the messenger came, he couldn't wait to grab the memorial and read it himself, and finally he couldn't help but patted the table and laughed: "Sure enough, as you expected, this Gu Sanmazi really has something to do, and now the matter of Macau and Guangzhou has been resolved , My South China Sea Fleet of the Ming Dynasty has officially established a firm foothold at the mouth of the Pearl River. The next step is to set up Macau as the government, establish a city shipping department in Macau, and start the first step in the ocean trade of the Ming Dynasty. Didn't Zheng Zhilong want to establish a presence in the Fujian-Zhejiang area? Do you want to control the export of our Ming Dynasty goods to earn the middle price difference? Now I use the Pearl River Estuary as an export, and see how he comes to stop it. If he really comes to stop it, I might as well use this as a reason to cut him off!"

As he said that, Zhu Youxiao ordered Li Mingrui to take charge of the restoration and development of Macao as an important gateway for foreign trade. It is planned to export products through this place in the future. At the same time, Zhu Youxiao also ordered Huangzhuang to also prepare to set up an organization in Macau, so as to prepare for future purchases of grain and other Nanyang specialty melons, fruits and vegetables from the Nanyang area.

(End of this chapter)

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