Reborn Ming Dynasty as Emperor

Chapter 450 Immigration and the Urgency of Administrative Reform

Chapter 450 Immigration and the Urgency of Administrative Reform
The process of Huang Taiji's execution was tragic, the scene was bloody, and the time was long.

Although I am determined to keep on gritting my teeth until I die, my sensitive nervous system still magnifies the pain infinitely because of a series of operations such as cutting, scissoring, peeling, gouging, cutting, and picking with the small knife. In the end, Huang Taiji couldn't help howling.

The executioner is undoubtedly the best anatomist in Ming Dynasty today, even though Huang Taiji in front of him struggled, bared his teeth and cried loudly, he was also calm and the knife in his hand was running like flying.

And the official of the Ministry of Punishment who supervised the beheading had already lowered his head. The reason why he lowered his head was not because he felt a little bit of humanitarian guilt for such a cruel punishment for Huang Taiji, but because he could not stand the scene of blood flying, and even choked up his sobs. After a few times, some officials couldn't help but vomited directly.

The common people watching the execution felt the same way, some couldn't help but startled, some shook their heads, but they didn't feel sorry for it.

Of course, it was not really like what the literati said in the history books, the common people rushed to buy and eat their meat. Even in ancient times, it was not to the level of cannibalism to vent their anger. ,

A few days later, Huang Taiji was officially stabbed in the heart, and ended his sinful life.

However, no one knows whether Huang Taiji died with his eyes closed or not, because before his heart stopped beating, the executioner had already made him lose his eyes in order to make up for the knife.

"Reporting, Your Majesty, Huang Taiji has been put to death at Xushi today, for a total of [-] knives, and the cries have been lingering for three days without a decision. The people in Beijing are all applauding for this."

Su Maozhen, Minister of the Ministry of Punishments, came to Zhu Youxiao at this time, and reported to Zhu Youxiao the result of Huang Taiji's Lingchi punishment. Zhu Youxiao just nodded after hearing this, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart. The hero who caused more trauma to Daming in the next few years finally left this world ahead of schedule.

This world will no longer have the country of Qing Dynasty, and I will no longer be uneasy because of the historical fate that Manchu Qing will replace Ming Dynasty.

From now on, the history of Ming Dynasty will open a new chapter, and Ming Dynasty will no longer have the worry of subjugation and genocide, and will no longer worry about being threatened by careerists in the north while carrying out drastic reforms in the country.

Daming will use his more wealth and strength to compete for a wider space, to compete with other powerful countries in the world for world interests, not just for self-protection.

Daming's road to expansion has just begun.

The great changes in the country have just begun, and Zhu Youxiao will use the next days to let Daming take his solid steps in the era of great voyages.

Zhu Youxiao felt that it was necessary for him to take another opportunity to convene the six ministries and nine ministers, governors, academic officials, and heads of royal capital for an unprecedented meeting, that is, to make a plan and draw a blueprint for the future development of Ming Dynasty in various fields.

The Ming Dynasty originally had a political assembly method of court discussion and court recommendation. Now that Zhu Youxiao has become the emperor of the Ming Dynasty, especially after the Donglin Party has been completely eradicated, this method of gathering and discussion has been further expanded.

Basically, the last dynasty at the end of each year will become a summary meeting of the Ming Dynasty. The powerful officials of various departments and the Kodao officials who are responsible for supervision have become accustomed to fully understanding the overall situation of the entire Ming Dynasty at this court meeting. Of course, Zhu You The school also had an overall understanding of Daming at this court meeting. For the officials in charge of affairs, it was also a test of their ability to summarize and whether there was any phenomenon of negligence and dereliction of duty.

Although it is still Zhu Youxiao's decision in the present Daming, Zhu Youxiao doesn't want to be responsible for everything, big or small, otherwise he will be exhausted, and it is impossible to cover everything.

Coordinating opinions through gatherings and discussions, and finally making decisions by oneself, this is a good political system that Ming Dynasty had, and it is naturally necessary for Zhu Youxiao to carry forward it.

"Now that Huang Taiji has subdued the law and other important members of Jiannu have been beheaded, the next most important thing is to solve two things. One is to reform the recovered Liaobei area and Immigration policy, so that this area can keep up with the pace of Monan as soon as possible, and the construction of the government office and the Sociology Palace must also start immediately. Belonging to the Liaodong Chengxuan Political Envoy Division, the king served concurrently as the Liaodong Left Political Envoy in the Jin Dynasty, and the other court appointed a right political envoy and an academic officer to assist; the other thing was to wipe out the remnants of the forces, especially the remnants of Dorgon, Let the Obai Department of the Imperial Guard continue to pursue and suppress, in short, if you want to see people, you must see dead bodies!"

After listening to the report of Su Maozhen, Shangshu of the Ministry of Justice, Zhu Youxiao immediately issued an order to several cabinet ministers in Xinuang Pavilion.

Because Zhu Youxiao now completely controls the military and financial power, the imperial power completely suppresses the power of civil officials, so it is meaningless to control the civil official group through a few close officials of Xinuange, so today's Xinuange is also almost It is useless, and almost all the cabinet ministers have entered Xinuang Pavilion at this time.

However, there is still an advantage in discussing matters in the Xinuang Pavilion, that is, it can be more efficient, because it is in the Qianqing Palace, and orders can be issued to the cabinet at any time.

It's just that the Xinuang Pavilion is not as narrow as the Wenhua Palace, after all, it is a bit cramped for the cabinet ministers, but after all, it can be one step closer to the emperor, so the cabinet ministers can still bear it.

Regarding Zhu Youxiao's instructions, Li Mingrui got up and answered "Yes!"

Since Qian Qianyi was imprisoned, he has now become the No. 1 cabinet. However, his official position is still a scholar of the Zhongji Temple, and he has not been promoted to a scholar of the Jianji Temple, which is the chief assistant of the cabinet.

It's not that Zhu Youxiao really hates this power minister who was single-handedly promoted by himself, but he doesn't want Li Mingrui to be too complacent, or make the emerging forces behind him too eager to get political rights from him. So Zhu Youxiao must strike a balance.

Li Mingrui naturally knew what His Majesty Zhu Youxiao was thinking, so he was not in a hurry to force Zhu Youxiao to make himself the chief assistant of the cabinet. After being an official for many years, he had begun to become smooth, and he could also be said to have matured a lot politically. Know what is haste makes waste.

Regarding the politics in the court, Zhu Youxiao is not worried about serious party disputes or threats to his imperial power, because now the old class contradictions in the country have been alleviated, and new class contradictions have just sprouted However, the gap between the rich and the poor in the whole society has not yet shown signs of widening. From the scholar-bureaucrats to the low-level people, they are all pursuing the maximization of wealth and how to compete for their own interests. They have not noticed the injustice and exploitation of the society. cruelty.

In short, whether it is Zhu Youxiao as the emperor, an official or a commoner, the most consistent theme of the entire Ming Dynasty is to develop and expand wealth.

The entire Ming Dynasty has completely entered the fast lane. Under the rapid operation of the state machinery, tens of thousands of people have participated in the scientific research system composed of the Royal Academy of Engineering, the Royal Academy of Sciences, and the Ordnance Department, and the annual expenditure is almost equivalent to that of Tianqi seven years ago. Twice the revenue of the treasury, but several new products or many new theoretical knowledge can be born every month.

The business types of the Royal Industries Company are also further expanding, and the branch company has officially taken root in the South Sea Java country, and the trade chain has expanded to Europa, Ottoman and Raksha country.

Not only the Royal Industrial Company, but the Royal Weaving Bureau also began to expand its textile empire, and because of the introduction of steam-powered machinery, clothing has completely changed from relying on housewives to cutting clothes by tailors and using machines to make garments. More and more big Ming people began to get used to buying ready-made clothes instead of finding someone to make clothes by themselves. Even with the emergence of the profession of tailoring, there was a distinction between high and low skills, and there was also a brand.

Huangzhuang also officially changed its name to the Royal Land Reclamation Group, and began to use machines to loosen the soil and plow the fields in the plains, which greatly improved the efficiency of farming.

This can undoubtedly reclaim more wasteland more conveniently and efficiently, especially after a large number of sparsely populated plain areas such as Northern Liao, Monan, and Outer Northeast Asia were included in the territory of the Ming Dynasty, the agricultural reclamation technology brought about by the steam industrial revolution can This enabled Daming to obtain a large amount of arable land in a short period of time.

After all, if there is no advanced land reclamation technology, it may take several years to wait a few years just by immigrating to these vast Great Northern Wilderness to reclaim wasteland and realize cultivation and production.

Now it’s all right, by replacing manpower with some mechanical power, the efficiency of agricultural production has been greatly improved. In this way, the difficulty of immigration has also been greatly reduced. Become a wealthy small landlord, and there is no one who is unwilling to immigrate outside the customs.

It is different from the fact that after the Manchu Qing ruled China, in order to protect their ancestral foundation, the people in the pass were strictly prohibited from enriching the outside of the pass. Now Zhu Youxiao has established from the beginning, led by a cabinet scholar, a minister of the household department, a minister of the official department and the Metropolitan Procuratorate. The emigration team composed of Qiandu Yushi and his subordinate officials at all levels was responsible for recruiting people from [-] inland provinces to enrich the affairs inside the customs, and even ordered local officials at all levels to provide incentives to encourage people to move outside the customs.

Zhu Youxiao’s goal is to enrich the outside of the customs, especially the outer Northeast Asia in the shortest possible time. The Ming Dynasty will not only occupy and imprison these places in the future, but also make this area a part of the Han cultural circle.

It’s not just about transferring the name of the Han people. For the Tujia, Miao, Zhuang and other ethnic minorities in the Yunnan-Guizhou area whose cultural knowledge is inferior to that of the Han people and whose production methods are backward, Zhu Youxiao also encourages them to leave the stockade and emigrate outside the customs, and allows them to move out of the village. Customs are preserved after customs clearance.

Given the size of the Ming Dynasty, there is no guarantee that there is only one Han nationality in the world. Multi-ethnicity is an inevitable phenomenon, and these ethnic minorities may not necessarily become a serious problem. After all, there are many people who have also made outstanding contributions to the Ming Dynasty, such as Qin Liangyu, however, has to take precautions. The best way to prevent this is naturally to make these various ethnic groups form a mixed situation, and let some of these ethnic minorities immigrate outside the customs and immigrate with other Han people. political purpose.

Although the Ming Dynasty officials allowed it to retain its own customs, if it was assimilated due to exchanges and integration, there was no way to do it.

With the rapid development of scientific and technological productivity brought about by steam power, not only the scale of the old royal companies such as the Royal Industrial Company, the Royal Weaving Bureau and the Royal Land Reclamation Group continued to grow, but also many emerging companies came into being, such as the first company selling various new products. Department stores such as soap and soap, and the first postal company that specializes in express delivery services for ordinary people have also appeared one after another.

These are all products that appeared after the diversification of commodities and too frequent trade exchanges, and the royal capital of the imperial court had no time to take care of it. Zhu Youxiao did not prevent the spontaneous emergence of this kind of business method among the people, and even encouraged some smart and far-sighted people Some people became rich overnight because of this, and sometimes Zhu Youxiao would instruct the official newspapers to publicize the wealth stories of such business legends, so as to stimulate everyone's enthusiasm for wealth creation and innovation.

Of course, the driving force behind all this cannot be separated from the Royal Bank. In fact, many businesses of the Royal Bank have been transferred to the newly established Royal Agricultural, Communications, and Industrial and Commercial Banks, but the real driving force behind the Ming economy is the Royal Bank. The central bank holds the right to mint silver dollars in one hand and most of the wealth of the Ming Dynasty, such as the income of several major royal capitals and the tax revenue of the treasury, so that he can control the economy of the Ming Dynasty at any time. Of course, he is also Zhu Youxiao who controls the Ming Dynasty and even the Imperial Guard The most important card.

With the development of productive forces and changes in production methods, the economy became more and more prosperous and various emerging industries and new investment methods continued to emerge, the administrative system of the Ming Dynasty began to be unable to cope.

The former Ming court was just a centralized regime established by Zhu Yuanzhang and then serving as a stable small-scale peasant economy. His more functions were to provide conditions and support for the small-scale peasant economy and occupy more production for the Zhu family and even other rulers. There are relatively few materials for service, but now there are more and more places where the court needs to provide social public services and macro-control, which makes the current administrative system of Ming Dynasty gradually unable to support the development of the entire Ming Dynasty.

Zhu Youxiao is also thinking about whether to reform the administrative system, especially whether the six departments should be further expanded, for example, whether the current household department should be directly divided into finance, civil affairs, commerce, auditing, land and resources, etc., because the current household department In fact, it covers too many functions. Zhu Youxiao has appointed no fewer than six servants of the household department. The overlapping of official positions is too high, and the power of one household minister is already too great, because he controls almost all the economic veins of Ming Dynasty. The door, in modern times, is equivalent to a vice president.

Not only the Ministry of Households, even the Ministry of Rites is now a mixture of several major departments such as education, diplomacy, and culture in later generations.

In fact, in the era when the small-scale peasant economy was the mainstay, since agriculture was the main mode of production in society, and other industries were not very developed, the administrative system of the entire country was able to function.

But now, just in terms of education, because Zhu Youxiao’s request that every child in the Ming Dynasty be able to go to school for five years in the next five years can not be completed by the Ministry of Rites, because a Ministry of Rites is also busy with imperial examinations and various new developments. Review of newspapers and periodicals, etc.

 Thank you for the book friend who took his 500 starting point coins as a reward

(End of this chapter)

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