Reborn 1980 The Farmer's Wife Is A Little Sweet

Chapter 826 What to do if you sell us

Chapter 826 What to do if you sell us
"Yes, this is called bringing goods."

Wu Hong couldn't help but think of those models in fashion magazines, so if I put YANI's clothes on those models, could it also boost YANI's sales?

This idea only flashed in my mind. After watching the catwalk for two days, Wu Hong went to several factories to order a limited edition. On the last day, she went to the market to find more than a dozen stalls to sweep up a batch of goods. Ms. Wu Hong went to pay, Guan Chaochu stayed to look at the goods, and suddenly heard the boss say helplessly in a local accent, "Why are you here again?"

Guan Chaochu turned his head casually, just in time to see the father and daughter who met that day, and was yelled at by the shopkeeper, the father and daughter did not see any embarrassment, but said confidently, "We are here to buy goods, why don't you open a shop?" No business."

The shopkeeper was a little helpless, "You just looked at the goods and asked the price. You asked hundreds of pieces, but in the end you didn't buy anything."

The girl blushed and said, "I'm sorry."

The man also felt aggrieved, "It's not that I don't know how to do it, I'm afraid you will fool me, so I want to ask more and see more."

The shopkeeper was dizzy.

Guan Chaochu also couldn't help but laugh. This smile attracted the attention of the father and daughter. The man grinned, "Daughter, we meet again. Are you here to approve the goods?"

"Why don't you come here to batch goods? Walk down the street?" Guan Chaochu also imitated his accent and asked, "Are you also in business?"

"Yes..." The man nodded sharply, the girl next to him gave him a hand, and looked around in embarrassment, like a frightened deer, "Dad, I told you not to lie."

"Hey~ah, girl, you are too honest, you have to lie a few words when you walk outside, otherwise what if the person in front of you is a bad person and sells us." The man sighed.

Guan Chaochu's lips twitched, "You are afraid that I will betray you, and I am also afraid that you will betray me."

This father and daughter are also interesting.

After chatting casually, the man's mouth was still strict, but the little girl was not defensive and was curious about Guan Chaochu, so he moved to her side, "Sister, my name is Wan Yi, is the aunt just now your mother? "

Guan Chaochu looked at her, nodded, "Yes, yes."

Xiao Wanyi was a little envious, "Your mother seems to have a good temper and is very gentle."

Guan Chaochu was not modest about this, she said, "Yes, my mother is the best in the world. Where's your mother?"

Xiao Wanyi said, "Divorced. My mother has a bad temper. She often beats my father and takes revenge on my father and me. She only cares about having fun and doesn't do any housework at home. Leave it to me. I was injured at the beginning of this year. My dad came home and met me hurt doing housework and couldn't stand it, so he filed for divorce with her."

"My dad wanted to take me away, but my mom refused. In the end, my dad used all the property in the family in exchange for my custody rights. But my dad was too honest. I thought he would hide some money. Who knew that he didn't hide a penny. , we don’t even have a place to stay, so we just borrow some money and go to the south to find some business.”

"Then your father is very kind to you." Guan Chaochu said.

"Yes, but he doesn't know anything about clothing." Xiao Wanyi sighed again, looking at his father who was picking and choosing and fighting wits with the shopkeeper, feeling a little helpless.

The little girl poured out a lot of bitter water, which sounded very pitiful, but after talking a lot, she missed the point in the end, and she deliberately didn't answer.

Wan Yi blushed, and had no choice but to speak cheekily, "Sister, you are in this business, can you give us some guidance?"

 End of update.

(End of this chapter)

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