Chapter 921 If you are a boy

Fu Ying was happy, and actively invested a lot of money in charity projects at the wine bureau. The money was not particularly large, but she emphasized that it was her personal small coffers.

Charity doesn't matter how big or small, everyone applauds for this kind of initiative, and Guan Chaochu is not stingy with his own applause.

In fact, Guan Chaochu was able to come to such an occasion, but he was far from reaching this position to speak, so he occasionally chatted with Qin Mo and Li Min, and the people at the front table were more than respectful, and kept listening more and talking less. Occasionally interjecting a few words is also mentioned on the main point.

In addition, there are Li Rong, Li Min and others joining, which is not unexpected.

After the wine party was over, Shi Tiankai greeted Li Rong and Guan Chaochu, and didn't ask what to talk about. He just brought them to meet some people.

Guan Chaochu knew in his heart that Lao Shi was paving the way for them. It was impossible for a leader to blatantly use his power for personal gain, but he had to take care of everyone a little bit, and no one would say anything.

Since Shi Tiankai took office, many people wanted to establish a good relationship with him, but Shi Tiankai was a man who kept a distance from everyone, but now, he brought two juniors by his side. The students in S city, and they are excellent, if they praise immediately, they will throw money at the two of them.

Compared with the future, people today are really simple-minded, especially those elders who have gone through the era of hunger. They wish for more social development, treat the younger generation with a positive attitude, and support more than suppress.

For example, Chairman Qin is very happy to see the young man is strong. If the time is not suitable, he may give two red envelopes as a reward, "What are your plans for the future?"

"I will be an exchange student in September. Before that, I want to go to the imperial capital first. I wonder if the chairman has any advice?" Li Rong pretended to be listening carefully. He was proud but not aloof, and he believed in the words of experience. No matter what his purpose is, the words of the elders often have some truth.

If Chairman Qin can give some pointers, it may be useless to him, but it may also benefit him immensely.

Chairman Qin really gave him some advice, "Young people, you should venture out more, don't stay where you are, youth is your capital, don't be afraid even if you fail, there is still a long way to go, if it is for experience, you can Take my letter of introduction to find a teacher in the imperial capital, and you can ask him for advice if you have any questions."

Li Rong gratefully wrote it down.

Guan Chaochu also listened with great interest, and then saw Chairman Qin looking over, she said honestly, "I won't go to the imperial capital, I want to try to open the second branch before September."

Chairman Qin saw a little more caring in her eyes, and his tone was a little gentle, "I saw you doing business before, and I thought the little girl was very young, but I didn't expect you to go this far. It's really rare. , rare, if you are a boy..."

It's not that this boy is superior to girls, it's just that this world is always a bit difficult for girls.

Guan Chaochu said calmly, "Chairman Qin, I think girls can make a difference. If my ability can make a difference, other girls will be proud of me and pave a way for them. It would be an honor for me to come and learn from it.”

After saying this, Li Rong lost control of his expression, and looked at her in surprise, "You are amazing, I dare not even think about such a difficult goal."

 End of update.

(End of this chapter)

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