Chapter 951 Another miscarriage

In the first three months, Wu Hong helped her mother-in-law a lot, but most of the time besides doing work, she also taught Guan Shaoshe!Men, in addition to learning work skills, they must also learn to do housework, so that they can share the burden for their wives.

No matter how well she does as a mother-in-law, she is not as good as her husband who can make his wife considerate and care for her.

So in the past three months, Guan Shaoshe has mastered a lot of skills, such as stewing soup, massage, soaking feet, etc...

Guan Shaoshe knows how to be considerate, and Lu Xia also knows how to be grateful. She is not the kind of girl who is very active. If her husband treats her well, she will give back in other ways. Some people say that a girl must know how to act in order to be loved by others, but Lu But Xia felt that, regardless of men and women, feelings are a matter between two people!We need to support each other so that we can last for a long time.

The loan issue did not cause any disturbances in the Guan family, but after Wu Hong was busy setting up the factory, when she was preparing the equipment and asking Mrs. Shi for help, Mrs. Shi immediately agreed, and then told her something, "Jonny is sick and you are sick. Do you know?"

Wu Hong was surprised!Intuition Mrs. Shi will tell herself that there are other reasons for this incident, "What's wrong?"

Mrs. Shi took her hand and said, "Joni had a conflict with the Fu family. The Fu family pushed Joni down the stairs. Guess what happened..."

Seeing her expression of pity and astonishment, Wu Hong said, "It can't be..."

Mrs. Shi nodded vigorously, "Another miscarriage occurred."

Wu Hong was speechless immediately!
The second one.

"I didn't know she was pregnant, so didn't the Qin family know?" It's too late for other people to be careful when they have children. This Joni, who had two babies in half a year, lost them all.

"It doesn't matter whether the Qin family knows or not..." Mrs. Shi didn't want to talk about those nasty things at first, but she thought that Wu Hong would be harmless if she knew something, so she told her, "Chairman Qin let the word go, and only recognizes Qin Zhuzhu Granddaughter, Qin Mo's romantic account is not limited to Joni, and he didn't have any illegitimate children before, not because he couldn't conceive, but because the Qin family didn't plan to have other children."

"So, even if Joni doesn't lose the child, she won't be able to give birth to it. It's not a bad thing if she loses it."

Poor Ms. Wu Hong's three views are about to be shattered. Even though she has gained a lot of knowledge in the past two years, such things are still rare.

The reason why she gave birth to six children was because her constitution was not suitable for aborting children and hurting her body, so she gave birth one after another, and she felt that the children were precious and precious. Later, she always cared about her, so she had a ligation Surgery, this is no longer alive.

And if the Qin family didn't want a child, why didn't Qin Mo take protective measures?
She opened her mouth wide and didn't know what to say.

Mrs. Shi is not as well protected by Lao Guan as Wu Hong is. For Joni, she looks down on her more than sympathy. Thinking that Wu Hong can still bear it, she sends another message, Joni lost her baby, right? It's a bad thing, it's the Fu family's fault, and Joni doesn't pursue it... "And Joni may not know that she is pregnant. Of course, this is my own guess."

She asked Qin Mo to prepare a gift for her and send it to Qiao's house. She asked her parents to forgive her, make up for the lost face, and bring her parents to S City. Qin Mo agreed.

When Wu Hong heard it, she immediately understood why Mrs. Shi's tone didn't have a trace of pity, only ridicule.

Joni is treating the second child as a bargain!

 End of update.

(End of this chapter)

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