The ultimate universal upgrade system

Chapter 3 The Legend of Yu Xuan

Chapter 3 The Legend of Yu Xuan
Ye Wenxuan had a clear feeling that the reason why his consciousness would not be transformed into data in the vortex formed by the opening of the world-exterminating Chaos Beast before was because the Chaos Beast had summoned all his soul energy into his consciousness body.

In order to completely exterminate Ye Wenxuan, an ant!
In other words, Ye Wenxuan's game consciousness body is actually his soul body, containing his soul!

"World-destroying chaotic light!"

Depending on the system, the moment Ye Wenxuan saw this light, the name of the move of this world-destroying light appeared on the system interface in front of Ye Wenxuan.

Chaotic Light of Destruction!
The terrifying light beam that can return everything in the world to chaos has the power to destroy the world!

Nima coins, what a terrible thing this is!

The Chaos Beast is worthy of being the ultimate boss of "Chaos", it can really destroy the world, without any hypocrisy!

My dear boy, if time can be turned back and you give me 1 guts, I wouldn't dare to provoke it!
In the next moment, as long as he is hit by the chaotic light of destroying the world, he has no doubt that Ye Wenxuan will die!

"System, hurry up!"

"If you don't hurry up, we're both going to die!"

Ye Wenxuan urged secretly in his heart, he was very anxious, and he was helpless because there was time to read the message in the transmission.

Maybe Ye Wenxuan's urging played a role, or maybe the system also realized the fatal crisis, and there was still a short time to read the article, and it was full in an instant.

"Enter Success!"


Ye Wenxuan's figure disappeared instantly, just like the teleportation of the protagonist Monkey King in a classic animation "Dragon Ball" in the 21st century, he disappeared in this space in an instant.

In the distance, the figure of the World Extinguishing Chaos Beast suddenly appeared in this space. Looking at the place where Ye Wenxuan disappeared, the huge pupils reflected the light of wisdom.

"Forget it, anyway, he is also a person with a chance, it is a pity to kill him like this."

After all, the figure of the World-Exterminating Chaos Beast gradually disappeared, and then dissipated like a cloud of smoke, as if its huge body was not an entity, but nothingness.


February 2222, 2, this day is known as the "Day of Chaos Disintegration"!
For the majority of "Chaos" players, this day is tantamount to the day of annihilation!
Because on this day, the "Chaos" system was suddenly invaded by an inexplicable virus, the entire game world was destroyed, and hundreds of millions of online players were forced to go offline.

Originally thought that the "Chaos" system would be repaired in a few days, but they didn't expect that a whole month had passed, and Genesis had not given any response.

I haven't been online for a whole month. For the majority of "Chaos" fans, this month is more lonely and unbearable than a prisoner imprisoned in prison for a hundred years.

What breaks the heart of most fans of "Chaos" is that there are constant reports that the system of "Chaos" has been severely damaged, and the core data of the system has been lost. If it is to be completely repaired, with the current technological level of the galaxy humans, it will not take decades. It's hard to do it!
For the vast number of "Chaos" players, such news is tantamount to a bolt from the blue, tantamount to the light of extinction!


On February 2222, 2, which was also the same day, on Earth, the ancestral planet of mankind, a gaming nerd and dick was found to have died suddenly in his room when the landlord was collecting rent.

This dick, named Ye Wenxuan, is a hopeless fan of "Chaos".After graduating from university, I have nothing to do. I am addicted to "Chaos" all day long, and earn a living by exchanging game currency for Galaxy coins. The days are good and bad.

"Student Ye Wenxuan's death is valuable, at least he warned us with the facts - addicted to games, harmful to life! Amen!"

The old priest said so when Ye Wenxuan was buried.

"The priest said so!"

Apart from sadness, Father Ye's face is more shameful. His son has become a negative teaching material in many textbooks, and has become a powerful argument for educators to persuade minors not to indulge in online games. As Ye Wenxuan's father, he , how not to be ashamed?


On February 2232, 2, another anniversary of the annual "Day of Chaos Disintegration", Genesis, which was on the verge of bankruptcy, suddenly announced that most of the "Chaos" system had been repaired and could resume operation!

The Genesis Company revived and rose again.

With the restoration of some broken data, as well as the unremitting efforts and exploration and analysis of Genesis, the truth of the "Chaos Disruption Case" has gradually surfaced.

It turned out that it was not a virus that invaded the "Chaos" system, but a game character named "Yu Xuan" who challenged the ultimate boss, the Chaos Beast, and succeeded in the challenge, which caused an inexplicable collapse of the system!
The ultimate boss challenge is successful!

Fulfilling the dreams of countless players, "Yu Xuan" occupies the first place in the "Chaos" personal boss challenge list, and the first and only ultimate boss challenge list!

"Yu Xuan! Yu Xuan!"

"Yu Xuan!!!"


"Chaos" players account for at least half of the total population of all humans in the galaxy, and all "Chaos" players are cheering for the name "Yu Xuan", he is a hero, he is a warrior, he has accomplished a feat that no one in the galaxy can accomplish !

However, when the real name of "Yu Xuan" was made public by Genesis, many teenagers and educators were silent. Ye Wenxuan, they were familiar with this name, and it was printed in their textbooks!
In an old house, watching the big news of the Galaxy broadcast on the TV, Ye's father was ashamed and silent, while Ye's mother broke down in tears and muttered to herself: "I knew it, you wronged my son! My son It's a good job!"

"You still have to play tricks on the world after you die, classmate Ye Wenxuan, your death is worthless!" In front of Ye Wenxuan's tombstone, the old priest had a pitiful expression on his face, "Amen!"


"Wuuuuuu, brother Xuan, don't die!"

"Masters, I beg you, I beg you to save Brother Xuan!"

A skinny beggar in ragged clothes knelt on the side of the street, crying and begging passers-by for help.Behind him lay a beggar boy who was also dressed in rags and sloppy.

The lying young beggar didn't have any breath fluctuations in his body, and he didn't know if he was completely dead.

Pedestrians came and went on the road, but no one was willing to pay attention to the beggar's pleas, and many showed disgust and contempt.

"Big brother, I beg you, please save my brother Xuan!"

The kneeling thin beggar suddenly grabbed the corner of a nobleman's clothes and begged.

"Go away, lowly Lese!"

His clothes were stained by the skinny beggar's sloppy paws, the noble young man was extremely angry, he raised his leg and kicked the skinny beggar far away.


The skinny beggar's frail body couldn't bear the young master's kick at all, he spit out a big mouthful of blood, and then passed out.

The young beggar lying dead next to the little beggar, his name is Yu Xuan!


(End of this chapter)

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