Chapter 307 Gabriel
"Give up all your belongings!" The boy in the white skirt yelled strangely.

His words were like a supreme edict, and everyone took out their storage rings one after another, as if they were about to hand them over.

Even Yu Jiye, Yu Caixia, and Zhang Bo who were beside Ye Wenxuan obediently took out their storage rings as if lost in their minds.


Ye Wenxuan was annoyed, he snorted coldly, and then roared——


At this moment, he used "Dragon Song of the World".

As his mind becomes stronger, he can control the skill moves more and more easily, and he can control the damage of each move skill.

In order to avoid accidental injury, he only used less than [-]% of the energy required to use "Dragon Singing the World" this time.

Everyone only heard the roar of the ten giant dragons, but no dragon appeared.

The roar of the giant dragon has supreme majesty, resounds in all directions, and shakes the world.

"Hey, what happened to me just now?" Many people woke up and exclaimed.

"Dragon Yin Tianxia" not only has the ability of group damage, but also has the effect of deterring the mind.

Ye Wenxuan's roar woke up most of the strong people in the auction house. The strong people who were in the basic fit state and above all woke up at this moment, and those who were under the fit were stunned all of a sudden. .

"Huh?!" The boy in the white skirt screamed strangely, looking quite surprised.

He immediately looked at Marven Ye, showing interest, and said with a strange smile, "It's interesting, it's not affected by the holy light at all! Unfortunately, there is not enough time! Otherwise, I really want to have fun with you!"

After saying that, his figure suddenly burst into a holy white light, and his back even showed a pair of pure white wings.

His wings fluttered gently, his body gradually blurred, as if it was about to turn into a virtual image.

"Angel!" Marven Ye exclaimed.

At this moment, this boy in a white dress with white wings is very similar to the image of an angel in a movie he has seen before!

"Hmph, I want to leave! It's not that easy!"

King Dongyuan sneered, and immediately punched the boy in the white skirt.


The small space where the boy in the white skirt was located trembled, but the boy in the white skirt was unscathed.

The boy in the white dress didn't seem to be in this space, and the blow from King Dongyuan didn't seem to hit his body.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

King Dongyuan threw several punches one after another, and in a short while, the space where the boy in the white skirt was was shattered.

Countless space debris scattered like glass shards.

The figure of the boy in the white skirt turned into countless copies, seeming to be integrated into every space fragment.

Every piece of space debris contains his image!

"Xuxian... still has some strength." The voices of countless white skirted boys came.

Everyone saw that the teenagers in white skirts in those space fragments were all bleeding from their mouths, as if they had suffered internal injuries.

"Friends of the Fairy and Demon Universe, I forgot to inform you!" came the frivolous voice of the girl in the white skirt, "I, Gabriel, on behalf of Holy Lord Lance, would like to issue an announcement to you—not long ago , our bright army will visit the Eastern Hundred Territories! We have come here for the purpose of peaceful coexistence, as long as the Eastern Hundred Territories, I hope you can evacuate the Eastern Hundred Territories as soon as possible, and hope that you can surrender the Eastern Hundred Territories..."

His voice was extremely loud, and it did not know how far it spread.

As his words fell, among the countless space fragments, his figure gradually dimmed, as if about to dissipate.

"Heavenly Eyesight!"

At this moment, Ye Wenxuan used Tianyantong.

After a while, he saw a white shadow looming in a certain void.

Countless thin lines that were vaguely visible merged into a barrier, gradually pushing Bai Ying out.

If Marven Ye realized something, this winged angel named Gabriel was rejected by the laws of heaven and earth in the world of immortals and demons!
Just now Gabriel said that time is not enough, obviously, he can't stay in the fairy world for long!


In the next moment, he has arrived at this void.


He was about to use the god-level acupressure technique immediately, but no matter how much he clicked, he couldn't use this move!
If this happens, it means that the acupressure technique cannot lock the target, most likely because the opponent's distance is too far, beyond five meters!

He used "Dragon Song of the World" again.

This time, he concentrated all the dragon roar sound wave attacks of this skill in a small void in front of him.

All the sound wave power condensed into ten small golden dragons, shuttled back and forth among countless space fragments, and swept towards the white shadow.


The ten golden dragons appeared and disappeared, sometimes roaring, sometimes roaring, piercing through the white shadow again and again.

"Puff puff……"

Everyone suddenly saw that Gabriel's image in the countless fragments was bleeding from all seven orifices.

"I remember you!"

Gabriel let out a shrill scream, and his figure suddenly disappeared, like a bubble bursting, suddenly shattered and dissipated, and he didn't know whether he was dead or alive.


"Congratulations to the player for killing Gabriel's Psychic Clone and gaining 100000 experience points!"


"Congratulations to player Yu Xuan for getting a holy stone!"

Ye Wenxuan frowned slightly, it was just a thought power avatar!
No wonder he was in such a hurry to leave, it turned out that he was strong on the outside but on the inside!
In addition to gaining a small amount of experience points, only one holy stone was obtained.

He immediately clicked on the system backpack and checked——

Holy Stone: Also known as the Stone of Faith, you can collect the power of faith through this stone, and you can also use the power of faith contained in this stone to cast "Holy Light" and capture believers!


In a certain dark space, a round spaceship several times larger than the Earth Eternity floats quietly.

In a cabin of the spaceship, an old man in a white robe and white hair was holding a book and was reciting scriptures.

In front of him, there were hundreds of teenagers sitting upright, listening attentively to the old man's lecture.

"Vanity of vanity, vanity of vanity, all is vanity, says the Preacher..."

"What has been, will be again; what has been done, will be done again; there is nothing new under the sun..."

"I have seen everything that is done under the sun be vanity, a chasing after the wind..."

The white-haired old man was chanting sutras, but at this moment——


A boy with yellow curly hair who was listening to the lecture suddenly spat out a mouthful of blood, as if he had suffered serious internal injuries.

"Huh?" The white-haired old man frowned, and immediately looked at the curly-haired boy.

Regarding the young man's injury, the old man showed no sympathy or concern at all, instead he suddenly said angrily, "Gabriel, you don't pay attention to the lecture again!"

"Teacher, I..." Gabriel was about to explain something.

"I don't care what your reasons are, you have to listen carefully in class!" the white-haired old man shouted angrily, "Our holy mission on this trip is to spread our voice of light to every corner of the fairy universe!"

"Let our faith take root in the Fairy and Demon Universe!"

"If you don't understand our beliefs yourself, how can you spread our beliefs!?"

"Gabriel, you disappoint me so much!"

"Teacher, my holy lost!" Gabriel said aggrievedly.

"Just call it back after losing it!" the white-haired old man said dissatisfied.

"The summoning can't come back!" Gabriel said with a depressed face, crying.

"What?!!" The white-haired old man and the other young people listening were all horrified, as if they had heard the most incredible thing in the world.

(End of this chapter)

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