The ultimate universal upgrade system

Chapter 340 The origin of the "Chaos" system

Chapter 340 The origin of the "Chaos" system
Duobao Tianjun?

Ye Wenxuan secretly suspected that this is probably a pseudonym borrowed by the unknown player!
If not, the nameless player can just display his name, there is no need to say it!
Ye Wenxuan immediately understood that this nameless liar already wanted to harm him, and he didn't want to make friends with him at all!

However, he was quite curious about the Duobao world.

He replied immediately and continued to talk to the unknown player——

Yu Xuan: Where is the world of treasures?
Nameless: The World of Many Treasures... This is a world with many magic weapons, and it is extremely far away from the world of immortals and demons!

Yu Xuan: How did you come to the world of immortals and demons?

Nameless: What else can I do, of course the system sends it randomly!
Yu Xuan: System?What system?
Nameless: Chaotic system!What else could it be?Hey, you don't know?

Nameless: Friend, I really want to team up with you and make friends, just send me your coordinates!

Nameless: I found a difficult dungeon, and I urgently need teammates!
Yu Xuan: Then send me the coordinates, I'll find you! !


Nameless: I'm in a lawless place, so I can't send coordinates!

Yu Xuan: I'm also in a lawless place, and I can't send coordinates!
Nameless: I'm not kidding you, I'm really in a lawless place now!The dungeon I'm talking about is in Lawless!
Yu Xuan: Well, tell me, where is the copy?I go to you now?

Nameless: That dungeon is in the lower realm where the Immortal Domain belongs, the Southern Wilderness of the Great Qin Immortal Kingdom!

Yu Xuan: Oh, I have been to that place!There is indeed a lawless place there!
Nameless: Have you been here? ?
Yu Xuan: Well, let’s leave in a hurry, I don’t know much about the place.

Nameless: That's great!
Nameless: You may not know that the Southern Wilderness is not only a place of lawlessness, but also a place of plunder!
Nameless: Land of plunder!In such a backward and closed place, the Immortal and Demon Realm, there is actually a predator hiding in it!
Nameless: O Predator!If you catch him, it must be a great achievement!

Nameless: Brother, let's form a team!We team up to catch this marauder!
Nameless: Brother, catch the predator, you must have a share of the credit!
Nameless: Brother, according to a conservative estimate, if you catch this predator, you might get two places in the Eternal Realm!At that time, I will definitely give you one!

After talking here, Marven Ye remained silent. According to the words of this unknown player, he should not be the owner of the plundered land.

However, it is also possible that the unknown player bullied him, Ye Wenxuan was ignorant and made it up!

The purpose is to lead him to the land of plunder!
After thinking carefully for a while, Marven Ye replied again, talking to the unknown player——

Yu Xuan: Where is the Eternal Realm?
Nameless: Brother, you don't even know the Eternal Realm?
Yu Xuan: I don't know! !

Nameless: Brother, you don't even know the Eternal Realm?How is this possible?Are you not a "Chaos" system player?
Yu Xuan: ...

Nameless: Forget it, brother, let’s not talk about that.Since you don't know, let me tell you.

Nameless: The eternal world is the highest level world in the entire chaotic world!There, you have the highest level of equipment, weapons, skills and everything!Of course, these are not the key points. The most important thing is that a person living in the eternal world, even if he is just a mortal, can live forever!

Yu Xuan: Hiss!So tired!
Nameless: Of course!
Nameless: The "Chaos" system was developed by people from the Eternal Realm!

Nameless: To go to the Eternal Realm, you can obtain mission points by completing the missions provided by the "Chaos" system, and exchange enough mission points for quotas.You can also capture the targets of the "Chaos" system bounty!

Nameless: The Predator is the highest level bounty target among the bounty missions!

Nameless: Every looter, even a junior looter, has a lot of mission points!Not to mention one quota, it is also possible to exchange for half a quota!
Yu Xuan: Can the quota be exchanged for half?
Nameless: Half the points for a quota!

Nameless: Brother, help me out!Let's cooperate?

Ye Wenxuan was silent, it seems that this unknown player is really not the owner of the looted land!

However, if he were to meet this unknown player, he would definitely not go unless his strength was stronger than the opponent!

After thinking for a while, he entered the content again and talked to Wuming——

Yu Xuan: I'm just a novice, so I'm not sure to fight with you!

Nameless: What's wrong with the novice?It's the first time I've seen a novice who can level up so quickly!
Nameless: Are you afraid that I will hurt you?Don't worry, I swear with my eternal heart that I will never murder you!
Yu Xuan: No matter how big the oath you swear, I can't see it!

Nameless: Brother, predator!Predator's head, are you not tempted? ! ! !

Yu Xuan: Are you annoying?Brother doesn't even know what a predator is, so tempted!
Nameless: Uh, brother, you are really ignorant!It's unimaginable that the "Chaos" system would choose you, a novice who doesn't know anything!

Yu Xuan: ...

Nameless: Brother, it’s okay to tell you!Predators, in fact, most of them are traitors from the Eternal Realm!These traitors formed a new world called God Realm.The God Realm is a gathering place for predators.

Nameless: If it were the God Realm, I would naturally not dare to go there.However, I never expected that I would encounter a Marauder in this small universe!And it's a scattered predator!If the two of us cooperate, it will not be difficult to catch him!
Yu Xuan: Why was it captured?Can't you just kill him?If you kill it, you can explode a lot of things!
Nameless: Explode...explode something? ? ?


Ye Wenxuan's heart skipped a beat, he faintly realized that he had said something wrong!
Sure enough, what Wuming said next gave him a thrilling feeling——

Nameless: Brother, after you kill someone, can you explode a lot of items?

Nameless: Brother, speak up!

Nameless: Brother, don't do that!That's illegal!

Nameless: I remembered, the "Chaos" system you used should be the one that was abandoned a long, long time ago!
Nameless: Oops!You actually used that old version of the system!
Nameless: Those old versions of the system, no matter which one, have great side effects...

Nameless: Forget it, I won’t tell you anymore!You are too dangerous, I don't want to have anything to do with you!Don't contact me in the future, and I won't find you either!

Nameless: 88! !
Yu Xuan: Hey, brother, tell me more clearly, what are the side effects?

After a while, Marven Ye did not see any response from the unknown player. Even though he urged him many times, the other party did not respond.

Ye Wenxuan kept silent, he still had many questions to ask, and many things he wanted to know, but he didn't expect that the other party was afraid of him like a snake and seemed to be afraid to avoid him!
While he was meditating silently, there was a new movement in the chat box, and the "big world" window kept beating.

Apparently, someone in "The Big World" has spoken!

(End of this chapter)

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