The evil emperor's golden turtle pet

Chapter 203 Contest Day 2

Chapter 203 The Second Day of the Contest (2)
What kind of spiritual power, what kind of pets, are not scary at all!
The scariest thing was Yun'er's calm smile when she was standing on the field!


Thinking of this, Bai Xuelan shook her hand and touched the teacup in front of her to the ground. The voice echoed strangely in the empty hall.

And Bai Xuelan sat there, her eyes glazed over, as if she didn't hear anything.

If Yun'er wins again tomorrow and enters the final, then she will have to confront Yun'er the day after tomorrow.Bai Xuelan trembled at the thought of standing on the field with Yun'er.Today, just looking at her from a distance, she felt that it was difficult to breathe. If she stood in front of her, Bai Xuelan couldn't imagine how terrible the scene would be.

How to do?How to do?
Bai Xuelan wrung her hands again and again, almost breaking her own.

At this time, a little maid ran in from the door, and she shouted excitedly as soon as she entered the door: "Little fox master, little fox master!"

Bai Xuelan raised her head immediately, and subconsciously asked: "How is it, have you got it?"

"Well, I got it!" The little maid said excitedly, and took out a small white bottle from her sleeve, and handed it to Bai Xuelan.

Bai Xuelan's eyes brightened instantly, and she reached out to take the small bottle.

Bai Xuelan looked at the bottle excitedly, while the little maidservant said: "Master Fox, when this maidservant went, Lady Yuyan was practicing in seclusion. No one saw me stealing this from her pharmacy."

"Well, that's good." Bai Xuelan nodded.

"Little fox master." The little maid said again: "The thing was stolen, but how are we going to use that turtle? Do we have to wait until the finals?"

"No no!" Upon hearing the final, Bai Xuelan was excited, and she couldn't wait to retort: ​​"I will not let her enter the final, absolutely not!"

"Then what should we do?" the little maid asked puzzled.

Holding the small bottle, Bai Xuelan hesitated for a while, then asked her: "Tomorrow's top [-] confrontation list has been released, who will confront Jin Yun'er in the first round?"

"Back to the little fox master." The little maid answered wittily, "It's Beitang Yuye's younger brother, Beitang Yumang and his contract spirit pet Yunying!"

It's him?

Bai Xuelan's eyes lit up, thinking about it.

At this time, another little maid came in to report: "Little fox master, there is a man named Beitang Yumang outside the door, and he said that he has important matters to see Empress Xuehu."

It really means that Cao Cao and Cao Cao are coming!

The little fox master curled his lips into a smile, sat back on the master chair and ordered: "Let him in!"

After a while, Beitang Yumang hurried in the door. After he entered the door, he looked around and found that there was only the little fox master sitting there, and there was no queen Xuehu, so he asked impatiently: "Is the snow fox empress here?" where?"

When the little maidservant next to the little fox master heard this, her eyes widened immediately, and she shouted: "Bold, you don't want to salute the little fox master when you see the little fox master, do you want to die?"

Beitang Yumang was stunned, then reluctantly nodded to the little fox master Bai Xuelan, and said: "Little fox master, I have something important to see Queen Xuehu, where is the empress, please little fox host……"

"Aunt Xuehu is not feeling well today, and she has already rested." The little fox master was not angry, and said calmly.

Upon hearing this, Beitang Yumang immediately said: "It's time to rest, but I have..."

"Don't worry too." Bai Xuelan said in a leisurely voice, "You must have something to do when you come here in the middle of the night. Aunt Xuehu is not here, so you can tell me the same thing."

Beitang Yumang pondered for a moment, hesitating in his heart, so he lowered his head and said: "No, since Empress Xuehu has already rested, I'll come back tomorrow." After finishing speaking, she turned around and went out.

"Beitang Yumang." The little fox master's icy voice came from behind, she said: "You are so courageous, is it because you look down on this fox master that you didn't tell me the matter?"

Beitang Yumang heard the anger in Bai Xuelan's mouth, and hurriedly turned around and said: "Of course not, little fox master, you misunderstood!"

"Why is that?" Bai Xuelan continued: "I am Aunt Xuehu's own niece, and Aunt Xuehu assigns me to do all the things. Even if you meet Aunt Xuehu, Aunt Xuehu will also Tell me." Bai Xuelan smiled and said, "Why don't you tell me the matter directly, wouldn't it be more convenient?"

"This..." Beitang Yumang hesitated.

"Why, don't you trust this fox master?" Bai Xuelan said again.

"Of course not." Beitang Yumang pondered for a moment, then said loosely: "Little fox master, it's actually not a big deal, both Xuehu and Yuyan empress know about it."

"Oh?" Bai Xuelan was curious.

"I made it clear to Xuehu at the beginning." Beitang Yumang said: "I brought Beitang Yuye into the palace to participate in the spiritual pet competition. After winning, Xuehu will help me kill Beitang Yuye and help me sit down. The position of the eldest young master of the Shangbeitang family."

Bai Xuelan was stunned.

Beitang Yumang continued: "So I came here today just to confirm with Empress Xuehu, and ask her to remember this. Once Beitang Yuye wins, no matter what means she uses, she must help me kill kill him."

"You want to kill Beitang Yuye?"

"Yes." Beitang Yumang said: "With him here, I will be suppressed forever in the Beitang family, and I will never be able to get ahead!"

"But his kung fu is very high." Bai Xuelan said: "Although he didn't have a contract with me, he will accompany me in the finals. Judging from the current competition situation, none of the favorites present can He is his opponent. In this way, if you want to kill him, I'm afraid..."

"No! I must kill him!" Beitang Yumang became even more excited when he heard this, "I have already discussed with Xuehu, if..."

"Don't worry, just listen to me!" The little fox master said leisurely, "I'm not telling you to kill her, I'm just giving you advice, understand?"

Beitang Yumang gritted her teeth and fell silent.

The little fox master continued: "To deal with people like Beitang Yuye, you can't come to the open, you can only come to the dark."

"What do you mean?" Beitang Yumang was very puzzled.

"Don't forget, he is my pet now." The little fox master blinked, "Although we don't have a formal contract, we declare it to the outside world."

"The little fox master means..." Beitang Yumang looked puzzled.

"What I mean is, we live in the same palace now, and he is not on guard against me at all. If I poison him, he will die immediately, and it is easy for me to kill him."

"Really?" When Beitang Yumang heard this, his eyes sparkled with excitement.

"Of course!" The little fox master nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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