The female partner is also trying to get a divorce today

Chapter 1000 The tyrant is still sick today 19

Chapter 1000 The tyrant is still sick today 19
[Sorry, the manuscript for everyone’s welfare in the last chapter is on the computer. I had an emergency before and I couldn’t change it when I was away from home. I just changed it when I came back. Please refresh and read this chapter again]

King Ning led the army like a broken bamboo——

The Turkic, Dongwu, and Ning armies suddenly united, and they broke through within a few days.

Unlike the imagined battle, every time you pass a level, there is no one in the city.

Only the tallest pavilion in the center of the city is admirable, but it also scolds the tyrant for wasting money and people!

Of course, what the insurgents like most is the behavior of those in power, so they are even more famous!

"We came this way. There is no one in the city. There must be fraud. Why don't we go separately?"

The three-army alliance decided to eat the big cake of Donglan. Since they fought last year, the tyrant Chongxiao withdrew and let them fight among the three parties. After thinking about it, they felt that the other party wanted to make money. Can it work?So they choose to unite!

The momentum of the three armies marching in unison is undoubtedly huge. Because no one stopped them in the city on the way, they still entered the land of no one. Naturally, the march was very fast, so the soldiers and generals searched for money——

But after all, there are so many people, how can we separate them?Therefore, it is imperative to separate the trend, and in the three routes ahead, there are several cities that are holy places for grain production. How can they let go?
Even if it is a coalition army, they must guard against each other when facing gold, silver, treasures and food, and who thinks there are too many of these things?

The three parties have their own ghosts——

Gradually, after parting, they passed through a deserted land all the way, and they relaxed, thinking about the trembling look of the tyrant in the capital at this moment, they laughed!

"Come on! Drink! Let's have a good drink today! Tomorrow we will march into the capital of Donglan, and the wine and beauties will be everyone's!"

As a soldier, who doesn't want to honor their ancestors?And the money they got along the way really made them wake up from their dreams with a smile——


Soldiers approach the city.


The three parties led the army to attack the capital, but it was not as heavily guarded as they thought. After entering the capital, it was the same as before, and there was no one in the city.

"What's going on here?" Arriving at the destination at this moment, the king of the three parties had a bad premonition, but he was also a little confused, riding his horse through the streets and alleys like a headless chicken.

"Look what that is!" Just as they were approaching the center of the city and getting closer to the palace, a fiery red firework suddenly exploded in the sky.

——It's time to fight back!

"Kill!" The high platform in the city is like a monster, fading the gorgeous feeling of Jinlou——

The three armies entered the country, and because they did not encounter any enemies along the way, after taking the city into their pockets, they left some people to guard the city.

So from the border to the capital, their three-army alliance has hundreds of thousands of troops, and now the number of people entering the capital is only [-].

"Ah, what is that?"

All over Donglan Kingdom, the soldiers who were enjoying the good life, drunkenly pointed at the behemoth in the night!


Flying ranks, in the night, when people are most defenseless, their throats and bodies are pierced, blood flows on the ground, screams, and corpses are scattered all over the field. All the soldiers and citizens hiding in the middle jumped to the ground!



The same scene was also staged in the capital.

Su Rongrong was dumbfounded: "Hundreds of thousands of troops, divided and melted, and the game has reached this level, Your Majesty, you..." Awesome!
I have learned a lot, have I really learned a lot?

So some time ago, what was she struggling with?
Whether it's rebirth or another chance, as long as he is doing well now, isn't it the most important thing if he can use this method to save the situation?


(End of this chapter)

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