The female partner is also trying to get a divorce today

Chapter 447 Dressed as the Wife in the Wife Killing Wife 25

Chapter 447 Dressed as the Wife in the Wife Killing Wife 25
The day after the teacher appreciation banquet was held, the Su family and the Chu family were ready to leave for the capital.

But the day before, they all drank alcohol and were busy cleaning up, so their bodies were very tired.

There was heavy rain before the trip, and the steps were naturally delayed, so we could only continue to wait, and this wait was three days.


The sky was overcast and dark.

Standing by the window and looking out, Chu Heng suddenly felt a little uneasy.

A monk's sense of crisis is usually very accurate.

If they stay any longer, they may not be able to leave...

With such thoughts in mind, Chu Heng looked at the lady on the bed, pursed his lips, and finally did not intend to wait any longer.

It was also a coincidence that when they were about to go out, the sky cleared up, and a rainbow appeared faintly, which was very beautiful.

"Chu Heng, I wish you high school!"

When the six carriages left Qingmu Town one after another, there were many people around the roadside, people they knew or not, they all came to see them off and congratulate them.

Chu Heng accepted their kindness and greeted them with smiles.

When the carriage drove far away and he could no longer see the sender, the expression on his face relaxed.

He stretched out his hand and rubbed it twice, and after the facial muscles relaxed, he opened the curtain and looked at the person lying on the thick bedding.

After all, Chu Heng couldn't hold back, and quickly crawled over, looked at her face, and reached out to touch her breath.

"Rongrong, how do you wake up?" Dr. Fan Chen couldn't figure out what was wrong with her, Chu Heng also used his own method to check, but he didn't notice anything wrong...

She looked like she was using sleep to cultivate her body, no different from a monster.

But his wife clearly has no demonic aura, including her father-in-law and mother-in-law are all human beings, so there is absolutely no possibility that his wife is a demon.

"That's the problem with the beads."

Chu Heng stretched out his fingers to touch his forehead.

He wanted to use his spiritual consciousness to sink into the sea of ​​souls, but that bead was very domineering, as if it regarded his sea of ​​souls as its territory, even the original owner was not allowed to enter, do you think he was aggrieved or aggrieved?

Whether Chu Heng was aggrieved or not, Su Rongrong didn't know.

But now she's pretty frustrated...

I don't know what's going on, I want to wake up but I can't wake up.

That body also seemed to be alienated from her spirit, and she couldn't get control of her body no matter what.

Su Rongrong, who had no choice but to wander around, was accidentally sucked into Chu Heng's soul sea.

The bead suspended in the air was one-tenth of her natal bead, and she was very close to her.

Su Rongrong here is also like a fish in water, and she is very happy, but she is fine alone, and Chu Heng will feel uncomfortable...

"This is my soul sea, why don't you let me in?"

Chu Heng's voice reached his ears, and Su Rongrong rolled in his soul.

Now she is only a touch of consciousness, which is equivalent to a spiritual body.

You must know that people's spirits are very sensitive, and whenever they are touched by outsiders, they will subconsciously resist.

Furthermore, such a state is like not wearing clothes, how can we meet each other sincerely?
"You junior, you are so ignorant of good and evil"

While Chu Heng was complaining, he suddenly heard such a voice.

"Who? Who is talking?"

Chu Heng was really startled at the beginning, but he quickly realized that it should be the bead in the sea of ​​souls that caused the movement.

"Could it be a ghost..."

Chu Heng pretended to be afraid, but he didn't mean to be weak on purpose, but he didn't know the background of the other party, so he used such harmless behavior to lower the other party's vigilance, so that he could learn more about the other party's situation and take action against him. Act as.

"I'm not a ghost"

"You little doll, you can't speak"

"Based on age, it's not too much for you to call me Patriarch"

 Su Rongrong: When I became my husband's golden finger...

  Bah, bah, Gu Ximo, you really are his real mother, and I'm raised by his stepmother, right?

(End of this chapter)

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