The female partner is also trying to get a divorce today

Chapter 864 I was entangled by the devil 28

Chapter 864 I was entangled by the devil 28
Obviously after waking up, she had already forgotten what she had experienced in the dream, but now Su Rongrong suddenly remembered that the last time she carried the child to the doctor for treatment, she was not accepted by others, so now...

"Oh." Forget it, don't bother, let me, a half-hearted person, see, maybe it can be cured.

Su Rongrong checked with her hands up and down to find out the child's physical condition, and then she knew where the problem was.

"It is not advisable for you to force the breath into the meridians now, not to mention that the breath is so violent, it should be attributed to the flesh and blood to exercise physical strength. I have a kung fu method here, you may try it."

This skill is about repairing from the damage over and over again, so as to train the body to the strongest. As for how strong it is, Su Rongrong doesn't know. This is the skill of a body training monk, and she has never practiced it before. So do not understand.

But the reason why she chose this exercise is because when the body is being destroyed and repaired over and over again, it will dissolve the irritable energy in the breath, and then perform internal training, and introduce it into the meridians, so as to achieve the effect of dual cultivation in one body.

"Okay, then it's up to you." Su Rongrong guided the other party to the way of operation, and then fell asleep lying on the side of the bed a little tired.

The boy whose vision was originally blurred suddenly opened his eyes, resisted the physical pain with great willpower, looked at the eyebrows and eyes of the person lying beside the bed, and greedily licked his lips...

want to,

remember her
want to,

close to her,
want to……

catch her-

Let her never leave again!


Edel stretched out his hand with difficulty.

The fingertips poked on the tear mole at the corner of the sleeping man's eyes.

In an instant—

Unfamiliar power poured into his body, and the pores all over his body opened in comfort!
The pain is gone, but his body is unstoppably tired, but he doesn't want to fall asleep...

Staring at the person in front of her, dragging her thin body, she slowly approached her face...



Su Rongrong woke up in pain.

Open your eyes and see that it is a dormitory.

I realized that I was dreaming, but why did my face hurt so much?It's like being slapped...

I can't remember what happened in the dream, I only remember the outline of a cabin...

Maybe someone else...

But that doesn't matter, it's just a dream.

"I'm still busy today, forget it, I don't want to worry about it."

Make-up, recording, running-in with the players, and the last rehearsal.

"Rong Rongzi, your team members are here looking for you."

Feng Qingyu shouted while brushing his teeth, his voice was indistinct.

Su Rongrong responded and quickly jumped off the bed.

"I'll go—Xia Nv! Good work!"

Su Rongrong's jumping ability is amazing, Feng Qingyu walked into the room with a toothbrush in his mouth to get something, and when he saw this scene, he cupped his fists and said immediately.


Su Rongrong, a chivalrous girl with disheveled hair like a bird's nest, narrowed her eyes and smiled, then strode past her into the bathroom.

"You have to be full for breakfast today, or you don't know when you will have the next meal."

The most unbearable thing for Keppel is not to be allowed to eat at the meal time. According to her opinion, she is still a baby, and she must eat on time to grow her body, otherwise what should I do if I get stomach problems in the future?
Feng Qingyu and the others thought it was an exaggeration, but later they learned that one of Kebao's aunts died of stomach cancer. They lived in difficult times and often couldn't get enough to eat, so there was something wrong with their stomach...

Afterwards, life became easier and he was not feeling well, so the old man refused to say anything, fearing that he would go to the hospital and spend a lot of money, until he couldn't bear it anymore, he went to the hospital for an examination, and then it was stomach cancer...

(End of this chapter)

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