Daughter's Portable Space

Chapter 496 Qin Huashang

Chapter 496 Qin Huashang

"Shaotian, don't you want to explain?"

It is naturally a good thing to have guests coming from afar, but this is obviously more of a surprise than a joy.

Qin Shaotian touched his nose guiltily, saw that Luo Yunrui and the old lady of the Qin family were waiting for your explanation, and sighed helplessly: "Explain... I will naturally explain later, but right now Let’s welcome people in first, it’s a bit chilly today.”

Seeing Qin Shaotian subdued, others will not pester him anymore, just like what Qin Shaotian said, no matter what you have to do, you have to welcome people in first, and you don't have to let guests wait outside.Even if it's just a small guest.

"Come on, Sister Hua, come here, I'm your aunt." The old lady of the Qin family quickly realized that she hugged the future man in her arms.

It was none other than Qin Huashang, the daughter of Qin Shaotian's second younger brother.

Sister Hua and Brother Jie were born in the same year, only a few months younger than Brother Jie, and she is only eight years old now, and she still looks like a child.The old lady of the Qin family didn't understand why Luzhou city would suddenly send Sister Hua over. The children of the second wife of the Qin family were not prosperous, and now there were only two young ladies and one young master.However, doubts are suspicions, but the superficial effort must be sufficient.

"Sister Hua has met my uncle and grandma." Although Sister Hua is only eight years old, she is very polite. She greeted the old lady of the Qin family first, then saluted Qin Shaotian and Luo Yunrui in turn, and then bowed her head. Standing aside, no more words.

Luo Yunrui gave Qin Shaotian a sideways glance. He didn't say anything about the fact that Sister Hua came to be a guest. It's all good now. The Qin family didn't prepare anything. What would a little girl think of this?

Qin Shaotian received Luo Yunrui's eye knife, and sighed slightly: "I wanted to give you a surprise, but it seems to be my fault? Well, well, it is indeed my fault, but our family finally There is a little girl, you should be happy, right?"

"Yeah, of course I'm happy. Sister Hua, don't stand there, come to your aunt. Tsk tsk, what a pretty little girl, why don't you just stay at our house from now on and let your three brothers accompany you Let's play." The old lady of the Qin family smiled very kindly. In fact, Sister Hua's appearance was not very beautiful. When she was young, she looked round and cute, but now she is only of average appearance when she grows up. She is more beautiful than Qin Xi. When I was a child, I was more than a chip away.

Of course, no matter what Sister Hua looks like, there is always something to say on the scene.What surprised the old lady of the Qin family was that after she finished her polite words, Sister Hua gave her a grateful glance, and then knelt down for her: "Sister Hua, thank you uncle and grandma for your pity. .”

These words made the old lady of the Qin family feel a little confused, but she quickly adjusted her expression, and hugged Sister Hua into her arms with a smile on her face: "Okay, uncle and grandma take pity on you, then you will follow Uncle Hua in the future." How about grandma living together?"

Qin Shaotian hadn't told Luo Yunrui about this before, so it was impossible for Luo Yunrui to prepare a yard and servants for Sister Hua.Although the population of the Qin family is not large at first glance, the servants have been allocated according to the rules. Except for a few idle servants in the guest courtyard, there are no people in the other places.Moreover, the yard the Qin family bought in the capital was not very big. The old lady of the Qin family lived in one yard, Luo Yunrui had another yard, Jie Geer and Tai Geer lived in the same yard, and the other was when Qin Xi was not married. The courtyard where I lived is no longer the guest courtyard.

Sister Hua came here alone, and she was a young girl, so she would definitely not be able to be placed in the guest house.But there were no other servants in Qin Xi's yard except for the two maids who cleaned up daily.Besides, Qin Xi's yard has never been cleaned up, after all, she sometimes goes back to her mother's house to live.

As a result, it became embarrassing how to arrange for Sister Hua.

Fortunately, the old lady of the Qin family's yard is the largest one, so it's okay to have one more sister Hua.This arrangement appears sincere on the one hand, but on the other hand it is trying to cover up the fact that they are not prepared enough.

"Okay, Sister Hua will live with my uncle and grandma from now on." Sister Hua responded quickly, with a very dependent expression on her face, she didn't look like a stranger to the old lady of the Qin family. It's as if she is the granddaughter of the old lady of the Qin family.

The old lady of the Qin family gouged out Qin Shaotian's eyes without leaving any traces, but faced Sister Hua with a good voice: "Sister Hua, did you bring someone with you this time? How about, uncle and grandma help you choose two?"

The Qin family is a big family, whether it is a descendant or a concubine, there are rules for the servants around them.For example, Brother Jie and Brother Tai both have a nanny and a nanny, two big maids and four second-class maids.As for the rough envoy, the little maid and the mother-in-law are shared by the two of them. After all, the two brothers' yards are not big, so they don't need so many rough envoys.Brother Hao is a special case. His nanny and his personal servant girl were separated on the way to Luzhou City, and there was only one old servant girl left, who was also sent out by Luo Yunrui last year. She was still young, so she followed Luo Yunrui all the time and didn't have her own maid.

The status of the prostitute is the same as that of the prostitute, at most, the prostitute will have an additional companion after enlightenment.Therefore, when Sister Hua came, if there were not enough maids and wives around her, Yu Li of the Qin family would give them more.

"Grandmother, my nanny is here with me."

It was very difficult for the old lady of the Qin family to keep the expression on her face.What does it mean that the nanny came with her?Could it be that Sister Hua came all the way to the capital with only a nanny with her?What exactly is going on?If you are visiting relatives and friends, you must not let a young girl go so far without the company of her elders.And if you go to relatives...

It's all about this, if the old lady of the Qin family still can't understand, then she is really stupid.

What Sister Hua just said has been very clear. She is here to visit relatives, and it is not a short-term visit to relatives, but she intends to live in Qin's house forever.In fact, there is no little girl in the Qin family, and the old lady of the Qin family also likes Sister Hua very much, but this happened so suddenly that she was completely unprepared, so she was not very happy about it.Thinking of this, the old lady of the Qin family couldn't help but give Qin Shaotian a gouged look, which made Qin Shaotian even more guilty.

"Sister Hua's nanny has come together? How about this, I'll let the servant girl take you and the nanny to my yard first, and pack up the luggage and the like. After packing up, come to the main room to have dinner together. "

At that moment, the old lady of the Qin family gave orders, and soon the big maid beside her took Sister Hua out.As for Sister Hua's nanny, she has been waiting outside and did not come in together.As for sister Hua's luggage, someone will naturally move it to the old lady of the Qin family's yard.

After Sister Hua left, the old lady of the Qin family immediately got angry at Qin Shaotian: "Shaotian, please explain to me, what is going on?"

Qin Shaotian was very depressed: "Mother, don't you and Rui'er both want a little girl to be by your side? Why did I get it for you, and you don't seem to like it anymore."

Luo Yunrui shook her head when she heard this: "Shaotian, it's not that we don't like it, but that this happened so suddenly. Besides, what mother wants is a granddaughter, not just any little girl."

"That's right! Shaotian, what are you doing here? Isn't this sister Hua the only daughter of your second brother? Why did you get her here? Your second brother is willing to do so?"

"Why are you reluctant? It was because he didn't want me, so I took him over." Qin Shaotian also understood the meaning of the old lady of the Qin family and Luo Yunrui at this moment, and quickly explained: "The second brother and sister passed away a few days ago. The second brother is going to marry a bride again, but the bride's family has some abilities and doesn't like to see sister Hua very much. The second aunt has been in a bad mood since the death of Yan'er, how can she still have the energy to take care of sister Hua? Besides, I heard , we are going to split up again over there."

Both the old lady of the Qin family and Luo Yunrui were surprised, they didn't know about these things before.

"This person is fine, why did she disappear all of a sudden? When we left Luzhou City, I saw that she was in good health, but what happened to her?" When Sister Hua came over, the old lady of the Qin family could accept it, But when she heard that Sister Hua's biological mother was gone, she was extremely surprised.That's right, that person's body has always been pretty good, how could he just say no?
"Besides, this is not right. The wife is gone. Even if the husband does not have the law to observe festivals, he will not marry a bride so soon. Besides, even if he marries a bride, so what, the daughter of the original spouse She is the real concubine. A stepwife, why should she dictate to her husband's family before she married? This is not her husband's family!"

Qin Shaotian sighed: "Otherwise, why would I agree? Let me tell you the truth, I didn't send someone to pick up Sister Hua, but my second brother sent her over. As for the cause of death of the second younger brother and sister... there are some words It's hard to say, but it's actually very simple. When someone climbs a high branch, the second sibling can't think about it. The third brother and the third sibling will also be forced to leave. The second uncle is not young, and the second aunt has been I'm sick, can't I just compromise? My second uncle begged me to take care of Sister Hua in the letter, how could I refuse? Not to mention, when I received the letter, Sister Hua was already on the way. "

After hearing these words, the old lady of the Qin family and Luo Yunrui were dumbfounded.

Compared with ordinary women, they were well-informed, but they never thought that people could be so shameless.Qin Shaotian's second cousin didn't think there was anything wrong with looking at it before. Although there were several servant girls in the room, it was not surprising that his first wife had been married for many years and had never given birth to a son.But he never expected that he would kill his first wife in anger for climbing Gao Zhi, forced his younger brother's family to leave, and even sent his only daughter to the capital thousands of miles away!
To put it bluntly, this is not sending them to visit relatives, this is clearly throwing a burden!

Luo Yunrui really wanted to ask him, if their family didn't accept Sister Hua, what should they do?Let Sister Hua go back to Luzhou City, or just ignore her life?
(End of this chapter)

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