The morning stars are far away

Chapter 472 Ye Xingyao's Farewell

Chapter 472 Ye Xingyao's Farewell
When Ye Xingyao lowered his head to wipe her face, his hair blocked his view, and he raised his hand to stroke the strands of hair, only to find that with just one stroke, tears were streaming down his face.

Ye Xingyao sniffed hard, but couldn't stop the tears from falling down.

"The Miao family hates me, because of my existence, she will never get rid of the stain of how she destroyed other people's families, robbed other people's husbands, and forced away their original spouse; Yeyu and Jiatong hate me, they have always regarded me as an enemy , I feel that my existence is to divide up their property, and I wish I would die immediately."

"But I don't understand. Why do you hate me and hate me? Is it because I'm a girl and I can't carry on the family line for your Ye family? Or is it because my mother gave birth to Ye Xiang, and I can't bear to give up my brother, so you put Resentment against them transferred to me?"

"You know that I have a wild temper and fight fiercely. I even shaved the faces of several seniors who were several years older than me. Because of this, you still urged my dad to beat me with a leather whip... since childhood, I never fight back when I beat you, do you think I'm afraid of you?..."

"No... I'm not afraid of you... I'm just... I'm just... I still have some attachment to you and this family. I still call you grandma when I was attached. When I was young, my mother was sick. The only time you held me and braided my hair..."

"It's a pity... I am a thorn in your side, a thorn in your flesh... but I have never been your good granddaughter..."

"Dangdang block..." There was a knock on the door: "Miss Ye, can I come in? I'm going to give the old lady an injection."

Ye Xingyao touched his tears indiscriminately, threw the towel into the basin, and said, "Come in."

A doctor led two nurses to the hospital bed, and a table was set up with medicine bottles and needles.

Ye Xingyao was holding a water basin and was about to leave.

Suddenly, the doctor was surprised and said, "Look quickly, the old lady... has she shed tears? Has she shed so much?"

Ye Xingyao's footsteps suddenly stopped.

However, after only a pause, she carried the water basin and left the ward silently.


Not all injuries can be healed by tears of regret.


When Ye Xingyao left the ward with the basin in hand, Gu Yichen was leaning against the opposite wall.

She was a little surprised: "When did you come?"

Gu Yichen said: "It's early, I've been here since the first sentence you said to the old lady."

Ye Xingyao opened his mouth, wondering if Gu Yichen was going to teach her to be indecisive again, so that he would have pity for the 'enemy'.

Unexpectedly, the man in front of him suddenly stretched out his hand, pulled her into his arms, and pressed her hard on his heart.

The water basin in Ye Xingyao's hand fell to the ground with a bang, and the water splashed both of them.

But Gu Yichen didn't let go of her, but stuck tightly to their wet bodies.

He lowered his head, was extremely pious, and kissed the undried tears on the corners of her eyes with great pity, and said hoarsely: "Don't cry anymore... I haven't let you shed a single tear, others, why should you let me cry?" sad?"

He felt sorry for her tears, her last nostalgia and struggle for family love.

Ye Xingyao's small face was deeply buried in Gu Yichen's arms, he shook his head, and replied in a heavy nasal voice: "I'm not sad, I'm just saying the Ye family, a complete farewell..."

(End of this chapter)

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