The morning stars are far away

Chapter 637 Sheng Yan, Are You Sowing Discord?

Chapter 637 Sheng Yan, Are You Sowing Discord?

Ye Xingyao: ...

Well, just let him go!

Throwing the pillow aside, she retorted unconvinced: "You are smart, you are as smart as a monkey, how can you still be tricked? Queen is your territory, and V1 can be drugged. It looks very bright."

When it came to this topic, Allen thought of it and interjected: "Mrs. Boss, you really can't despise Young Master Sheng about this matter. Our people went into V1 to check. The aroma of the box was originally a colorless and odorless powder. Ink, drug-sniffing dogs can't even smell it when they go in, let alone Sheng Shao... It's just that when the powder ink touches the wine, it will regenerate a new chemical effect..."

"It's like..." Alan thought for a while, slapped his thigh, and gave an example: "Have you seen "The Legend of Zhen Huan", it is the Yilan flower that Zhen Huan used to lure An Lingrong to slip her tire." effect."

No wonder Yin Yanwei wanted to make a big fuss in V1, presumably besides attracting Wu Xiaojiang's attention, she had to take the opportunity to sprinkle the medicine powder into the box.

In order to deal with her, I really took great pains!

Wu Xiaojiang rubbed his chin in amazement: "The method is pretty clever, but it's too blatant, isn't it? When Xiaoyao and I beat her up, how can I put a black silk on her face to hide her identity? She's fine. It was done in public."

"Using Zheng Xue to steal the phone, using Ma Xiaolin to set off smoke bombs, and replacing V1's bodyguards, isn't she afraid of Yin Yanwei? Those bodyguards are still in our hands, so she is not afraid that after those people confess her, Are we going to trouble her?"

The truth of the matter was analyzed by them, and Ye Xingyao was afraid and wronged, especially when Wu Xiaojiang said the phrase 'blatant'. These days, those who were plotted by Yin Yanwei and embarrassed by Yin Zhenxiong Bit by bit, it seemed to be fermented, spreading continuously in the bottom of my heart.

Ye Xingyao pulled his lips into a smile, and said sarcastically, "She's afraid? How could she be afraid? She is the eldest lady of the Yin family, Yin Zhenxiong's favorite, and Gu Yichen's childhood sweetheart. Twist my neck off, her grandfather and brother are supporting her, she is very confident, what is she afraid of?"

Gu Yichen frowned fiercely, these words were like scraping his heart fiercely with a blunt instrument, it was painful and heavy.

"I will definitely handle this matter well," Gu Yichen promised.

Sheng Yan smiled and shook his head: "Deal with it? How do you deal with it? Did you kill Yin Yanwei? You can do it? Even if you can do it, would your grandfather be willing? When the time comes when you are dizzy and distressed and pretend to have convulsions, what should you do? Back then In Venice, Yin Yanwei was captured by Bill, in order to make Yin Zhenxiong feel at ease, you are willing to save her by yourself, and now let you kill her, can you do it?"

Gu Yichen was originally suppressing a burst of anger, but now being fueled by Sheng Yan, he all lifted up, he grabbed Sheng Yan's collar with one hand, pulled him up from the sofa, and said in low anger: "You What do you mean by saying this? Sowing discord? Let me tell you Sheng Yan, I have endured you for a long time, and this matter is not over yet!"

Sheng Yan would rather cut his wrists than touch Ye Xingyao, but the appearance of the two of them lying at the door of the box in disheveled clothes still caught Gu Yichen's eyes, and it still made him feel an inexplicable anger when he thought of it. relieved.

(End of this chapter)

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